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Gold Medal Bodies- Pump Up Japan

Gold Medal Bodies – Pump Up Japan


Pump up Japan is a training pack that Gold Medal Bodies did after the tsunami that hit Japan. It was April 2011.All the money was donated to help in the effort to recover from that terrible disaster.The package contained the following items:1. Gold Medal Bodies- Rings Body Blaster Challenge Circuit.2. Bud Jeffries – Twisted Conditioning.3. Body Weight Coach- Stage Crazy – Cardio for Musicians.4. Nerd Fitness- Rebel Fitness Guide – Basic Training.5. Gabby Reece 360- How It’s Done – 21 Days to Get in Shape.6. Wolf Fitness Systems- Basic Kettlebell Circuit Guide.7. Gymnos Evolution- Survive and Thrive – Earthquake.8. Legendary Strength- Handbalancing Made Easy.9. Coach Brandon Jones- Going Ballistic, Plus “Gorilla” Footage.10. Day 1 Personal Training- Coffee Break Challenge.11. Joe Wilson- FlowMotion Martial Arts Warm-Up.12. StrongerRunner​.com- Mobility Drills for Runners and 10 Minutes to a Stronger Core.1. The Gold Medal Bodies program- Rings Body Blaster Challenge CircuitProduct Description: Gold Medal Bodies first came on the scene with the most compre­hen­sive ring train­ing system avail­able anywhere (yes, includ­ing that one). Though we didn’t include every possi­ble exer­cise (it’s only level ONE, after all…), we did provide a clear and compre­hen­sive program for getting started and build­ing incred­i­ble strength in just a few weeks.The only prob­lem is that maybe it’s too complete.Almost imme­di­ately after we released Rings One, we started getting requests for a shorter rings work­out that could be used as an addi­tion to an exist­ing train­ing program. Though rings are totally viable as a stand-alone tool, some people wanted more vari­ety. Some people don’t want to commit to a full cycle of R1 (or at least not yet). We hear you, loud and clear.We designed the BBCC as a “rings lite” program you can plug into your sched­ule on your terms. It’s short, fun, and brutally effec­tive at work­ing every part of your body — even muscles you may have never noticed you even had before.And since it’s designed as a circuit, you can cut the rest peri­ods to boost the condi­tion­ing effect.The Rings Body Blaster Challenge Circuit is a mouth­ful to say, but it can be performed in under twenty minutes for full-body strength and conditioning.Includes the instructional video with an exam­ple circuit , warm-up and cool-down sessions from Rings One as well as a train­ing manual that fully explains the work­out and how it fits in your program.2. Bud Jeffries – Twisted Conditioning Why and How you need to be Training the Three Levels of Conditioning. Miss one level and You’re Not as Strong or Fit as You Need to be   23 Barbell and Dumbbell Exercises designed for Building Maximum Strength including Squats, Presses, Pulls, and Rows   Several Variations of the Big 3 Barbell Moves You Must Do   15 Different Strongman Exercises from Pulling a Bus to Lifting Stones, Shouldering Barrels and Much More. These will build the missing link in many people’s programs   30 Bodyweight Exercises for Combined Strength, Endurance and Flexibility, including Pushups, Squats, Situps, Bridges, Full Body Calisthenics and More   Plus 21 Alternative Conditioning Exercises using Cables, Indian clubs, the Power Wheel, Punching Bags and More to add more Variety and Better Conditioning to your Training   Follow the 9 Sample Routines in the book whether you want to train 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 days a week. Use as is or Customize to Your Level.   How to build strength without losing endurance and build endurance without losing strength.   Tips on Gaining or Losing Weight whether you need to bulk up or slim down.   How to get good at many Different Types of Movements Without Conflict   How to be able to do 500 bodyweight squats and still do 90% of your max a few minutes later.   Do you work all the levels at once or spread throughout the week. Find the advantages and disadvantages of each method.   How to train for specific body parts for either development, strength, or endurance.3.Body Weight Coach- Stage Crazy – Cardio for Musicians.Our friends at BWC were the very first to jump on with support for this campaign. They’ve thrown in a total anytime, anywhere body­weight work­out you can’t get anywhere else, even if you don’t have a musi­cal bone in your body.Stage Crazy is a fat-burning, fun, and intense body­weight endurance work­out that Ryan Murdock devel­oped specif­i­cally to keep himself and his rock­star (as in, actual rock stars) clients in shape while constantly on the go, living out of a suit­case. As a result, it can be prac­ticed liter­ally anywhere in as little as 12 minutes.Includes a break­down video, circuit follow-along video, and a manual explain­ing the theory and execu­tion of the program.4. Nerd Fitness- Rebel Fitness Guide – Basic Training.Steve Kamb of Nerd Fitness brings together action­able, prac­ti­cal fitness with Star Wars jokes and plenty of fun. The Rebel Fitness Guide is a great start for those who have spent a little too much time sitting in front of the computer drink­ing Mountain Dew.Filled with tons of prac­ti­cal, sane, and easy-to-implement advice on build­ing a health­ier lifestyle, a little at a time, this program intro­duces concepts, fits them together, and shows you how to put them to work in the best way for you. Includes six months of work­outs that progress from “rookie” to “rene­gade” (with charts and Excel spread­sheets) along with Rebel Diet Guide and Rebel Food Fighter ebooks to make it simple to get your diet in check too.5. Gabby Reece 360- How It’s Done – 21 Days to Get in Shape.Taking the first steps to incor­po­rat­ing