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Glenn Richards – Belly Fat Furnace (11 ebooks)

Glenn Richards – Belly Fat Furnace


Released YESTERDAY and already avaiable to my second family!!As usual I also included all wonderful upsells – check the links below, so is the complete stuff…Enjoy!!!——————————————————————-Dear friend,I used to ask myself…“Why is Belly Fat so hard to get rid of?”Even when I was able to lose weight and gain more lean muscle mass it was like the fat around my waist would just hold on for dear life.Yet, when you listen to my unusual story you’ll discover that just like others you’ll hear from later… I was able to go drop the stubborn fat around my waist… And keep it off… And I did it without…While eating my favorite foods…And living an extremely busy life as an editor and researcher of natural healing cures.Now, like a lot of guys… I was frustrated and angry because even though I would religiously follow“the rules” of one diet after another…cutting the carbs…doing more and more crunches…trying to decide which new “extreme” workout programwould do the trick……my weight would just not budge.And even when it did drop I could never get rid of the stubborn excess weight in my midsection.You know… the “love handles” that would kind of spill over my belt. And that layer that blanketed my abs. But that was until I met a certain nutritionist and fitness expert named Glen… who showed me that by addressing my stomach fat first… before anything else… I’d lose weight all over my body.And more importantly because he showed me how to do it naturally… still eat the foods I loved and workout way less… then I’d be able to maintain my weight and especially keep my lean waistline for the rest of my life…At first, I said, “Yeah, right!”But… what he was teaching made so much sense after I thought about it a little. So I was willing to try it out.He told me what I needed to do… how I had to stop… working out so much. To absolutely STOP… doing crunches or sit-ups… Stop doing endless cardio… and to start eating more…Long story short I ended up dropping that last 13 pounds I couldn’t shake and my love-handles, my protruding stomach and that pudgy layer of fat that covered my abs all melted off.Now, my jeans are lose around the waist…my stomach is flat and lean…and there’s hardly a trace of any love handles anymore.Now remember……I’m just one of many guys I’ve met and interviewed… who have used Glen’s methods.And after sharing his methods with me…my view of health and fat loss has changed forever. With these secrets, which I’ll be sharing with you in just a bit… Again, my name is John I’m an natural health researcher and practitioner. And by watching until the very endyou’ll discover:How to rid yourself of stomach fat for good… Even the most resistant and “stubborn” kind that just won’t budge, or at best… goes away only to rebound again with a vengeance… and completely fat-proof your belly area for the rest of your life.And yes…I do mean it when I say you’ll keep your lean stomach area for the rest of your life. And that’s because you’re about to see… the MAIN cause of belly fat that so-called “experts” don’t even know aboutand why all the diets and devices hawked on late-night infomercials never work.I don’t know how long this presentation will be up… If you come back tomorrow and this presentation is no longer free… don’t say I didn’t warn you.So watch this right now… while you still can.I can tell you from my own experience that even though this may sound impossible right this moment… after you watch to the very end and follow what it says… like thousands of deeply grateful people have before you…your co-workers, friends and family will be shocked at the staggering transformation your body goes through…almost overnight.How suddenly, even your abs…that you haven’t been able to see in years, or even decades…now start to show and get more and more defined…How there’s no more excess water-retention and no more bloating…How cravings for sweets and junk food vanish and you have energy that doesn’t quit and deep mental focus that just comes naturally.And that’s just to name a few incredible results I’ve experienced.I’m going to introduce you to this brilliant nutritionist and fitness expert and reveal some of his secrets in just a second, but before I do…I need to talk about the big LIE that’s keeping you from having the slim waistline you’ve always deserved.And I think you’ll see why I feel a sense of duty to share it with you.Especially after you hear how a man who was borderline diabetic and was able to bring his blood sugar back to normal for good.Or how another was suffering from depression and low sex-drive but when he learned what I’m going to share with you…not only did he get his lean physique back… he regained his sex-drive completely.Or how another guy whose