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Esther Vilar – The Polygamous Sex

Esther Vilar – The Polygamous Sex [1 Book scan – PDF]
[1 Book scan – PDF]


Esther Vilar – The Polygamous SexA man’s right to the other womanThis is the second book of Vilar’s trilogy “The Manipulated Man” (eye-opening and highly recommended, ), “The Polygamous Sex” and the “The End of Manipulation” (German only).Vilar discusses the different kinds of love and ways women try to manipulate men in detail.a review from Esther Vilar’s first book “The Manipulated Man” (1971/72) she said women dominate men while men are taught to believe it’s the other way round! It’s her most popular book.But IMHO “The Polygamous Sex” is even better cause it’s less polemic and more sober. People who believe “The Manipulated Man” was a joke will take Vilar’s theses – which she maintains 100 % in this second book – more seriously cause this time she does not insult women the way she does in the first one. And even though you cannot call the book new (it was written in 1974) it is not dated at all.Besides, the book explains brilliantly how massively men get brainwashed by feminism in the mass media.In the original German both books were published in an omnibus volume along with Vilar’s third one titled “Das Ende der Dressur” (“The end of manipulation”) which describes how things could get better in the future.Such an omnibus volume should be published in English as well. This could be of great help especially to American readers cause the American man is probably the one who gets fooled, ripped off and brainwashed by women more radically than any other male in the democratic western countries.Reading the whole trilogy an American reader might almost feel like Keanu Reeves in “The Matrix” after swallowing the magic red capsule…By the way, people who love witty and rousing essays should read *everything* this sharp-tongued woman has ever written – not only the stuff that deals with the situation of men and women in society.


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