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Genpo Roshi – Zen Eye Membership Site (Part 2)

Zen Eye Part 2
[43 CDs – MP3, 9 MOVs, 26 MP4s]



This is a part of a GB. It was bought with the remaining funds of another product, so it has immediate access to VIP/Elite and PU. Keep it exclusive. DONATORS OF THE ALTERED STATES GB GET THIS RATIO FREEGuys considering the HUGE amount of files there is on that site I will upload them by parts.  Check out the details here: Part includes- Taido Sensei (All talks)- Musho Sensei (All talks)I uploaded the Video files in MP4 format (read by Ipod and VLC for example) in order to save some space and a high quality audio MP3. I’m sure this is enough considering the amount of info this product will have and it will save a lot of GBs on all the other authors.————————-Taido Sensei – Think Neither Good Nor EvilThursday, November 29th 2007 – 43 minTaido Sensei leads us through this koan in a direct and open account that enables us to appreciate how in koan study we move from cases that present a simple, single challenge to complex koans in which we have to present many aspects of the situation and develop our capacity to express them simply and immediately. This koan tells a powerful story of an incident that is a turning point in the history of Zen in China as well as a moving presentation of a turning point in the practice life of the Sixth Patriarch and other characters. It touches on a radical shift in Zen that became the division between Northern and Southern Zen, and the personal dilemmas and crises of those involved.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (131 MB)| iPod (76 MB) | Audio (20 MB) | Audio (10 MB)Taido Sensei – Freedom & DisciplineSunday, October 14th 2007 – 59 minPlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (176 MB)| iPod (106 MB) | Audio (27 MB) | Audio (13 MB)Taido Sensei – Ungan’s Hands & ArmsThursday, October 11th 2007 – 45 minPlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (136 MB)| iPod (79 MB) | Audio (20 MB) | Audio (10 MB)Taido Sensei – INTRO TO ZEN – WHAT IS ZEN PRACTICE?Tuesday, October 9th 2007 – 69 minSensei takes a broad and realistic look at how we can practice when we come to a Zen center and particularly, of course, Kanzeon, exploring in a very accesible way what we look into personally, what the practice is, our relation to the community, and how we relate to the teachers.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (206 MB)| iPod (144 MB) | Audio (31 MB) | Audio (15 MB)Taido Sensei – Heat Kills, Cold KillsThursday, October 4th 2007 – 48 minBlue Cliff Record Case 43: Tozan’s Cold and Heat A monk asked Tozan, “When cold and heat visit us, how should we avoid them?” Tozan said, “Why not go where there is neither cold nor heat?” The monk asked, “Where is there neither cold nor heat?” Tozan said, “When it is cold, kill yourself with cold. When it is hot, kill yourself with heat.” Taido Sensei’s lucid and down-to-earth commentary on the koan is about the ways we can avoid really experiencing what is present, here and now – which is our life as it happens – and about how practice can enable us to live more fully, with less avoidance, aversion and grasping for the past and the future..Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (143 MB)| iPod (85 MB) | Audio (22 MB) | Audio (11 MB)Taido Sensei – Blue Cliff Record Case 59 – Joshu’s ‘Simply the Way’Thursday, August 23rd 2007 – 52 minMaster Joshu in several koans presents the 3rd Chinese Patriarch’s opening lines to his Hsin Hsin Ming (the text for Genpo Roshi’s book “The Eye Never Sleeps”) as one of the essential foundations of our practice life. In contrast to “not picking and choosing” we tend to hurry to settle the matter, getting into judgments and mistaking them for reality, elaborating on how right we are, making others wrong – and that’s all suffering and stuckness. Sensei looks into his own experience, and draws on that of Masters Joshu, Rinzai and Ummon, to illuminate how we can work with our desire to pretend to be what we are not, learn to live with what we find unsatisfactory in our life, and begin to experience a new life of freedom and relaxation.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (151 MB)| iPod (77 MB) | Audio (12 MB) | Audio (17 MB)Taido Sensei – Intro to Zen Level 2 Class 3 Karma & EnlightenmentTuesday, August 21st 2007 – 53 minKarma is the way things are – it is what happens. The Way to “Enlightenment” opens when we cease to identify with our conditioned responses, thus building a closed system that we think is the self. Sensei looks at the everyday experiential realities of living a conditioned life, and at how in our training we are learning to step back from our grasping at notions of who we are and what this is, and experience a relief and release from fear and anxiety.