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Gabe Suarez – Close Range Gunfighting

Gabe Suarez Close Range Gun Fighting
[DVDs – 2 AVIS]


Most range training doesn’t prepare you for the ugly reality of a gunfight. At the moment of truth, your hands won’t be at low-ready, your attacker won’t be a piece of paper stapled to a framework seven yards away and he won’t wait there patiently while you carefully aim and squeeze off a few rounds. In this original video production from Paladin Press, best-selling author and world-renowned combat shooting instructor Gabriel Suarez teaches you the combat-proven skills you need to win an actual gunfight against a committed assailant. Suarez focuses on the importance of shooting on the move, how to perform a malfunction clearance in the thick of combat, proper use of cover and why proficiency in one-handed shooting skills is vital. From there he cranks up the action, demonstrating force-on-force scenarios that seamlessly integrate empty-hand striking and extreme close-quarters shooting.For information purposes only.Color, approx. 180 min. total.


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