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Gardar Gardarsson – Program for Improving Concentration

Focus Program
[1eBook – PDF]


This program is result of GB located at Website: Your Mind Super Focused Quickly and Reliably in Just 3 Weeks!Learn how you can concentrate at will and examine in depth any given topic, even in extremely distracting situations for extended periods of time and with less effort”The Improving Concentration course is the very best resource available today for developing your concentration.” –M MacleodAuthor of 7 Steps To Mental Mastery and Fun With Figures.Dear friend,My mind used to be so restless that I couldn’t concentrate for more than a few minutes at a time before I got distracted.I was tired of not being able to think clearly and keep up in school, with my friends, or at work and needed to get my mind focused.After trying out vitamins, herbal extracts, smart drugs, mind machines, meditation, NLP and tons of other methods and techniques that only gave short-term results, I developed my own mind development techniques that really work long-term.Using these simple but powerful techniques, I finally achieved control of my thoughts and attention, and reached a state of deep mental and physical inner calm and stillness for the first time in my life!For years I explored everything I could on the body, brain and mind to get information on all the different methods and techniques that were said to calm and focus the mind.I was surprised by an immediate change and increase in both my sensory perception and concentration capabilities.- Eric Sommer – CEO Advanced Data Management Systems.First I tried taking substances such as vitamins, herbal extracts, supplements and smart drugs. The substances worked, but only partially. I got a buzz, a short-term mental boost, but only for the duration of the substance. Then I’d be back to the same old. Plus it was expensive.I wanted something more permanent. Something that lasted. A long-term solution. So I listened to classical baroque music, Mozart, which was supposed to calm the mind. My focus improved a little bit, but not much. Within a day my mind was back to it’s old distracted self again.So then I got myself a light and sound machine. It zonks you out and balances your left and right brain hemispheres. It was good for a while. A nice brain massage. I had more emotional balance. I could withstand more stress. But my mind still went on and on, non-stop.So now I was thinking that maybe I needed to change my beliefs or self-image.I started experimenting with behavioral modification techniques such as self-hypnosis, autosuggestion, subliminal programming and stuff like that. I even got myself a degree in NLP from Dr. John Grinder, one of the founders of NLP, and later graduated from an Avatar course.Now I can solve highschool physics and calculus problems faster. I look at the given data less because I can hold them in my head while I try to see their implications, or recall formulas to solve the problems.-Francis, student.ORDERI learned how to install or remove beliefs. How to get rid of bad habits, acquire new abilities, clear emotional blocks. I was getting closer and closer to my goal. Fine tuning techniques, getting more and more improvements, reducing the mental noise. Things were looking great. I was making progress but it was slow and required a lot of work. I needed something that was easier and worked faster. Something powerful and effective.I tried various types of meditation but I had a very hard time sitting still, and I didn’t like the oriental religious overtones or the philosophical indoctrination. I just wanted to get control of my attention without learning scriptures or becoming a Yogi or a Buddhist. (Not that there’s anything wrong with either).By now I had learned that the human brain behaves a lot like a muscle. Our brain cells, like our muscles, need exercise to stay healthy. Not only that, scientists were pinpointing specific brain areas that were associated with specific behaviors and abilities.So I researched the latest scientific discoveries on the brain to see if I could pinpoint where mental focus and concentration was located in the brain. And according to the latest scientific research it is located in an area in the front of your brain just behind your forehead. It’s called the prefrontal cortex, or the frontal lobes.It turns out that this area is your brain’s control center. They call it The Executive Function of the brain. It’s the part that controls all the other parts of the brain. The main control center for your attention and mind. The brains CEO so to speak.By now I had not only found where concentration was located in the brain, I discovered that exercising your executive function and attentional control center directly is the most natural and quickest way to improve focus and concentration. Period!After years of hard work I picked the most powerful neurological exercises that work directly on the executive function of the brain and created a training program with all the latest and best techniques and processes. It’s Called the Focus Power Program and it’s like nothing you’ve seen before. You’ll learn stuff you’ll not get anywhere else, and you’ll discover easy-to-follow methods that really work – and work fast.The Focus Power ProgramThe Focus Power Program is a self paced, facilitated program that gives you easy-to-follow instructions on how to test, measure, and improve your mental focus and concentration quickly and easily.The Focus Power Program Package Includes:  1. A comprehensive step-by-step e-book training manual, with tests, techniques, exercises and support materials.  