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Eric Thompson – Earth Pulse

Eric Thompson – Earth Pulse
[Webrip 2 WAVs, 2 MP3s, 2 AIFFs, 4 PNGs, 2 PDFs]



Eric Thompson – Earth PulseTransform Your Electronic Devices into High-Tech Schumann Resonance Transmitters! Dramatically Reduce Stress, Enhance Healing, Accelerate Learning & Creativity, Protect Yourself from Harmful EMF’s, and Feel More Grounded and Centered.EARTH PULSE: The Energetic Signature of the Schumann ResonanceEnergetically Encoded Digital Audio and Mandala Program7.83 Hz – Energetic Encoding Technology – ScalarWave EntrainmentThe Schumann Resonance: The Earth’s “Field Effects” on Human HealthThe Schumann ResonanceFrom Wikipedia ( “The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.”The basis, or fundamental, for these resonances is 7.83 Hz (cycles per second), which is a standing wave in the cavity between the ionosphere and Earth. Because this rhythmic pattern lies within the human brainwave range, various authors have speculated that this aspect of the Earth’s electromagnetic field may act as a kind of global mind, with the capacity to organize and influence human consciousness. While such speculations may seem farfetched, there is a growing body of scientific evidence suggesting that the Schumann Resonance may positively influence:• Neural and cognitive functioning in mammals.• Physical, emotional and mental health in humans.• Healthy DNA formation in humans and mammals.• Psychic phenomena.• A healthy sense of being grounded and centered.• A healthy form of protection against harmful electromagnetic fields (EMF’s).• An enhanced state of creativity, cognition and learning.• Improved ability to handle stress.For more information on product page: AUDIO MEDITATION TRACKS (80 minutes of audio – in three different audio formats – 6 digital files)- WAV format – This is a large file but delivers maximum audio quality – works best on PC and most audio devices.- AIFF format –This is a large file but delivers maximum audio quality – works best on Mac and most Apple audio devices.- 320 kbps MP3 format – This is the highest quality MP3 format available, and is a much smaller file – works on all audio devices.The Earth Pulse PDF USER MANUALThe Earth Pulse Mandala (in four formats)- Use during your meditation sessions with Earth Pulse (to amplify the energy).- Use also throughout the day to stay balanced and stress free.- This can become TOO relaxing if used at too high an amplitude for too long, so be careful.- Includes four different formats (large, small, phone and pdf print)


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