cholesterol was dangerously high…stunned his doctor when he showed up over 20 pounds lighter and with perfect blood work. Or how you can virtually eliminate the fatigue that comes with the type of toxic body fat I’m about to show you… so you can blast through your days full of the strength, focus, and energy like you had in high school.Not to mention the constant reports of guys who’ve been able to eliminate energy crashes… bloating… and even digestion problems they didn’t even expect to.But just a fair warning: some of what Glen discovered might be kinda hard to believe and may even seem odd.In fact, when you hear what he has to say… you may even reject it. But that’s only because he isn’t rehashing the same mass-marketed information just to make a buck.You see, because he’s spent his whole career studying the human metabolism and because he’s a holistic practitioner… he looks at the human metabolism in a completely different way.So please stay with me. And keep watching.What’s the big lie that’s keeping you from naturally having a thin lean waistline without even trying?And an even bigger LIE is that some kind of “ab exercise”… can burn fat around your abs and waist.As I’m about to prove to you in just a minute… NONE of that is true and a simpler… easier… and more permanent solution exists that you can start tonight.The truth is…There’s a nasty looking organ we all have and it’s inside of our abdominal area behind our ab muscles.It’s called the OMENTUM. It’s like the word MOMENTUM but without the “M”. This omentum is like a fishing net…Here’s a video to show you how this works: So you see… this kind of belly fat is NOT the fat right under our skin. It’s buried deep inside of our abdominal area and it is a lot harder to reach when it’s growing deep inside.It’s also why even if you are able to lose some weight… your stomach still may stick out or resist your diet or exercise efforts.You see, if your weight loss program doesn’t attack this area deep inside your belly, not only will you keep your stomach fat… you will have a much harder time losing weight in all the other areas of your body.Why? to this… A large fatty liver.Do you see how it is greying and enlarged?That is an enlarged fatty liver that not only causes all the health related diseases we have today like heart disease… diabetes… and cholesterol… but a fatty and inflamed liver also makes it impossible for you to lose weight anywhere else!Why? Because your liver is like the oil filter for your car… But instead of cleaning oil… it cleans all your fat-burning hormones.When you think about your teen years… that was when your body changed the most right?That’s because of your hormones.Hormones are extremely powerful. And when it comes to fat-burning hormones they are the most powerful fat-burning substance.And when your liver is clogged up… dirty… and inflamed… these powerful fat-burning hormones get blocked!!!But there is a third way the omentum affects your weight in general… and it affects men. GOOD BADAnd because some of these imbalances affect your hunger… cravings go through the roof!Not only that… there’s even a certain testosterone imbalance that forces your body to turn your own testosterone into ESTROGEN!So we start to build higher and higher levels of female hormones! So men start to get the dreaded “man boobs” and make them look like this…The worst part is that if you keep working out the same way it will get worse. Which makes him think there’s something wrong with him because he can even be getting stronger in the gym… but he’s getting more emotional and getting fat in the chest area as well as the hips and thighs!So you see, when someone talks about doing “sit ups” or “crunches”… Glen just rolls his eyes and sighs. It’s so much more than that. And it affects so many areas of your health and your life!Here’s just one story about Nick from San Diego.He was able to drop his excess weight that wouldn’t budge and said…”After 60 days I lost a total of 16 LBS.””Over the past 10 years I have been losing weight and putting it back on just about every three months.I finally took a much needed step and hired Glen to help me stop the yo-yo diet cycle. After 30 days I lost 11 LBS and was able to get back into my favorite pair of jeans. After 60 days I lost a total of 16 LBS. After 120 days, the weight is still off my skin looks much better, and I actually have energy at 2pm in the afternoon! People always ask me what’s different and it really boils down to the education that I received from Glen. He put facts behind his food & nutrient recommendations so that I began to WANT to eat healthier foods instead of just forcing myself. It’s been a lifestyle change and I couldn’t be happier to have officially said goodbye to the old (overweight) Nick.”NickThen there’s James……who was one of those gym rats who worked out