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (157 MB)| iPod (82 MB) | Audio (18 MB) | Audio (12 MB)Taido Sensei – Blue Cliff Record 39 Jojoza’s Great EnlightenmentThursday, August 9th 2007 – 28 minTaido Sensei’s talk focuses on the moment of shock when Jojoza stands stunned and at a loss. The moments of practice, whether in life, or with the teacher, when we are completely at a loss may be, for us as for Jojoza, moments when we can truly wake up, our stories and habitual patterns gone. Sensei explores the implications of this in a very real and sympathetic way.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (88 MB)| iPod (51 MB) | Audio (13 MB) | Audio (6 MB)Taido Sensei – Sansho Passes Through The NetThursday, August 2nd 2007 – 33 minIn this short talk, Taido Sensei looks at the brash approach of a young monk (who may have had a big opening experience) compared with the humility and down-to-earth responsibility of Master Seppo in his maturity. Sensei relates this to Seppo’s Master, the great Tokusan, and dharma brother Ganto, a very different character. In these very vivid characters, we see how long practice and maturity have led to a loss of self, of self-importance, and to growth of a balanced realism and responsibility. These Masters, unlike some of their students, were not on a spiritual trip.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (99 MB)| iPod (60 MB) | Audio (31 MB) | Audio (7 MB)Taido Sensei – Practicing LiberationSunday, July 22nd 2007 – 56 minTaido Sensei looks at many aspects of what really happens when we adopt a practice in our longing and search for liberation. He looks both into formal practice and a life based on an idea of freedom that is entirely spontaneous and free. Somehow, self creeps in, the self with its fears, desires, aversions, and deeply rooted drives and habitual patterns. We have to see all this as it really is and especially the part played by fear. In being present, being aware, being in the moment, we can be free – free from the dangers of one-sided liberation and no longer trapped in the whirling mind. Sensei tells the story of Masters Obaku and Rinzai and looks into the koan of Hyakujo’s Fox.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (169 MB)| iPod (102 MB) | Audio (52 MB) | Audio (6 MB)Taido Sensei – Intro to Zen Level 1 Class 2 What is Zen Practice?Tuesday, July 10th 2007 – 75 minTaido Sensei gives a very accessible and grounded talk on the basics of zazen. He covers a range of ways to sit stably & comfortably, how to hold the hands, and how the disposition of the body and the mind are really one. He looks at continuing practice, alone or with the community. Taido describes and offers the experience of basic practices (such as counting the breath, & awareness of breathing that help us to focus, to take care of the thoughts that naturally flow). We explore shikantaza and visit the Big Mind process that enables us to sit with non-seeking, non-grasping, non-desiring mind.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (264 MB)| iPod (164 MB) | Audio (52 MB) | Audio (9 MB)Taido Sensei – The Blue Cliff Record Case 54: Joshu’s Stupid OafThursday, June 28th 2007 – 37 minThe koan is based on the first line of the Hsin Hsin Ming (the theme of Roshi’s first book, “The Eye Never Sleeps”.) The theme is about non-choosing, as against picking and choosing. It goes deep, to the very core of our being and the heart of our practice. Most of us need deep and long training after awakening this mind to embody it – a mind that goes beyond preferences, to see the situation as it really is, right here and now. Sensei looks at how different koans reveal our inability to see things as they are, and how our picking and choosing blinds us and separates us in our relationships & lives. He looks at examples of Master Joshu’s teaching and the many subtle ways he takes care of the student’s delusion, and the implications in this for us in our practice with a teacher and our life.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (109 MB)| iPod (57 MB) | Audio (25 MB) | Audio (4 MB)Taido Sensei – Surangama Sutra – Not SeeingThursday, June 14th 2007 – 55 minCase 94 of the Blue Cliff Record is not an easy koan to learn or recite and Rich introduces it in a delightful way. His theme is the question, “if we come to train, what is it we really want to do?” Over time, we lose interest in the exotic aspects of Zen study. Over time, we begin to realize what is important to us. There’s something we all want to not-see, to not-do. Not-doing or resistance can be destructive or escapist. Sensei looks at how through practice, non-doing, not-seeing can be a way of coming really alive. We lose ourselves in the immediacy of the experience and we find ourselves in that.The sense of self-and-other drops away. And in Roshi’s Western Zen we learn how to bring that to every aspect of our lives. We learn to live a life that is non-doing, not-seeing – and the key is zazen.