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George Pransky – INSIGHT: The Principles of a Fulfilling & High-Performance Life

Insight – The Principles of a Fulfilling & High-Performance Life
[WebRip – 52 MP4, 46 MP3, 58 PDF]


Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing it elsewhere will get you banned!GEORGE PRANSKY – INSIGHT: THE PRINCIPLES OF A FULFILLING & HIGH-PERFORMANCE LIFEThis is a BONUS included with the Michael Neill & George Pransky – Falling in Love With Your Business Group Buy: PAGE:…This course is for people who are looking to get more out of the life they have. INSIGHT is for you if …- You have a desire to learn and grow without having to ‘do more,’ ‘push,’ ‘try harder’ or ‘strive’ anymore.- You’re looking for learning that sticks with you. When something has an effect on a deep enough level, it sticks – plain and simple.- It’s time to step back and see what really matters and look at your life in the bigger picture.- You want to clearly understand where things like fulfillment and resilience comes from.- You’re ready for a life changing experience. These simple principles have the power to profoundly impact the way life plays out for you, your relationships, and what’s possible for your future.During the course course we will guide you through a series of discussions, lectures and visual elements. We teach a set of principles that our work is based on that has been shown over and over again to have a major impact in the lives of our clients. Listed below you will find four of the key points we cover. Other subjects are presented, but this list gives you a flavor of some of the main areas in which you can expect results.In this course you’ll learn about the power behind your creative process and how to tap into it more consistently and deliberately.This course will show you how to take advantage of the creative potential that we’re all hooked into. Often people feel like they’re capable of so much more than what they normally do. They’d love to have more inspired ideas, more fresh and original thinking. They want to get into a flow of thought that’s fluid, feeds on itself, and has the potential to go somewhere, to turn into something bigger.This course will teach you how to improve your ability to bounce back from the ups and downs of life.Getting thrown around seems to be a human thing, yet there certain times we get over things faster and cleaner, or certain things we bounce back from with more poise and grace. See how that can spread to the rest of your life so there’s not only less wear and tear, but over time you end up stronger, more robust, and the better for it.You will learn about where change really comes from and how to make it last.Often people try to change by analyzing, using will-power, or trying to use other people’s ideas. It’s a lot of work and not a lot of payoff. Yet we’ve all had moments of realization, insight, of seeing something obvious that we didn’t see the day before. And it just showed up out of the blue. Those are the moments where there was a noticeable shift in the way we saw or did things after that. There is a built-in intelligence within people that points us in a new direction, shows us another way, sets a change in motion. This course will very clearly lay out for you exactly how that works, what you have to do with it, and how to avoid the trap of becoming chronically stuck, stagnant, or discouraged.In this course you will learn how common it is for people to get caught in repetitive and unproductive patterns of thought, and how to loosen the grip of your own bad habits.Our thinking has huge implications for us; it’s fast and furious, constant, ever-changing, and so much of it’s beyond our control. Yet when a person understands the role of thought in life it substantially changes how much we get carried away in our devices, fixate, and spiral within our own minds. The end result is that you get a higher ratio of thinking that’s constructive, responsive, and more proactive. The kind of thinking that works for you, not against you.What results can I expect?- An overall sense of peace of mind; to not just get through life or go through the motions, but to actually like your life.- To feel more settled and comfortable in your own skin without ‘fixing yourself’ or waiting for your life to improve- Hopefulness about the changes you want to see in your life and the things you’ve given up on. – The ability to bounce back from things, both big and small. You’ll get over things faster and easier, without all the “baggage” and emotional wear and tear.INSIGHT is very different than the other programs, books, or workshops out there.- There are no behavioral techniques and no prescribed ways to be- It is not based on self-analysis; there is no processing of your past or your habits- It is not a course where you “work on yourself”This is not a grueling process, yet it has enormous impact.What’s included in the course?  Can you describe the lessons?- Narrative guide to the week’s lesson (2-3 minutes)- Lecture – video lecture on the lesson for the week (20 minutes)- Animation – an animated story that makes the point of the lesson in a practical way (5-7 minutes)- metaphor – A video segment with graphic illustrations and visual imagery (10-12 minutes)- Discussion – Each week the most common questions from that lesson are discussed with a variety of guest speakers. The speakers are some of the most well-respected professionals in our field. Scroll down on the INSIGHT page to see a list of the presenters (15-20 minutes)- Reflective Questions delivered to your email inbox weekly- Two Q and A sessions (recorded webinars) at Week 4 and Week 7  (60 minutes each)- Resource Materials


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