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Fiona Harrold – The Seven Rules of Success: Life Coaching for Professional Success and Personal Fulfillment

Fiona Harrold – The Seven Rules of Success (2008).pdf
[1 ebook – PDF]


This new exclusive material is part of the Coaching: get good, get rich! group buy.This group buy is still open and the forum is listed at: Seven Rules of Success: Life Coaching for Professional Success and Personal FulfillmentAuthor:  Fiona HarroldPublished: 2008Book Description: 253 pages scanned, OCRed & bookmarked.Life Coaching for Professional Success and Personal FulfillmentThe proven blueprint that reveals how you can achieve professional fulfillment and personal happiness.Renowned life coach Fiona Harrold has a proven blueprint that reveals how the truly successful have achieved professional fulfillment and personal happiness—and how you can too.Fiona Harrold has talked to some of the world’s top achievers—those who have found their passion and made it their career—and discovered the rules they live by. Now she shows you, in seven easy steps, how to apply them to your own life. From getting past your fear of failure, to becoming a charming, effective individual who people want to do business with, Fiona coaches you on how to understand and use these seven techniques, tips, tricks and strategies to achieve your dreams.Vision, generosity and what Harrold calls “optimistic resilience” are crucial components of the successful person’s psyche. An entertaining roundup of “famous failures”-including J.K. Rowling (eight literary agents rejected the first Harry Potter book),  Walt Disney (fired from a newspaper because he “lacked imagination”), Isaac Newton and Winston Churchill (both academic failures) – takes some of the sting out of perceived failure and is genuinely emboldening, while periodic short exercises throughout the book sharpen the reader’s sense of purpose and clarify life goals. The author’s web site is at: keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks to brotherS for starting this group buy and to everyone who supported this group buy.Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute to the group buy at: are the standard group buy lead times.Thanks, Mazen


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