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Gene Ang – The Arcturian Codex

Dr Gene Ang – The Arcturian Codex
[WebRip – 5 MP3]



Dr. Gene Ang – The Arcturian CodexItem 1: The Arcturian CodexThe Arcturian Codex is an Arcturian Healing Method process which imprints the information for the full development of your subtle bodies for this and future incarnations. Evolution of consciousness includes the formation of more complex and complete subtle body structures. This is the process which will accelerate the acquisition of these subtle body structures that will come in the future for all of humanity. This process imprints them now. 2 sessions are required to fully download the information into your system. The two sessions must be done within 72 hours of each other.Included in The Arcturian Codex:1. Symbol of LifeThe imprinting and activation of the Symbol of Life—an important glyph and information field which allows you to hold onto information from lifetime to lifetime.2. Activation of the 12 Petals of the Heart ChakraHumanity currently has 6 of 12 petals of the heart chakra activated. Our goal is to activate the remaining 6 petals. This part of the codex activates fully the remaining 6 petals of the heart chakra.3. Pineal Gland ActivationThis part of the codex opens up the pineal gland at the center of the head which is an important terminal in the subtle bodies for information from the Higher Soul. It furthers strengthens the connection from the pineal gland to the first chakra above the head which makes this connection like an information super-highway to the soul.4. Activation of the Thunder ChakraThe Thunder Chakra is located below the root chakra or perineum. This is where the etheric body and astral body connect to each other and where the source of vitality and energetic strength lies for people. Full activation of the Thunder Chakra leads to owning your inner power.5. Connection of Your Inner Grid Lines to the Greater Grid Lines of the Earth, Other Star Systems, the Universe, and Parallel UniversesThis part of the Codex connects your personal energetic circuitry to the greater expansive energy circuitry of the Earth, other star systems, and the universe. This leads to multidimensional awareness and capacities.6. Activation of 9 Energy Nodes Above the HeadThis part of the Codex strengthens the pillar of light above the head and fully activates the 9 energy nodes starting from the crown chakra and rising above the head. Each node allows for higher states of consciousness and connections to higher spiritual beings.7. Activation of 9 Energy Nodes Below the BodyThis activation opens up the dragon gates below the body for full alignment, grounding, and access to the earth energy information field as well as conscious connection to spiritual beings in the Earth. This also further aligns you to the Divine Sophia or feminine aspect of God which is the spiritual being of the Earth.8. Activation of the Central Channel of Energy In the BodyThis aspect of the Codex opens and activates your central channel of energy running vertically in your body. Activation of this channel allows all the chakras to be connected, full access and flow of the kundalini energy, and awareness of non-dual states of consciousness.9. Awakening of the Third Eye TunnelThe third eye consists of an energetic tunnel running from between the eyebrows to the back of the head. This part of the Codex cleanses and opens this channel and the key energy points in this structure. This allows for clairvoyance and higher visionary states of consciousness.10. Activation of the Belly/Lower Dan Tien/Hara/CauldronThe belly center houses your divine will and power. This part of the codex brings this center fully on-line to access your deepest desires, to act, and to carry out your spiritual mission. This is your Will Center.11. Activation of the Uraeus or Unicorn LightThis part of the codex opens up unique energy centers in the forehead. These specialized centers allow for deep penetration and insight into subtle energies coming from higher dimensions. These centers are symbolically represented by the serpent emerging out of the headdresses of Egyptian Deities and Pharaohs as well as the horn of the Unicorn.12. Activation of the 3 Guardian Shields Surrounding the BodyThere are 3 Guardian Energy Shields that protect the subtle bodies from entry of noxious energetic substances. This activation brings these 3 Guardian Energy Shields, known as the Wei Chi Fields in Chinese Medicine, fully on-line for your system. Item 2: Arcturian Blueprint Activation (ABA) This 45-minute healing will use the powerful frequencies called the Arcturian Blueprint Activation (ABA).These frequencies:• Align you to your Divine Blueprint• Erase old programming• Instill willItem 3: Arcturian Regeneration of Cells (ARC) This 45-minute healing will use the physical oriented frequencies called the Arcturian Regeneration of Cells (ARC). This session will focus on healing physical issues in the body at the cellular and DNA level.Item 4: 30-minute special: Arcturian Healing Method session This 30-minute session is energetically equivalent to having an in-person session with Gene. The recording provides advanced Arcturian Healing Method Frequencies to work on a specific healing issue or issues. You can also let the healing energies work in an open fashion in which you do not state a specific intention but allow the energies to go where they are most needed.


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