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Gay Hendricks – Centering And The Art Of Intimacy

Gay Hendricks – Centering And The Art Of Intimacy.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]


Centering And The Art Of Intimacyby Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks Now you can enjoy Centering And The Art Of Intimacy, the first book Gay and Katie wrote together thirty years ago, and The Centering And The Art Of Intimacy Workbook, the subsequent compilation of activities that they developed in sharing their work over many years. Centering and The Art of Intimacy introduces whole-body learning and the somatic perspectives that distinguish the Hendricks’ work from other approaches to relationship transformation. You may recognize the seeds of concepts that Gay and Katie have continued to explore and refine, such as the Upper Limits Problem. Centering and The Art of Intimacy Handbook gives you dozens of reliable activities and processes that emerged from years of sharing these radical new concepts with groups of singles, couples and professionals. Together these books give you a comprehensive, body-wisdom approach to thriving relationships and deep intimacy. From Centering and the Art of Intimacy: “Beneath all the strivings for recognition, power, money and things, what human beings really want is a total, permanent experience of love… But what keeps us from feeling it? The reason is this… The love and positive energy that is generated between two people brings problems… stemming from past experiences… to the surface, and we either deal with what comes up in a way that lets more love in or shuts it out…We retreat from the other person and blame the problems on a lack of love in the relationship… There are myriad ways of shutting out love. There are only a few ways of letting more love in… These few secrets are so powerful that we really do not need more. All we need to do is learn what they are and how to use them properly.”


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