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Geoffrey Miller & Tucker Max – The Mating Grounds Podcast

The Mating Grounds Podcast
[187 WebRips – MP3]



This is the full run of The Mating Grounds Podcast by Dr. Geoffrey Miller, Tucker Max, and guests. You can get all the installments free if you download all 180+ episodes individually. This product is all 110+ hours together in one download.IMHO this is one of the best resources for men at any level dealing with women–whether you’re a 40yo virgin or the reincarnation of Errol Flynn. Worth noting that they hate shitty PUAs and frequently rail against bad internet advice. Their teaching style basically starts with layman’s explanations of what we know about human behavior and shows how to approach situations with that in mind.—–About Mating GroundsWHAT IS THE MATING GROUNDS?Plainly put: The Mating Grounds is a resource dedicated to teaching men everything they need to know about sex, dating and women.Mating Grounds is the brainchild of #1 bestselling author, Tucker Max, and renowned evolutionary psychologist, Professor Geoffrey Miller. The information and advice they offer is grounded in the most recent breakthroughs in evolutionary psychology, human sexuality, behavior genetics, and animal communication, but presented through the lens of personal experience and actionable information.WHAT WE BELIEVEWe believe men and women ultimately want the same thing: to get together and have relationships with each other. Our goal to help facilitate that connection.We believe that by assembling and explaining the latest scientific research, and combining it with decades of real world experience–while providing a non-judgmental, agenda-free place to learn it–we can teach men everything they need to be successful with women..We also believe that “success with women” means different things to different guys. Whether they want to be better at having short term relationships (hook-ups), or want to find a women to commit to and settle down with, or anything in between, the information here will help them achieve their goals in a way that is not only effective, but also honest, ethical, and rewarding to everyone involved (most importantly–the woman on the other side of the relationship).We believe that most “Pick-up Artists” are sociopathic, bullshit scammers. The PUA scene is not transformational, it’s transactional. Its not about getting to know women, it’s about getting over on them. We believe Mating Grounds is the answer to the PUA strategy for all those men who have nothing meaningful to show for their efforts.We believe that in the world of sex and dating everything happens for a reason; and that reason is the effort you put in (or don’t) to making yourself as attractive as possible to women. We believe Mating Grounds will provide young men with the tools to make that happen.We also believe that women when say things like “There are no good men out there,” they are both right and wrong. Most are not coming off as “good men” to women. But we also believe it’s not their fault–no one has ever explained to them, in a way they can understand, what they need to do in order to be a “good man,” and we believe that we can show them exactly how to do this.WHAT WE’RE TRYING TO ACCOMPLISHAt Mating Grounds, the goal is to provide men with a comprehensive guide to understanding and navigating the entire mating process—from it’s beginning (puberty), through the different forms and stages of dating, all the way to marriage (or whatever form of relationship a man chooses). The Mating Grounds is the resource that all men wish they had when they were 16, to teach them all the lessons about sex and dating they had to learn the hard way (or never learned at all).The primary way we help men do better with women is first by teaching them to be better men. Then we teach them about women: specifically what women want in their men, when they want it, and why.We are trying to show young men how to cultivate and radiate the core traits that can not only make them better men and more successful at life, but also really matter to women—traits like intelligence, energy, emotional stability, and status—so that they stop squandering their time, energy, and talent chasing the things that get them nowhere (useless degrees, antiquated job skills, consumer debt, and conformity), and start doing things that help them in life and with women (being healthy, successful, intelligent, emotionally stable, etc).Furthermore, we are trying to help young men understand how almost everything they do in life—school, work, earning, spending, learning, socializing, sports, leisure, etc.—can help build their sexual attractiveness and mating success when they fit it together with what women really want. We are trying to revolutionize how young men think about their whole lives, and not think that their dating lives are separate from the rest — because it’s not.HOW DID THIS START?About a year ago, Geoff had a chance encounter with Tucker. Geoff told Tucker’s he’d heard of his books, and explained that he had to spend hours explaining to his nephews that they were not advice books.Tucker “Well of course not, my books are just funny stories about the really stupid, ridiculous things I’ve done. Why do they think they’re advice???”Geoff “Well, they’re all 14-20, and your writing is the only frank and honest thing they’ve ever read on sex and dating. There is nothing else that talks about these issues the way you do. In the absence of that, they use what they have, and they take your books as advice.”Tucker “That’s fucking stupid, it’s not designed as advice! There must be something that explains sex and dating in a clear, informational way.”Geoff “I have looked, quite extensively, for a book or something that honestly and frankly addresses the entire spectrum of sex, dating, women and relationships, especially for men. I have never found one. I have to spend hours answering their very basic questions about these issues.”Tucker “No fucking way. This has to exist.”Geoff “It doesn’t. I’ve looked.”Tucker spent the next 30 minutes on his phone, scouring the Internet. Geoff was right. There was nothing. This was a hole in the market so big, it was hard to see unless you stood far enough back.Tucker “How could this not exist?”Geoff “Well, there are several reasons. The social climate in this country is such that it’s hard to talk honestly about sexual issues. Furthermore, most of the people who do talk about these issues have an ideological agenda that colors their view and distorts their advice; religion or abortion or abstinence, etc. Even the stuff without explicit agendas suffers from a complete lack of scientific rigor, or even worse, are manipulative and unethical, like all the pick-up artist garbage.”Tucker “Oh my god…can you imagine how much easier and better our lives would have been if at 15, we knew everything about sex and dating that we know now? It’s mind blowing. What if we did that? What if we took what we know now, and make it available to every man in America, in an easy to understand, accessible way? How great would that be? That could change the world!”Geoff was intrigued by the idea, but not fully sold. A few months later, he was at a Thanksgiving dinner with his entire extended family. He was chatting with about 20 of his young male cousins–the same ones who recommended Tucker’s books–about women and dating. They were peppering him with questions, basic questions–the fact was, they were not getting the insights they needed from their parents, their schools, the media, not even porno. Their culture was failing them, and young women were frustrated with them, and they were frustrated with their love lives.Geoff brought up the idea that Tucker floated, about creating a guide to sex and dating for young men. They went ballistic, and begged him to do it. They were all very different from each other–some fundamentalist, some atheist, some young Republicans, some hipster liberals–but the commonality was that they didn’t care where the insights came from, they just needed guidance.That was when Geoff decided to team with Tucker and build The Mating Grounds.…


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