Private Library for Anything and Everything – Evidence-based Keto Guide – Keto Guide
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Brand new released September 2019 with bonus reviews of 10 keto studies drawn from the Research Digest Keto GuideTable of Contents:10 MEDICAL DISCLAIMER11 PREFACEKETO 101: THE PRACTICE OF KETOCHAPTER 1: THE BASICS OF KETO16 What is a keto diet?18 Is keto the best diet for fat loss?20 What are ketones and ketosis?22 How do you measure your ketone levels?CHAPTER 2: EATING KETO26 Carbohydrate27 Fat29 Protein31 Can you be vegan or vegetarian and keto?32 Specific foodsCHAPTER 3: STARTING KETO36 How should you go keto?37 How long does it take to go keto?CHAPTER 4: MAINTAINING KETO40 Is a keto diet hard to maintain?43 How can you eat out and stay keto?43 What should you do if you can’t stick to keto?CHAPTER 5: TROUBLESHOOTING KETO45 What can you do about the “keto flu”?46 What can you do about the “keto breath”?47 How do you avoid constipation?47 How do you avoid muscle cramps?48 Are there supplements you should take?CHAPTER 6: HEALTH CONCERNS51 Is the keto diet healthy and safe?52 When is keto contraindicated?54 Should you worry about ketoacidosis?54 Keto and exerciseCHAPTER 7: CAN KETO TREAT … ?56 Can keto treat Alzheimer’s?56 Can keto treat autism?57 Can keto treat cancer?58 Can keto treat diabetes?59 Can keto treat epilepsy?59 Can keto treat Lou Gehrig’s disease?59 Can keto treat migraines?60 Can keto treat Parkinson’s disease?KETO 201: THE SCIENCE OF KETOCHAPTER 8: BODY COMPOSITION63 What is body composition?64 Water weight71 Fat mass84 Muscle mass93 Improving body composition on ketoCHAPTER 9: STRENGTH108 No carbs, no strength: the theory113 Your strength on keto: from theory to practice115 Theory vs. practice: why the disconnect?CHAPTER 10: ENDURANCE119 Keto-adaptation: the theory122 Keto-adapted athletes: from theory to practice126 Theory vs. practice: why the disconnect?131 Does keto have any endurance-related benefits?CHAPTER 11: KETONE AND MCT SUPPLEMENTS134 Why supplement in the first place?134 Exogenous ketones139 MCTsCHAPTER 12: BLOOD SUGAR145 Diabetes: a major public health problem148 Does keto for diabetes make sense?152 Do ketogenic diets uniquely help treat diabetes and prediabetes?159 What about when ketogenic diets are better for weight loss?161 Type I diabetes162 Commonsense ketoCHAPTER 13: WARNINGS167 Why does keto warrant safety considerations?167 When is keto not recommended?168 Do you need to monitor health biomarkers?170 Medications172 Supplements174 Nutrients you should monitor193 Common adverse reactions and side effectsCHAPTER 14: CLOSING REMARKS202 Top 10 tips and takeaways to keep in mindAPPENDICES204 Appendix A: Tables of low-carb foods216 Appendix B: Tables of low-carb foods rich in commonly underconsumed nutrients229 REFERENCESBonus Keto StudiesTable of Contents:WEIGHT LOSS1 The study that didn’t end the low-fat/low-carb diet “wars”2 Quoth the insulin hypothesis, “Nevermore”3 What happens to diets when you control food quality?MUSCLE BUILDING & EXERCISE PERFORMANCE4 Low-carbing for endurance: the oxygen problem5 Are ketogenic diets beneficial to the fitness and fatness of healthy adults?6 Short-term keto diets and athletic power7 Does overeating on a keto diet help build muscle?BLOOD SUGAR & INSULIN8 A thorough trial of carb intake for diabetes9 The ketogenic diet — there’s an app for that!10 Keto diets: Are their metabolic effects only due to caloric restriction?BONUS INTERVIEWLuis Villasenor – founder of


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