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Fred Medina : The Fitness Jumbo Bundle

The Fitness Jumbo Bundle (19)
[1 ebook – azw , pdf , epub]


Fred Medina : The Fitness Jumbo Bundle Get 4 guides + 4 bonus reports in one download. Save $$ by purchasing them together instead of separately. Read on to find out what’s included.The four main guides are also available separately. Take a look at the authors page for an easy way to find them the Jumbo Bundle you’ll find:**The 1 minute Workout Series Bundle #1–1 Minute Cardio: 1 Exercise for 1 minute a day–1 Minute Isometrics: Build Strength in only 1 minute–1 Minute Poses: 3 Poses/ 1 Minute A Day**The 1 Minute Workout Series Bundle #2Why kill yourself with long boring workouts?This bundle is composed of three guides:–1 Minute Warrior: Fight To Be Fit. Consists of fighting moves. Each move is explained and there are also photos for your convenience.–1 Minute Cardio 2.0: Five Cardio Exercises, Without The Torture. Five exercises where 1 minute makes a difference.–1 Minute Core: Strengthen Your Core In Only 1 Minute? Three sets of exercises that work your entire core.**But I Don’t Like Running, Now What: Learn To Run Fast In 6 StepsIf you like to run miles and miles a week, then this book isn’t for you. But if you want to be able to run fast and be done in under 20 minutes then this book is right up your alley.**Secrets of Military Fitness: 21 Techniques The Navy Uses That Can Get You Ship ShapeBody weight exercises work. Just look at how the military gets their people into shape in boot camp. How about gymnasts? They use bodyweight training. But what are the best ways to go about using bodyweight exercises? Do you do 10 reps or 15? Do you do 3 sets or 5? There’s a lot of information out there and it can get a bit confusing.Bonus Report #1No Training Wheels: Learn to ride a bike in 6 stepsIn this report I will explain how to learn or teach someone to ride a bike using six steps. If you or someone you know has tried to learn and have failed, this report will help you get moving.The most important thing a new rider needs to learn is balance. Unfortunately no one can teach them balance. They must learn it on their own. In one step you will learn the best way to make this happen.Bonus report #2The Squat Thrust & Swing: A Winning CombinationCombining these two exercises can increase your stamina and endurance in a relatively short amount of time. I already consider the squat thrust a great endurance exercise, but by adding in the swing you can get even more bang for your buck. In this report you will learn multiple ways on how to work these two exercises together to make for an intense or less intense workouts.Bonus Report #3Burn Calories With Circuit Training & TabataCircuit training is a great way to burn calories and at the same time retaining your current level of strength, while you try to lose some pounds. Add in a tabata interval of cardio exercises and be done in under 30 minutes.Bonus Report #4The AM/PM Daily MinimumPeople used to do a small amount of exercise upon waking and right before they went to bed. I think we should all do a minimumDRM removed , converted to epub and pdf for you…


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