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Frank B Kermit – Everything Out Of Her Mouth is a Test (OCR)

Frank B. Kermit – Everything Out Her Mouth[tP]
[1 ebook -DOC]


Another one for Chocolate – sorry for the delay mate!Everything Out of Her Mouth is a TEST: A Man’s Guide to Satisfying the Emotional Needs of Women makes the same woman be willing to have a one night stand with a stranger, yet she makes her relationship partner wait months for sex? Why do women respond to jerks, and take advantage of nice guys? To read reviews of this book, and seminars based on these teachings check out Everything Out Of Her Mouth is a Test is the seduction philosophy of Frank B Kermit. If you read From Loser to Seducer, then you are already acquainted with Frank B Kermit’s story of pain, change and the redemption of a seducer -in- training. In this book, learn about what his beliefs about seduction are, and learn how to understand women the way Frank B Kermit understands them.A Review from John of New Hampton IA  [ No Rating ]   24 Sep 2007by From FrankTalks.comI have read your first three books and the one I like best would be Everything Out of Her Mouth is a Test. This was the last book I read. I think the title scared me at first. of all the dating and relationship books I read no one has addressed her emotional needs like you did. Your quote: “this is why you must f*ck her”. I never heard this before, after reading this book and looking at other peoples relationships that is a very true statement.-John of New Hampton IAA Review by Player Supreme [ No Rating ] 20 Sep 2007by From FrankTalks.comI am reading Frank’s book Everything Outta Her Mouth is a Test. I find myself nodding my head in agreement quite often with this one. I even did a small segment on it in my podcast show recently in helping one of my listeners with a female management problem. – Player SupremeAs quoted off the Toronto Lair (torontolair.Ca)A Review from Mathmann of Denmark [ No Rating ] 19 Sep 2007by From FrankTalks.comI just love this book. If you want to get a grasp of the 10 Emotional Needs of women, this is the book for you. The main part of the book is about the 10 Emotional Needs. You get a explanation about every one of the 10 needs in a sharp and honest way. Also you get lots of how-to implimentations of addressing the 10 Emotioanl Needs in REAL life situations and a strategies on how to get girls using the Emotional Needs analysis. This book is a must have book. I will read it again for sure – Mathmann, DenmarkA review from Toronto J. [ No Rating ] 14 Sep 2007by From FrankTalks.comTalk about redemption moment. Spent 5 days in NYC with the girl that basically caused all my chump loser mental/health problems for the past 6 years. We didn’t just hook up however, but had the most amazing sex of my life. I utilized basically everything from the book, but modified for my own personality and character. The issue of Discretion, totally came up, and luckily I was prepared, thanks to the book. I really feel everything seduction-wise has stepped-up for me big time. I don’t think I could’ve done it without the framework you provided in your book. Basically, no tactics, no openers, no qualifying, NO TRICKS. Just pure, simple, being a man, and taking care of the girl without being needy.Thanks Frank B Kermit! – Toronto J.A Review from Ereculus of Colorado USA [ No Rating ] 12 Jun 2007 (updated 30 Jul 2007)by From FrankTalks.comFrank – I’m on page 70 of ‘Everything out of a woman’s mouth is a test’ It beats the other book you wrote to s**t – it’s that good. I have highlighted a lot of things that pertain to my now defunct marriage of 20 years. You have really searched the depths of your soul and it shows with your keen insights. I’m becoming the stronger man for it as I constantly pore over your material. I have never done so much high lighting as with one book. I write in the margins what I did wrong and how going forward I will correct it. I just read Emotional Need no 2 women want to feel a range of emotions. Pg 70 through 75. This absolutely hit me like A brick and now I know what I need to do going forward. I had no idea my ex would start fights on purpose just so she could feel. Now I get it. Those 5 Pages I will memorize. Those 5 pages alone are worth the cost of the book. Btw – every time I read your Book I go over from page 1 to where I stopped last and reread the points I Highlighted before I move forward in the book to where I last dropped off. This helps my brain memorize/program this into me so it will become second nature. After 20 years of marriage (Divorce) this book was the ONE book that knocked me over the head. It told me everything I did wrong. Best book ever for men that are still married. I wish I read this 5 years ago. Btw – I keep poring over your book – best book I ever read. Fantastic insights and for every thing you point out I put down what I did wrong and how I will do it right the next time. Great Book Frank. -Ereculus from Colorado, USAA review from Wolfeman2 [ No Rating ] 20 Jul 2007by From FrankTalks.comI found the book an interesting, but slightly dark read. You are definitely a far more philosophical thinker than many others currently writing about the game. I can also tell you’re well educated and expect the same level of intelligence from your audience. – Wolfeman2A review from Warrior1 [ No Rating ] 20 Jul 2007by From FrankTalks.comEverything Out of Her Mouth is a TEST: It has some great info about the subconscious mind along with in an in depth discussion on how the satisfy the top 10 emotional needs of a women through her tests. I got a real greater understanding of women through this one. Now when I’m with a girl, I really pay attention to the needs he talks about in his books. I just came back from LA on business and witnessed all kinds of interactions going on between couples I met, which I can now really relate to in terms of the dynamics of the relationships. I now have a better understanding of what is actually going on. In my opinion, I don’t believe that Franks books are a pick up guide. I do however believe they will truly enhance your relationship and your general interactions with women.This book is A MUST. – Warrior1


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