2. Access to the Focus and Concentration Improvement community and resources.  3. A Library of Over 30 E-books and Articles on Developing Mental Skills and Brain Power.  4. Notifications of product developments, improvements and innovations.  5. Updates on the latest mind development and brainbuilding techniques.I have been able to maintain focus for about 40-45 minutes and could have probably went longer… [and] So far this thought stopping technique has proven to be a most enlightening and powerful experience. Thank you.- J. Burton., via e-mailORDERWhat you’ll learn when you get this programYou will be able to…   * Concentrate at will and examine in depth any given topic, even in extremely distracting situations for extended periods of time and with less effort.   * Stop your internal dialog and mental chatter in it’s tracks and replace it with a deep inner calm and stillness.   * Keep your mind glued to tasks that need to be completed and prevent irrelevant sights and sounds from disrupting your attention.   * Stop yourself from mentally tuning out and drifting away even though you are bored, tired or sleepy.   * Get a lot more done in less time and effortlessly handle many projects and tasks at the same without losing control.   * Easily overcome restlessness, frustration and irritation and maintain emotional balance and control even under extreme pressure.   * Prevent careless mistakes by being able to pay exquisite attention to details and spot hidden problems that others overlook.   * End physical and cognitive restlessness and addictive behavior and clear away the obstacles and thought patterns that sabotage mental clarity.   * Solve problems faster and more effectively and finish in minutes what takes others hours to complete.   * Skillfully plan in what order to do a series of tasks or activities and make better decisions and plans that are easier to achieve.   * Think more clearly, reason more effectively and recall facts and figures with more clarity and detail.I’ve been rolfed, reiked, chi kunged, energized more than a Diehard battery. I’ve been in places that make the trippy sequences of 2001 seem like a church picnic. It takes a lot to knock my socks off, but you’ve done it. I’m using the Thought Stopping technique at the inception of any possible illness or adversity and it opens up SUCH SPACE. Thank you very much.- Mark Jackier, via e-mailORDERHow The Focus Power Program WorksTake three simple tests to measure your focus and concentration performance levels and establish a baseline so you can see your performance improvements.Quiet and calm your mind with a very simple but powerful technique that allows you to stop internal dialog and improve your focus and concentration instantly.Practice the simple and easy daily exercises that help you get control over your mind and attention. Research has shown that the best way to get control of your mind is to practice a little bit every day.On the whole this includes everything you need to improve your focus and concentration quickly and easily.But the fact is, most mind-development and self-improvement efforts require some kind of support. It can be hard going at it alone.So in addition to the above, if you ever need special assistance, support or motivation you can always visit our online community. To share your ideas, ask questions, read articles and reports and get help with special problems through other participants or through private e-mail exchanges with the facilitator.The course is great. I have actually been able to control my mind for the first time.- Nick Rayner.Get Results Now!The Focus Power Program is only $27. Which is not a high price to pay for gaining command and control of your mind at will, in any situation, quickly and easily in your own space and time, and more.A comprehensive training manual with tests, techniques, exercises and reading materials; a community of like minded people who support and motivate you; and personal support from the facilitator whenever you need it.Click here to order the Focus Power Program now! and you’ll receive three free gifts that will have you controlling your mind and attention in no time flat.     FREE GIFT #1: The Thought Stopping Technique.     FREE GIFT #2: The Visual Countdown Mind Control Technique.     FREE GIFT #3: The Emotional Clearing Technique.I have reached a level where I can sustain focus for 30 mins. I have enjoyed the exercises and feel like I’ve reached a deeper understanding of the mind. The simplicity of the technique is satisfying.-K. Young, studentORDERHow to Order The Focus Power ProgramThe program is available at any time and at any place.To summarize what you get with your order:   * You get the completely updated “Focus Power Program” e-book with the latest and most advanced methods and techniques to improve your focus and concentration, delivered to you via e-mail or immediate download.   * You get a one year access to a members-only Web site with training materials, tools to test and measure your progress and improvements, articles, tips, mailing list and more.   * You get news and updates on our latest research and development efforts and discoveries and e-mail notifications of significant developments on the Web site.   * You get discounts on various products and services related to brainbuilding and mind development.   * You get my personal e-mail support and assistance whenever you need it for a whole year.   * You get free updates to The Focus Power Program for a whole year.This is easily the most powerful technique I have seen. I can’t believe no one has come up with this sooner.- John E., Author – via e-mail


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