all the time but still couldn’t shed the stubborn weight.He was one of those who was overtraining and Glen knew that because one of his complaints was that he was having insomnia. He couldn’t sleep at night.Here’s what he said…”I’ve lost 8 pounds and it’s mostly around my waist.””I’ve lost 8 pounds and it’s mostly around my waist.I’m also starting to sleep 7 to 8 hours per night.I’m feeling so much better and a lot less water retention.”JamesThen there’s Larry who was a retired doctor.He wrote in saying…”My waist has gone from 45″ down to 38″ “”I have now had a good bit of time to get through your book and put into practice some of the suggestions.Firstly, it is great how you explain everything in terms of physiology. As a Dr. (now retired) it amazes me how much physiology I had forgotten lol!I have read many fitness books where the authors say ‘do this, then do that’ or ‘this has worked for me and will work for you too’.Usually these workouts are given without any explanation how they are based on physiology. And being individuals, what works for one person may not work for another.So Glen, full marks from me on the physiological content. I love also the presentation of the book. And it would really be nice to see it put into print.So overall congrats on a nice piece of work.Last time I told you I had lost 20lbs in three months by changing my diet and workout routine.My waist has gone from 45” down to 38″I started following your workout recommendations now for about two weeks and once again the fat is going and my waist is getting smaller again. This is great motivation!Really, Glen, I want to see how fit and lean I can get… push myself to my limits if you like. At 57 I don’t feel I have both feet in the grave yet.Above all I don’t want to become what I see lots of my friends starting to turn into — wizened old men!”LarryNow those are just a few success stories.You’re about to hear more in a bit.So how do you actually do this for yourself?Great question.Now, here’s the great answer.With your permission… I’d like to share with you the power of Glen’s discoveries and how to make your body effortlessly let go of all the excess fat stores and all the excess weight stored in your stomach and waist area.When you master the simple concepts you’re about to get your hands on… you’ll be astonished that your measurements and body shape can change so fast. And that you can start to feel so much energy so quickly.I also want to show you what belly fat “CATEGORY” you fall into. By knowing what your exact problem is… you can finally see a clear path to shedding excess weight for good.You see, there is no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” solution. There are several more imbalances Glen shares with you. You probably only have a few of them.You see, I talked about hormones already but there are other belly fat triggers I haven’t told you about. By knowing what’s affecting you it’ll be like a custom tailored fat loss program made just for you.Not your buddy… not your co-worker… not your workout partner or the genetic “freak of nature” on the cover of the latest magazine…There are some men that are stuck with a gut that… just sticks out even when the rest of your body looks good. It’s actually something called a “distended abdomen”.“Distended” means “swollen doe to pressure from the inside.” So that means their abdomen doesn’t really have a fat issue… it is distended and bloated.The exciting part is that it can be resolved in about 1 – 2 days!Yes you heard me right. 1 to 2 DAYS to a flat stomach… when you’ve been dealing with it for years!Another thing Glen shares is how inflammation can affect the gut area. And intense workouts and calorie restriction is the WORST thing to get your flat stomach.He shows how to identify it and what to do about it. And there’s also another imbalance that makes your stomach… chin… face and… upper back… store fat because of STRESS. It also makes you feel thirsty all the time… even though you drink a lot of water.And guess what?Every time you do a “good” workout, by-the-book you gain about 2 pounds the next day!The list goes on. I can’t cover everything here or it’ll take hours but rest assured if something exists that causes belly fat or if something exists that cures belly fat he’s covered it.How can I make such bold claims?Well, it’s not just that it worked for many guys before you and it’s not that it works for me. It’s because Glen’s methods are the only ones that address the ACTUAL causes of excess weight in the midsection.We’re calling the program…The Belly Fat FurnaceIt is literally the only program out there that address each and every cause of belly fat and by doing so… opens the door to rapid fat loss all over your body.Whether you’ve struggled with a lot of weight all your life or you just have that last few stubborn pounds