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From EFT to The Palace of Possibilities

[13 Videos – DVD Rips]


This is a video set by EFT guru Gary Craig covering creative uses of EFT.It covers EFT basics, relationships, business and self-development.Here is how Gary Craig describes the contents of the set:I couldn’t be more delighted with this 13 video set.Why? Because it blends many important concepts into one package and provides solid value for just about everyone. Newcomers and lay persons will appreciate the efficient, easy-to-learn entry into EFT (and its many uses). Seasoned professionals will also be pleased because the new material opens new vistas and augments our more specialized sets “The EFT Course” and and “Steps toward becoming The Ultimate Therapist”.Here is a thumbnail sketch of what’s included (followed by a more detailed description of each section).    * The Foundational EFT Workshop. This provides a good look at the EFT basics but does not replace the EFT Course.    * Turning Relationships into Elationships    * Turning Dreams into Dollar    * The Palace of Possibilities  The Foundational EFT Workshop (5 videos)This full day presentation is designed to equip you with a complete working knowledge of EFT. While the first video covers some standard ground already covered in The EFT Course, the remaining videos generate new slants on EFT not covered previously. The morning session covers the history, theory and background of EFT as well as a thorough walkthrough of the foundational tapping procedure known as The Basic Recipe. While this provides a reasonable grounding in the basics of EFT, it is not a substitute for the more detailed EFT Course. Its main value to EFT students is the different perspective from which it describes the basics. It augments the EFT Course but is not designed to replace it.While the morning session is lively and worthy of several watchings, the real fun begins in the afternoon. There we tap as a group so that everyone in the audience can apply EFT to themselves for such issues as …    * Physical discomforts    * Breathing constrictions    * Trauma    * Chocolate cravings    * PhobiasYou, of course, are encouraged to tap right along with the audience, thereby gaining familiarity with the process (not to mention relief for your own issues). By the time you have tapped numerous rounds of The Basic Recipe for these issues, you will have the process memorized and can apply it to the next person you see. There is, of course, an artistry involved if you want to take your skills to new levels, but that is covered in our other video sets. Here, you get the basics and then some.Turning Relationships into Elationships (2 videos)This half-day workshop takes relationships to new levels by providing the missing piece (i.e. EFT) Typically, couples go into counseling to express their grievances and strive for some form of mutual understanding. From there they attempt to compromise. THIS RARELY WORKS, of course, because the true causes of the problems are not resolved. They are merely discussed. As a result, the compromises meet the same fate as New Years Resolutions.This need not be!With EFT we can efficiently collapse the root causes of the irritations, aggravations and other turn offs that erode relationships. Whatever you or your partner do that unknowingly become turn-offs to the other can be EFT’d into obscurity.This cleans the slate so that turn-ons can replace turn-offs.  The end result is an easier trip down Elationship Lane. This workshop explores how to get at the root causes so that EFT can be effectively applied.  Along the way, we visit topics such as love, commitment, sex and the hardly-ever-discussed role of self interest. This self interest topic is often swept under the rug because it is not very romantic AND there is an aversion to even admitting it is there. But until we recognize that self interest is a material player in our love relationships, true honesty will remain on the shelf. Turning Dreams into Dollars (2 videos)This half-day workshop develops common sense procedures for promoting your business.  While there is a focus on the Therapeutic Practice, the principles are universal and apply to every business.In part, this workshop echoes my series on the EFT web site entitled, Building a Thriving Practice. In essence, we breathe life into that series by bringing it off the page and into the seminar room for live discussion with real people and their real questions. Not all of the topics covered, however, are in that series. There is some additional material as well. Here is a rundown of some of the topics covered.    *  Why Asking The Market Place is one of the most fundamental (and often overlooked) techniques for promoting your business. The market place will always tell you how you are doing and will do so in an honest, reliable and forthright manner.       *  Why the headline is the most important part of your ad and examples for creating good ones.       *  Why effective ads don’t need to be glitzy. In fact, they should be down-to-earth love letters.       *  How to make your ads more believable (very important).       *  What essentials you need for a thriving business.       *  How to make an offer the client cant refuse.       *  Why newsletters (especially those of the email type) are essential in promoting yourself as an AUTHORity.       *  Why specialization is so important and how EFT allows you to specialize in many things.       *  How charging by the result instead of by the hour can dramatically improve your income AND establish greater rapport with your clientele.       *  How EFT has used these common sense principles to grow so rapidly without any paid advertising.  The Palace of Possibilities (4 videos)This fun filled, fast moving full day workshop is among my favorite presentations. It is always well received by audiences and, in this workshop, it was given two standing ovations. Its main purpose is to install positives so that our lives can unfold in line with our true potentials. This is much easier to do, of course, after we have used EFT to clean out the limitations within our existing mindsets. Heres a partial list of what we cover …    * Your consistent thoughts become your reality. All personal growth reduces down to this sentence.    * Dreams don’t necessarily come true but they DO take you in directions.    * How I went from $18,000 per year to $400,000 per year simply by shifting my thoughts. How I also went from 190 lbs to 160 lbs. by using the same procedure.    * Erase and Replace: Erase your limiting thoughts with EFT and Replace them with empowering thoughts using ‘Watch your Words’, ‘Shift your Sources’, ‘Affirmations’, ‘TV Techniques’ and ‘Daydreaming’.    * Understand how affirmations really work. It is not the stated affirmation that is at work.  Rather, it is the tail-enders or yes-buts that show up at the end. These limiting tail-enders are EFT-able. Once they are neutralized, your stated affirmation will be more effective.    * Your habitual vocabulary has a subtle and powerful ability to condition your mental system. Which is a better statement, I can’t or I don’t know how yet? Shifting your vocabulary will shift your entire outlook.    * The advertising industry spends $billions to put their writing on our mental walls and they do so for one reason … it works. Why not use this obviously powerful tool for personal gain by advertising to yourself? Why not make up a personally empowering jingle using your favorite music?    * The way to do anything you want to do already exists, you need only tune into it. You have a built in Antenna that is always working to find what is important to you while filtering out the rest. Program it to find that new career, relationship, idea, etc. and you will be amazed at what shows up.    * You get what you focus on. Pessimists see what is wrong in the world. Optimists see opportunity. Yet, its the same world. What do you see? Whatever it is, it’s a reflection of your consistent thoughts.


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