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Gorfy – Speed Seduction List Archive Update 2 –

Speed Seduction List Archive Update 2.pdf
[ebook -PDF]



The Speed Seduction List Archive6 Monthly Update 2Posts from the Official Speed Seduction List from25th of June 2005 to 17 February 2006A little bit late with this one, but it is time for another update of the SpeedSeduction List Archive.The search continues for posts preceding the beginning of the SpeedSeduction List Archive on the 22nd July 2000. You may know someone whocould have these posts sitting in their mailbox as a Outlook Express .dbx fileor a Outlook .pst file or maybe some other format. Please try to get hold ofposts from the official Speed Seduction List that predates those in thebeginning of the Speed Seduction List Archive. If you can get hold of these, Iwould love to hear from you.Gorfy.


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