that you can’t shake… or even if you’ve tried everything the Belly Fat Furnace will be the last fat loss program you ever use.Before we go any further…It’s only fair that I be absolutely 100% honest with you… If you are looking for that “Magic Pill”… or if you want just another diet fad… or some other plan that you already know will never, EVER work for you…Then leave this page right now Go to this page…http://FantasyLife.comThe Belly Fat Furnace is for guys that are ready to set aside the “Miracle Answers”… yet still want the fastest, easiest and most permanent way to achieve long-term weight loss.So, if you’re wanting the REAL answer to banish stubborn weight around your waist… then here’s what you can expect:If you want to: Drop 10% of your unwanted body weight in less than 30 days… Enjoy your favorite foods… while you get leaner and healthier… in your stomach area… and the rest of your body…Say goodbye to low energy… sluggishness… afternoon fatigue…And get the body you deserve without sacrificing your entire lifestyle to do it… Then the Belly Fat Furnace is not just a great program for you… It is the only solution for you!Here’s an email Doug from Glendale, California sent to Glen…”Glen, I cut back my workout intensity and now my pants are falling off me.”DougAnd there’s Luis from Mexico who wrote in…”And my stomach is so flat now.””I’m sleeping better, I don’t feel depressed anymore. And my stomach is so flat now. I can wear the shirts my wife bought me now… and I won’t bust the buttons around the stomach area anymore”LuisThere’s also Dan from Texas, who wrote-in saying…”My stomach is completely flat.””I’m 6 feet tall and was pretty lanky as a kid. As I grew up, I ONLY seemed to gain weight in my midsection. I was like a 6 foot skinny guy that had a pot belly. Workouts didn’t do ANYTHING. In fact, I run a marathon every year and stay in shape year round! You spotted the problem right away. And it had nothing to do with calories or carbs.Now, not only has joint pain — that I thought was from running — gone away… My stomach is completely flat.”DanLet’s take a look at what you’ll get inside your copy of the Belly Fat Furnace:First, Glen goes over ALL the different ways excess weight is stored in your abdominal area. And he explains how to tell which one you’re really dealing with.That way, you can save time and do only what applies to you and skip the rest. Then, he gets into the specifics of why your body is storing fat the way it is and how to reverse it.Remember, the omentum?It’s that part of your body that traps fat deep in your abdomen?Well, you’ll find out what foods cause it to pack on the pounds and what foods cause it to release all your stored fat right away.Because, as you now know the Omentum is the KEY to unlock your body’s fat burning ability.He also shows you how to cleanse your liver so you can let your body use your own natural fat-burning hormones to work their magic on your body again.This is so powerful… I mean, it’s not just that you will be losing pounds and inches.When you use Glen’s techniques for unclogging your liver, you will increase the Human Growth hormone in your blood stream.And if you don’t see it, trust me… others will.And you’ll also increase your natural testosterone again.So you’ll see natural lean muscle starting to form where it looks best.Like yourchest…shoulders…and your arms. All while your stomach starts to shrink. Not to mention… your sex drive and focus will increase as well.Glen also shows you the 2 kinds of exercise that target the deep inner abdominal area like a heat-seeking missile.So you don’t waste time using popular mass-marketed workout programs that are designed for WOMEN, fitness models and Olympic athletes…You’re not trying to win a Gold at the Olympics right?No you just want to enjoy the body shape you should have in the first place and to be able to keep it for life!The best part is… these 2 types of exercise are so easy.But that’s because it will target that key area — the omentum… that all other belly fat programs fail to.If you’re suffering from abdominal inflammation like I talked about earlier and that’s what making you look and feel heavy in the waist then the good news is… that’s the fastest thing to solve.And you’ll find your digestion will be better than ever. I don’t have time to get into everything you’re going to receive. And you may believe that a system that can do this much for you… would cost a pretty penny… And in all honesty… it really should.After all, this system has helped thousands of guys just like you… drop tens of thousands of pounds quickly.And the only way I was able to convince Glen to make this available as a book was to show him that it would sell as a low-cost offer.So we’ve priced it at a fraction of his personal consulting fees.