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George Meining – Root Canal Cover up

George Meining – Root Canal Cover up.pdf
[ 1 ebook – OCR ]

Description Exclusive and part of a Group Buy… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!Brought to you by the Holistic Dentistry Archive -Mercury Amalgam Detoxification and alternatives Group BuyGB Status OPENGB Thread HEREUPLOAD LIST – HERE Root Canal Cover-Up: A Founder of the Association of Root Canal Specialists Discovers Evidence That Root Canals Damage Your Health – Learn What to Do [Paperback]George Meinig (Author)…Review Dr. Meinig was one of the founders of the root canal society. When he started, everyone was just pulling teeth out. Dr. Meinig and other dentists had a great idea to save teeth rather than remove them if they were infected. His organization used to be on the fringe, and then they worked hard to become mainstream.At the time of the books writing over 24,000,000 root canals were done yearly. What Dr. Meinig urgently wanted to show people is that in many cases a root canal sets up the body to have chronic and degenerative disease. The reason is because the dentin tubules, the three miles of microscopic tubes in each tooth are not properly sealed in the procedure and basically the tooth can just rot in ones mouth and then leak out toxic material constantly into the body. Approximately 25% of root canals are healthy and don’t have side effects. The exact number of root canals causing disease is not clear.The book is very dense and mostly consists of a summary of Dr. Price’s almost 1200 pages of careful research. Its goal seems to convince more the practitioner than the patient. That being said, if you have arthritis or heart disease, a root canal may be the cause. This is an important book.[b]Thanks to MeMeMe for adding this for the GB PLEDGE NOW TO GAIN ACCESS  GB Thread TIMES – TBD [/size]


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