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Frederic Patenaude – Eat Well for Under $100 a month (plant based diet)

Frederic Patenaude – Eat Well for Under $100 a month (plant based diet) [ebooks (PDF)]
[eBooks (PDF)]


Frederic Patenaude – Eat Well for Under $100 a month (plant based diet) [eBooks (PDF)]Product link……This is the entire package plus all the bonuses by Frederic Patenaude…The eBook (110 standard pages) — $37 value — The main part of the program is the eBook “How to Eat Well for Under $100 a Month on a Plant Based Diet” by Frederic Patenaude.This is a full-sized eBook (110 standard pages), with material never published before, containing everything you need to get started (including recipes!).Cheatsheet to Take to the Store— $20 value — You’ll also get an amazing cheatsheet showing you exactly how to tell if a food is a good deal or not, and what are the maximum amounts to pay for each category of food!Also includes a pocket version that you can keep with your wallet at all time to know when a food is a good deal or not! The Raw Food Diet for $10 a Day eBookMost raw foodists spend far too much for food. I’ve talked to raw foodists who spend over $1000 a month on food, just for themselves!So I’ve created a “Sister eBook” as a companion to this program, for those who would like to find out all the methods to slash the costs of a raw food diet in half.In this eBook you will discover:   – The top 10 raw food meals to improve your health and save money   – Exclusive Cheatsheets of the maximum price to pay for produce   – The surprising truth about growing your own food and whether it can save you money or not on a raw food diet   – The top four ways to save money on a raw food diet   –  How to save money eating organic on a raw food dietThis bonus normally sells for $37 but is available for $10 if you order today.Plus the last bonus…How to Eradicate Procrastination and Create Lasting Positive HabitsA collection of FOUR eBooks by Frederic Patenaude — $47 valueThis eBook presents breakthrough research done in the last 3-4 years that you probably haven’t heard about, that shows you how to rewire your brain’s neurocircuitry to eradicate procrastination and create positive habits.Have you ever set yourself a challenge, such as “For the next 30 days, starting from Monday, I will go on a ___________(fill in the blank).”?It could be a 100% raw diet, or a fitness challenge, or a work or personal project.Have you ever set yourself a goal, like a fitness program or a diet, and then only find out you can’t stick to it?You will discover:* What Mozart, Einstein and other word-class athletes have in common that has nothing to do with talent and that everyone can use to improve their lives.* The three key elements that are necessary for building extraordinary skills* How to ignite your passion to accomplish extraordinary things* How to commit to long-term changes when everything you’ve done before has failed* The power of inevitability thinking: how to make it impossible not to do the goals you’ve set out to accomplishThis bonus is broken down into FOUR separate eBooks.This eBook collection has never been sold before and will only be available during the launch.Enjoy, I’d also like to thank VIP Seducer for organizing the latest Frederic Patenaude GB and hooking us up with some great bonuses… …


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