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Gary Brodsky- Act As If

Gary Brodsky- Act As If
[3 CDs-MP3s, 1 E-Book- PDF (OCR)]


This is a TPclick GB! It is for here and only us! It remains on out tracker! Deal?!  Thanks for being a man and keeping your words  to what we agree to to.Quote:ACT AS IF and develop amazing abilities to achieve incredible successes in your life’s journey.ACT AS IF in the understanding that one insightful thought will unleash amazing and endless possibilities.ACT AS IF knowing the power you possess to alter your world begins with a single belief.Ask yourself: if you are in total control of your world or is life in all its complexities taking control from you?Reverend Gary Brodsky will teach you how to ACT AS IF. He will teach you to control the thoughts in your mind to achieve absolute control of your world. All you need do is ACT AS IF.ACT AS IF revolutionized the world two thousands years ago. Reverend Brodsky knows the time is right, right now for you to revolutionize your world by learning how to ACT AS IF. Learn how to alter any situation you may be trapped within. Learn how only you may reward yourself with the lifestyle you always dreamed of.To see your world as problematic, so it shall be. To believe your life is blessed, your goals are attainable you are ACTing AS IF. Positive thoughts produce positive outcomes. Negative thoughts produce negative results.You can live the life YOU choose by understanding how every single thing that happens to you –the good and the bad–is dictated by your own subconscious desires. YOU can eliminate unhappiness from your life. YOU can free yourself from the root cause of diseases, loneliness, poverty and powerlessness, all you need is to learn to ACT AS IF.Our life is shaped by our minds; we become what we think. We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them. What we think is what we create thereby casting a shadow over our lives that never leaves.We can all wish for change and hope tomorrow will be better, but change only happens when we believe profoundly in the certainty of our dreams and accept that a belief is more significant than a wish, a fact, a desire a yearning, a promise or a hope.We can all harness the power of the mind in our pursuits for a healthy, happy, fulfilling life in all areas of life. It is our right to succeed and enjoy a positive rewarding life.Reverend Brodsky in his own voice will explain how each of us can choose our direction in life… Reverend Brodsky will tell you specifically what you must do to get any and every thing in life you want and how YOU can open the doors to a whole new world of success.ACT AS IF That’s all it takes!”Rev” = I bet… I love Gary tho so its all good! did the MP3s to 128 kbps and the ebook was non OCR so I ran it through my OCR software and then did some spelling errors (used to tag each copy) correction with out changing the content nor grammar.GB members can DL Ratio Free now.VIP and up can DL now – Ratio Cost thoPower Users can get it in 5 daysUsers – Make Power UserEnjoy!


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