exer­cise into your life is one of the hard­est things to do. There are tons of reasons for this, but the solu­tion is always the same: commit to a plan and just start.Volleyball pro, fash­ion model, and sports celebrity Gabrielle Reece created this program to take the mystery out of start­ing to work out – 30 minutes at a time. All you have to do is follow the program for 21 days, grad­u­ally build­ing the exer­cise habit and find­ing more energy and posi­tive feelings.Ebook includes week-to-week, day-to-day instruc­tions for exer­cise and nutri­tion with links to video demon­stra­tions by Gabrielle, show­ing how you can perform each exer­cise at your own level.6. Wolf Fitness Systems- Basic Kettlebell Circuit Guide.Wolf Fitness, in Salinas, CA combines burly strength and fluid mobil­ity, and this intro to kettle­bell train­ing shows you how.Created with the begin­ner in mind, this resource tell you every­thing you need to know to get started with kettle­bells and then goes on to teach you 9 exer­cises that will chal­lenge every muscle in your body to not only get stronger, but work together to move effi­ciently. You’ll find greater endurance and shed fat with the circuit-style work­out.The train­ing manual gives you every­thing you need to get going and includes links to video instruc­tions for each exercise.7. Gymnos Evolution- Survive and Thrive – Earthquake.Clubbell maestro Shane Heins created a brand new, exclu­sive program for Pump Up Japan – and (as usual with him) the qual­ity is astound­ing. In these 7 videos, Shane teaches you three high-leverage clubbell exer­cises designed to build the phys­i­cal and mental tough­ness you need to survive and thrive under extra­or­di­nary circumstances.Includes a train­ing guide and intro­duc­tion to clubbell train­ing along with detailed instruc­tion of each exer­cise move­ment, plus a big dose of Shane’s intense and engag­ing style.8. Legendary Strength- Handbalancing Made Easy.When it comes to hand­bal­anc­ing, kettle­bell juggling, back bridg­ing, and other assorted feats of strength, Logan Christopher knows what’s up. In fact, he currently holds a world record for kettle­bell snatch speed and endurance, so you can always expect his advice to be prac­ti­cal and practicable.Handbalancing Made Easy teaches you every­thing you need to know to get started quickly on learn­ing hand balanc­ing, includ­ing how and when to train. Step-by-step instruc­tions lead in a clear progres­sion from one exer­cise to the next, with tons of illus­tra­tions and variations.9. Coach Brandon Jones- Going Ballistic, Plus “Gorilla” Footage.RMAX Faculty Coach Brandon Jones is a boxing coach and creator of the crazi­est clubbell exer­cises you’ve ever seen. His contri­bu­tion combines his Going Ballistic train­ing manual with brand new exclu­sive footage of exer­cises we promise you have NOT seen before.Going Ballistic outlines a pioneer­ing and non-traditional approach to train­ing for combat sports such as boxing and MMA. Even if you don’t plan to set foot in the ring any time soon, the strate­gies and prac­tices described here are applic­a­ble to any sport that demands brief peri­ods of intense effort.We’ve also included brand new video of Coach Jones demon­strat­ing the cruel and unusual clubbell exer­cises from Going Ballistic in front of a live semi­nar crowd. Some of these have to be seen to be believed.10. Day 1 Personal Training- Coffee Break Challenge.Spending so much of our lives sitting in chairs is a rela­tively new situ­a­tion for human­ity. Before TV and comput­ers, we spent much of our day stand­ing and walk­ing, but now, many of us have taken on a distinc­tively “chair-shaped” posture that causes us aches and pains even when we aren’t at work.In this exclu­sive program, John Belkewitch teaches you a series of quick, simple exer­cises you can perform at the office. Anytime during the day – or several times a day – you can stop for a few seconds and perform these move­ments to release tension, mobi­lize stiff joints, and help prevent repet­i­tive stress injuries. Or, you can take the Coffee Break Challenge and perform all of the exer­cises as a circuit work­out that gets your blood pump­ing and energy flowing.Includes detailed video instruc­tion of each exer­cise as well as 5, 10, and 15 minute versions of the chal­lenge, so you can choose just the right work­out to fit your schedule.11. Joe Wilson- FlowMotion Martial Arts Warm-Up.Welcome to the Joe Show! World class kicker Joe Wilson shows you how he prepares his body for martial arts train­ing. Use these drills to take your kick­ing skills to the next level.Available for the first time as a down­load, this warm-up covers joint prepa­ra­tion, dynamic stretch­ing, and breath­ing, plus drills for balance and control in a “style agnos­tic” format that doesn’t favor any partic­u­lar martial art or form. Even non-martial artists will bene­fit from apply­ing these drills for greater speed and agility in any sport.12. StrongerRunner​.com- Mobility Drills for Runners and 10 Minutes to a Stronger Core.Jon-Erik Kawamoto has been featured in vari­ous running and cycling maga­zines and media and trains groups and indi­vid­u­als in Vancouver, Canada. When he showed up at our recent GMB rings and paral­lettes semi­nar, it didn’t take him long at all to get the hang of some pretty diffi­cult moves.The Mobility Drills ebook and Stronger Core video are a combi­na­tion every runner should have access to – and what athlete doesn’t run some­times? Running is the most popu­lar form of exer­cise around, and a lead­ing cause of injury when done poorly with­out prepa­ra­tion. Use these resources to ensure you’re getting the all the bene­fits of running safely.


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