$74.95 for this program would still be less than… hiring a personal trainer. Less than what you’d end up paying for a gym membership… Less than many of the ab devices hawked on late night infomercials. And far less that what Glen charges for his personal 1-on-1 sessions.Yet, you’re not just going to get the Belly Fat Furnace program today.I persuaded Glen to give you some incredible free bonuses along with the Belly Fat Furnace program.The first is called…Bonus #1: “Pack On More Lean Muscle”Believe it or not, shrinking your stomach fat… whether it’s under the skin or deep in your abdominal cavity…Will naturally build more lean muscle.That’s because you’re going to be freeing up more natural free-flowing testosterone and growth hormone.In this bonus……I’ll be revealing you the strange and unusual you tricks the pros use…to pack on more lean muscle while losing body fat all over.Now get this…One of the ways I’ll be revealing is to consume sugar.Yep, that’s right!I said sugar.But only at a certain time of day. And it can be sugar in any form you like. I’ll show you the best forms of sugar that will go straight into your muscle cells to give them that full, healthy, muscular look that turns heads.That’s just one of the surprising tricks the pros use to win competitions and get magazine cover gigs.There are many more.Just think of this bonus as a super-charger that’ll speed up your fat loss… as well as build lean muscle — just faster.People come to Glenn just to learn these secrets for themselves and pay thousands. And the bonus alone is worth $57You’ll be downloading it in a minute for FREE.Here’s what Jake said about this bonus alone.”My stomach is still flat.””Glenn, this is incredible. My shirts are getting so tight around my chest and arms. But my stomach is still flat.  I just checked my body fat percentage and it went DOWN 2% once I started following your advice.”JakeNow, Glen’s 2nd gift for you today is called…Bonus #2: The “You” Diet Meal PlanNow THIS is really exciting.Glen discovered we all have our own unique “Food Type”.What this means is that some of us burn fat when we eat proteins… but not when we eat carbs. And others are the opposite.They burn fat when they eat carbs and little protein. And some are mixed. Meaning they need a balance of proteins and carbs with each meal.This is the missing link to why diets seem to work for some and not for others is because there is no ONE diet that fits everyone’s genetic code. Each of us responds to food differently.Popular diets focus on food but they don’t focus on the most important part: YOU!That’s why I call it the “YOU” Diet.But not only are you getting this simple, easy method……to find your own food type……but you will get a 2 week meal planso you can plan out your meals in advance.This one of the things Glen found that made it easy for his clients to have such consistent success.Just using this one bonus will virtually end your food cravings and energy swings.It’s a $47 bonus and it’s yours free to use today.Now, Glen’s entire package has a retail price tag of $158.95.Right now, HOWEVER… because you are still here it shows you really want this. You can download the Belly Fat Furnace program…the “Pack On More Lean Muscle” bonusand “The ‘YOU’ Diet Meal Plan”.for just $37All you need to do is click the button below enter your information and you’ll be on your way to a slimmer you in no time.But if that wasn’t enough I want to show you how you can have this absolutely free. You see, since we are still selling this on a small scale… we’re both eager for as many raving testimonials and word of mouth marketing for this as possible before we release it on a larger scale.At this time, what we want are your success stories. We want to hear how your life has been transformed. And we know we will get your rave testimonials.The Belly Fat Furnace program is just that good. Once we have the raving testimonials and success stories we need… the price will go back up to it’s original value of $158.So to try the Belly Fat Furnace today absolutely free, all you need to do is to try it for one month — Follow what it says. Use it. And see that it’s everything we found it is.We know you will see it is the best investment you’ve made for your health. Even if you end up losing more weight than you thought you would, or feel better than you’ve ever have… save money on gym memberships…and… if you still want to get your money back… all you need to do is contact us within 60 days… and we will refund the purchase price right away.We only want happy customers. And we know this… you will be EUPHORIC.That’s why we are so confident.Yes, I’m sure some people will use it everyday… and ask for their money back regardless. But from past experience, most people are honest and just want to live their days, FREE from excess weight… tiredness… low energy… cravings… complicated diets and… fear of things