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (95 MB)| iPod (83 MB) | Audio (31 MB) | Audio (12 MB)Taido Sensei – Where We LiveSunday, May 27th 2007 – 49 minReflecting on the meaning of Memorial day, Taido Sensei takes a clear and realistic look at what keeps us stuck in self-concern, and how the practice offers a way to step back that is indeed practical and effective. Taking the “backward step” again and again, we can learn to become comfortable with our deep patterns, and able to acknowledge them and move on. Going deeper we learn that happiness begins when I find something and someone I value more than myself. Then I can begin to give my life completely to my life.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (159 MB)| iPod (73 MB) | Audio (34 MB) | Audio (6 MB)Taido Sensei – Blue Cliff Record Case 18 – Seamless MonumentThursday, May 24th 2007 – 38 minTaido Sensei skillfully and humorously plays with the allusive complexities of this ancient Chinese koan, helping us to see not only what some the meanings and references are but how the Western mind responds. Many koans set us up so that we see our resistance to life, our paranoid sensitivity, our anxious hopes. In shikantaza, we learn a more intimate detachment. We see how we are limiting our lives, and our lives begin to flow more generously and joyfully.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (129 MB)| iPod (58 MB) | Audio (26 MB) | Audio (4 MB)Taido Sensei – Going in CirclesSunday, May 20th 2007 – 55 minSensei begins this personal and vivid talk by looking at when he began practice in a very Japanese and Chinese environment. He appreciates what these exotic cultures can hold for us, especially their subtle nuances and imagery. As his deep commitment to practice developed, he learned to begin to accept his own origins and culture. With years of sitting, we learn to look at ourselves and see what is really there. Then we can really begin to appreciate the old teachers and integrate their wisdom in our modern, Western lives. This is Western Zen and rejecting either our own roots or our Eastern heritage just does not work. For Sensei, the key was in sitting zazen, developing samadhi, creating a community. Zen is something we share, affecting each other’s lives.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (188 MB)| iPod (83 MB) | Audio (38 MB) | Audio (6 MB)Taido Sensei – In Case You Don’t KnowSunday, April 22nd 2007 – 48 minRich talks about the experience of practicing in the Rinzai and Soto Zen styles, describing both Koan study and Shikantaza. He looks at how we bring to any practice, and most importantly to our encounters with a teacher, the agendas we have acquired, our habitual concerns and expectations – and how they get in the way. He describes and celebrates how his teacher, Genpo Roshi, encourages and trains us to see and drop these attachments; then we can experience how relationship and sitting practice can be open and real.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (155 MB)| iPod (69 MB) | Audio (33 MB) | Audio (6 MB)Taido Sensei – Drop off SelfThursday, March 15th 2007 – 40 minTaido takes a realistic, grounded look at how the traditional emphasis on sitting practice relates to the developing skills & techniques of western Zen, drawing on the Big Mind process and Integral practice. He describes how he works with the relative dualistic self in ways that shikantaza does not offer us.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (130 MB)| Video (69 MB) | Audio (28 MB) | Audio (9 MB)Taido Sensei – Living with the selfThursday, February 22nd 2007 – 44 minTaido takes a realistic, grounded look at how the traditional emphasis on sitting practice relates to the developing skills & techniques of western Zen, drawing on the Big Mind process and Integral practice. He describes how he works with the relative dualistic self in ways that shikantaza does not offer us.