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Formhandle and TokyoPUA – Art of the Pickup: Tactics and Techniques Promo Clips

Art of the Pickup – Tactics and Techniques
[25 FLVs]



Jay Valens (Formhandle) & Ray Devans (TokyoPUA) have launched a new program “Tactics and Techniques”, a sequel to their “Art of the Pickup” series.In the last month, they have released a considerable portion of the program on their blog: as promo clips.I’ve captured all the FLV files that have been released so far.  You can watch these for free at the above address but I’ve collected them here for future reference in case they take them down.There are two categories of files: Foundations and Routines.  Most of the routines clips have both a commentary and non-commentary version.Here’s the promo copy for this DVD package (which by the way, has a group buy going on at )Building on the unprecedented success of the original “The Art of the Pickup” DVD set, this new DVD set raises the bar yet again after nearly 2 years in the planning and production. “The Art of the Pickup: Tactics and Techniques” is an interactive video powerhouse, the first ever collection of the top routines, tactics and techniques used by the best dating coaches and pickup artists from around the world. This new, 2 DVD set is a professionally produced instruction guide that shows you step-by-step the most powerful tools ever invented for success with women at every stage of interaction: from exactly how to first meet them and what to say, to getting them attracted and having fun with you, to getting their phone number, making them comfortable with you, physical escalation, getting past last minute resistance to sex and wanting sex, and more. Over 100 of the top routines, tactics, techniques and variations from the most skillful and famous dating experts and pickup artists around the world are included. “The Art of the Pickup” was co-produced by the same team that runs the largest and most trafficked site on the web about pickup and seduction,®. They worked on “The Art of the Pickup: Tactics and Techniques” DVD for over a year to ensure that the information was the absolute best available and ensure the production quality is superior to anything else on the market. Their involvement gives this product incredible value you will feel at every step of your learning experience.


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