getting worse.So for right now and for the next 24 hours… because you are here, watching this presentation… you can instantly download your copy of the Belly Fat Furnace program for for only $37.That’s $113 off the future price.So click the button below and start your new adventure.Plus: If you act now before this presentation ends… I’ll include in this one-of-a-kind SUPER-BONUS WORTH OVER $47:Bonus #3eserts and Sweets for a Flat StomachThis is only for people who have wished they could… freely eat rich… tasty desserts… and still lose weight?Well, what if would it be like if you had a rich, thick chocolate shake that is made of superfoods that literally raise your metabolic rate and taste just as good… if not better… than the real thing.Well that’s what you’ll have.Glen has compiled a collection of recipes made by expert dietitians and chefs that use only superfoods, natural sweeteners and clever prep methods.So it they are easy for you to make at home.Well that’s what you’re getting:A recipe book of superfood desserts that you can eat guilt-free likeIt’s valued at $47 but you’ll be able to download it absolutely free in just a few minutes. “That brings your total value to over $200…Yet today, if you act now… it’s all yours for 1 payment of only $37. Once you place your order you’ll be taken to a page that looks like this:Once you fill in your information and confirm your order… you will get to a page like this where you can download the entire program and get started.As you can imagine, this has created an avalanche of orders. So I’m not sure if our processor is overloaded at the time you’re viewing this.If you don’t see a button to order the Belly Fat Furnace below… that means we’re getting too many people placing their order right now.And unfortunately, you might miss out on the short time we’re keeping the price so low. You will have to come back and order at the higher price.But If you do see the button below… it means you can get it now.Option 1:You can do nothing at all. You can continue to live your life. Risk, having the the unhealthy fat turn into a serious health condition or… at the very least continue to get worse.Option 2:You can try to lose the belly weight. On your own. You may get improvement. If you do, that’s WONDERFUL. I want you to get better.And then there’sOption 3:Try The Belly Fat Furnace. Try it for at least a month. It is so easy to follow.In today’s world, a flat belly is more than just looking good.As you saw earlier… it is directly related to illnesses and diseases like Diabetes… High cholesterol.. High blood pressure… Strokes… and Heart attacks.There is no reason for this. And it’s not what I want for you. All you have to do is click the button that has appeared below and order your copy of The Belly Fat Furnace.You have nothing to risk whatsoever. But you have so much to gain.So go ahead and order your copy of the Belly Fat Furnace now.Once you start using the Belly Fat Furnace… you’ll probably notice a change in your body on the first day. Most people do. You’ll notice your skin doesn’t look as water-logged.Like you look leaner. But within the first week… you can start to see that it is working.You’ll feel it deep inside your body. That’s how you know it’s not like any of the other programs you’ve tried. It wont’ be about muscle soreness… or eating leaves all day or… or using some equipment.You’ll feel changes in your body where it matters most… in the inner abdomen.Funny thing is that after the first week you probably will see more changes in the mirror. Clothes won’t look as good on you anymore because they are hanging off you a bit too much.But you see, it’s when others see you that you’ll really know it’s working. They’ll comment on your skin, your hair, on your waist looking smaller…And it just keeps going on like that until… one day, it will happen. I call it the “Magic Moment”. It’s where you feel, like things have truly changed for good.Where you realize you have a new body. It’s not just that the belly fat is gone. Your whole body has reshaped.Workouts that didn’t do anything before now start to work. You can move freely and easily. You feel lighter. That it wasn’t a fluke or a temporary weight loss you had.Where you know… your struggle for control over your body and your weight is finally over.Until this moment a part of you was being held hostage by frustration and hopelessness. But when the “Magic Moment” comes the frustration will be over. There is hope.This is what I want for you. I want you to get your “Magic Moment” as soon as possible.So go ahead, place your order and begin your transformation as soon as possible. You have absolutely nothing to risk at all.Click the button below.Again, this is John.And thank you for your time.And please send me your success stories.


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