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (229 MB)| Video (154 MB) | Audio (18 MB) | Audio (10 MB)Taido Sensei – Blue Cliff Record Case 2: Joshu’s Great WayThursday, October 19th 2006 – 32 minTaido looks at the experience of the Shift (glimpsing the absolute), explores the daily reality of how our minds grapple with work & our circumstances. He looks at how we can integrate that total acceptance of what is with the problems we have picking & choosing in the world, day by day. Category: The Art of KoanPlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (128 MB)| Video (100 MB) | Audio (11 MB) | Audio (5 MB)Taido Sensei – Mumonkan Case 18 Tozan’s Three Pounds of FlaxThursday, September 21st 2006 – 33 minThis important koan appears also in the Blue Cliff Record. Taido sets the context of the koan in the monastic context & in the context of lay life. He explores how the process of long practice & training gradually reveals the emptiness of our ideas & ambitions in practice. Now we question deeply what our life really is. Rich’s talk explores this koan of immediate reality, of the world we live in day by day, as the very life of Buddha. Category: The Art of KoanPlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (132 MB)| Video (107 MB) | Audio (11 MB) | Audio (6 MB)Taido Sensei – Another Shitty DaySunday, August 13th 2006 – 44 minTaido takes a realistic, humorous look at our dissatisfactions and how oppressed we can become by our daily weekly routine. In the sustained practice of zazen, a different mind or awareness develops that accepts all that is just as it is, and this has its impact on everyday life. Category: Western Zen Is for Everyone.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (152 MB)| Video (70 MB) | Audio (15 MB) | Audio (8 MB)Taido Sensei – Worrying The BoneSunday, August 6th 2006 – 42 minHow do we face life happily? Sometimes it sucks, sometimes we suck. Through practice we experience something beyond the self, spacious, free & truly alive. He relates this to zazen, koan & the lineage. Category: Western Zen Is for EveryonePlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (114 MB)| Video (58 MB) | Audio (14 MB) | Audio (7 MB)23 talks—————————-Musho Sensei – Putting Others FirstThursday, December 20th 2007 – 74 minPlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (221 MB)| iPod (134 MB) | Audio (34 MB) | Audio (17 MB)Musho Sensei – Justice & CompassionSunday, December 2nd 2007 – 60 minThis is a rich and powerful talk inviting us to look into the basic differences between Eastern and Western ways of dealing with human suffering and dissatisfaction. In a vivid and moving dialogue between Musho and Mugaku Sensei, we see how our innate sense of fair play and social justice can draw on both Eastern and Western wisdom and practice. Mugaku Sensei brings to life how Justice really works, from his experience of from being a young clerk to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, to being himself the Chief Justice of the Utah Supreme Court. In real-life anecdotes he shows how our ideals and the pressures of the real situation interact. We look into the basic innate human longing for fair play and the constraints of the justice system. Musho Sense enables us then to turn our light in and speak from the heart – we speak as the voice of Injustice, the voice of Justice and the voice of Equanimity, exploring many levels and perspectives that illuminate how these crucial human factors affect our lives, the lives of those around us and the society we live in.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (183 MB)| iPod (105 MB) | Audio (27 MB) | Audio (14 MB)Musho Sensei – An Instinct for WholenessSunday, October 21st 2007 – 43 minIn this truly inspiring class Musho Sensei draws on the experience of an extraordinarily varied range of participants, coming from around the world and from a wide range of spiritual traditions. We begin enmeshed in our family, culture, and tradition and from there our path unfolds, each according to our unique circumstance & potential, to explore a vision and a possibility, to challenge, question and discover. Participants movingly articulate their deepest spiritual longing in the voice of the one who seeks, and then, speaking as “Just What Is”, articulate their personal vision and experience of realization along the path. As the sharing develops, we move into a place (the Apex) where it is clear that it is one mind, one heart speaking out of our ordinary life – each speaks for all in his or her unique insight into how wisdom and love becomes the immediate and intimate reality of our life and practice togetherPlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (126 MB)| iPod (78 MB) | Audio (19 MB) | Audio (10 MB)Musho Sensei – AspirationThursday, October 18th 2007 – 40 minA truly inspiring session: Sensei begins by telling something of the extraordinary and inspiring story of Diane Perry (Tenzin Palmo) (told in the book “The Cave in the Snow) and how a spontaneous awakening led her to meditate alone in the Himalaya where her aspiration arose to re-establish a Tibetan lineage of nuns – and how that aspiration shaped her life. Sensei challenges us in turn, “What Is Your Aspiration/” A beautiful dialogue develops as the group speaks from the Voice of Aspiration – impossible to describe but richly illuminating and alive: each of us listening will be enabled to better find the voice of our own true aspiration.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (121 MB)| iPod (73 MB) | Audio (18 MB) | Audio (9 MB)Musho Sensei – Three Poisons Three Wisdoms 3Thursday, September 13th 2007 – 71 minIn this fluid, fluent and inviting class, Musho Sensei looks with us into the transmutation of Greed and all its forms, such as passion, grasping, , attachment, lust, seduction, desire, neediness, dependency and addiction. In the dualistic world two of these that we look at in depth (Passion & Desire) seem opposed to the voice we talk from next, Unconditional Love; but in the Apex we know better what to desire, and this becomes responsive, responsible, realistic, adaptive and discriminating. One aspect of this energy as a poison is coming from a poverty-mentality. Now Sensei takes us back into Greed, and then to Complete Fulfillment and lastly we experience the Apex of these two, fully included and embraced, free to move to any point on the spectrum, understanding our own needs and those of others.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (219 MB)| iPod (105 MB) | Audio (24 MB) | Audio (16 MB)Musho Sensei – Three Poisons Three Wisdoms – 2Thursday, September 6th 2007 – 72 minIn this class, we learn how a poison can function as a medicine, if we understand its essential quality and appropriate application and amount. We investigate the essential qualities of anger in a vivid and pointed dialogue coming from direct experience. As the dialogue goes deeper, there is a subtle shift into appreciating the qualities of this energy, its potential for clarity, decisiveness and focus. This shift is about moving from a self-centered attitude towards a passion for truth and so we move to experience and give voice to Complete Emptiness, seeing the transience of thoughts and liberation from the dualistic oppositions of the small self. In the Apex, Anger becomes a fuel or fire that energizes human brilliance, creativity and compassionate action.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (213 MB)| iPod (111 MB) | Audio (25 MB) | Audio (16 MB)Musho Sensei – Three Poisons Three Wisdoms – 1Thursday, August 30th 2007 – 77 minAll the energies, all the voices are forces that we can stabilize and transmute so that they are aligned with wisdom and compassion. Musho Sensei begins her series of talks in which she shows how everything is workable, and how we can work with even the Three Poisons – Greed, Anger and Ignorance. In this talk she explores the nature of Ignorance as a Poison in the relative sphere, moving to the Voice of Absolute Space, and then the Apex where we can shift freely from the relative function of how we do not know to absolute peace and joy, appropriately. This leads us to discover Equanimity, seeing that everything is workable, seeing how the poison and the wisdom are one.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (226 MB)| iPod (120 MB) | Audio (26 MB) | Audio (18 MB)Musho Sensei – Resolving the UnresolvableThursday, August 16th 2007 – 60 minMusho Sensei explores the Unresolvable aspect of our lives and the difficulties that we have with that – being attached to our story or stories that have a beginning, middle and end; the unknowability of death; our dependencies on structure and organization. She invites the Voices of The Unresolvable; Complete and Utter Resolution; and the Apex where both are freely integrated.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (173 MB)| iPod (108 MB) | Audio (28 MB) | Audio (14 MB)Musho Sensei – Intimacy in Relative & AbsoluteThursday, June 7th 2007 – 63 minMusho Sensei draws on Sekito Kisen’s Identity of Relative & Absolute and Maezumi Roshi’s writings on the same subject. She looks at how our longing for intimacy, and our ideas of the meaning of the word, make it hard for us to understand and embody the true activity of intimacy. In this talk, Diane, with her tremendous heart and a great sense of humor, teaches us about trust, honesty, openness, really being there, and being willing to experience the deep truth in our relationships.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (184 MB)| iPod (108 MB) | Audio (36 MB) | Audio (14 MB)Musho Sensei – Radical PresenceSunday, April 15th 2007 – 58 minIn this sensitive and exploratory talk, Musho Sensei looks at our lineage and what it is to actually commit to study with a Master, bringing to light many levels of what we experience in this transformative relationship. We look into what the student and the teacher bring to the relationship and appreciate the challenges of such an open relationship. Sensei draws on stories of the Masters, on her own experience and the students.’ Where do we find the true Master?Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (195 MB)| iPod (0B) | Audio (40 MB) | Audio (13 MB)Musho Sensei – Your Way Is Unique & GorgeousSunday, March 4th 2007 – 57 minWith tremendous skill, Musho Sensei engages the audience of near 100 people in articulating the wide range of reasons they come to practice, and why they value practice, relating the responses to lineage teachings and to Genpo Roshi’s Big Mind practice. The talk is all about Sangha (community & harmony) joyfully exploring our experience together.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (290 MB)| Video (204 MB) | Audio (39 MB) | Audio (13 MB)Musho Sensei – Tuning Our Mind to the TeacherThursday, March 1st 2007 – 73 minSensei looks at how the teacher becomes a koan for the student. How do we become one with the mind of the teacher in what is called Submission? What is the importance of the student’s autonomy in the relationship, both for the teacher and the student? Sensei looks at the experience of how students learn and how teachers teach, at a deep level. We visit the Voices of the Student, Autonomy, the Teacher, and the one who transcends and includes both Teacher and StudentPlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (249 MB)| Video (89 MB) | Audio (29 MB) | Audio (17 MB)Musho Sensei – The Human ExperienceThursday, January 4th 2007 – 59 minSensei explores not only the Buddha’s insight into pain but the collective pain of human beings. She begins from a personal experience of sudden, shocking awareness of others’ pain. the first Noble Truth is that life is suffering. When we really realize this, we know that we have to address the human experience in a new way. we see we have been attached to an preference about how life should be. She unfolds the Four Noble Truths both as a vision of the Buddha, and in relation to our world today and our immediate experience, including and responding to the insights of the students and members.Play: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (253 MB)| Video (197 MB) | Audio (23 MB) | Audio (13 MB)Musho Sensei – Understanding Non-attachmentThursday, September 7th 2006 – 66 minRight at home in the waters of suffering – Musho Sensei looks at how we face the day, embracing it all just as it is, or evaluating, creating a sense of suffering. Our experience is fluctuating all the time. In the practice of Tonglen we “exchange self for other” breathing in suffering & releasing it as the clarity, compassion & warmth of Great Heart, Buddha mind. Category: Transforming Zen PracticePlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (275 MB)| Video (215 MB) | Audio (22 MB) | Audio (11 MB)Musho Sensei – Anxious TimesSunday, September 3rd 2006 – 54 minMusho Sensei explores what non-attachment, letting go, relinquishing, means in the Buddha’s teaching & experience, and in ours. She guides the audience & the listener to a very real, very human perspective, enabling us to embrace the whole of our life with clarity & compassion. Category: Western Zen Is for EveryonePlay: Video | Audio onlyDownloads: Video (167 MB)| Video (82 MB) | Audio (18 MB) | Audio (9 MB)Musho Sensei – A World of ChoiceThursday, June 29th 2006 – 66 minSitting as not-knowing, we can function as compassion – truly engaged in the life of the world & not ignoring our karma. How does this work in the practice that is our life & relationships as well as our meditation?Play: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (22 MB) | Audio (11 MB)Musho Sensei – Neurotic and EnlightenedThursday, June 8th 2006 – 71 minMusho Sensei reveals, and trains us, in a simple and powerful way to transmute confusion, anger, and habitual attachments into sensitive, responsive and responsible lifePlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (24 MB) | Audio (12 MB)Musho Sensei – Appreciating Our Teachers & Our PracticeThursday, June 1st 2006 – 62 minThe completeness of who we really are is the basis of our trust. Through the relationship with the Teacher we liberate ourselves from our deeply rooted, stuck patterns .Play: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (21 MB) | Audio (11 MB)Musho Sensei – A Certain Beauty in Your LifeSunday, May 28th 2006 – 57 minA talk about how we integrate trust & appreciation in our lives, involving live contributions from new and seasoned practitioners. Touching & illuminating. Category: Western Zen Is For EveryonePlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (20 MB) | Audio (10 MB)Musho Sensei – Making It UpSunday, July 18th 2004 – 56 minA very personal & moving talk, transcending the personal as Sensei explores how suffering and impermanence bring us to this practice, and how through the practice they inspire living compassion. Category: The Heart & Mind of ZenPlay: Audio onlyDownloads: Audio (18 MB) | Audio (6 MB)20 talks———————————–Waiting times:VIP/Elite: ImmediatePower Users: ImmediateUsers: 10 days


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