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Eric Berne – Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy

Eric Berne – Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy
[1 eBook -PDF]


Amazon Link:…Quote:BERNE’S FIRST FORMULATION OF THE IDEAS HE MADE POPULAR LATERHe wrote in the Preface to this 1961 book, “This book outlines a unified system of individual and social psychiatry as it has been taught during the past five years at the Group Therapy Seminar at Mount Zion Hospital in San Francisco [etc.]… This approach is now being used by therapists and group workers in various institutional settings, as well as in private practice, to deal with almost every type of mental, emotional, and characterological disturbance. The growing interest in and wider dissemination of its principles have indicated a need for this book.” (Pg. 11)He says in the Introduction, “An ego state may be described phenomenologically as a coherent system of feelings related to a given subject, and operationally as a set of coherent behavior patterns; or pragmatically, as a system of feelings which motivates a related set of behavior patterns.” (Pg. 17) He adds, “Colloquially, these types of ego states are referred to as Parent, Adult, and Child… Certain repetitive sets of social maneuvers appear to combine both defensive and gratificatory functions. Such maneuvers are colloquially called pastimes and games… More complex operations are based on an extensive unconscious life plan which is called a ‘script,’ after the theatrical scripts which are intuitive derivatives of these psychological dramas. These three terms ‘pastime,’ ‘game,’ and ‘script,’ form the vocabulary of transactional analysis.” (Pg. 23)He asserts, “In structural terms, a ‘happy’ person is one in whom important aspects of the Parent, the Adult, and the Child are syntonic with each other.” (Pg. 57) He explains, “The Parent is the guide for ethical aspirations… the Adult is concerned with the earthly realities of objective living; and the Child is a purgatory, and sometimes a hell, for archaic tendencies.” (Pg. 60) He suggests, “Transactional analysis is best done in therapy groups.” (Pg. 90) He states, “a game can be defined transactionally as a set of ulterior transactions… with a concealed motivation… a series of moves with a snare or ‘gimmick.'” (Pg. 104)Later, he advises, “The trichotomy [Parent, Adult, Child] must be taken quite literally. It is just as if each patient were three different people. Until the therapist can perceive it this way, he is not ready to use this system effectively.” (Pg. 235) He summarizes, “It is quite possible that the personality structure so far given might be adequate for a therapeutic lifetime, just as it served the writer well during the first phase of clinical formulation of these ideas.” (Pg. 191)Berne later presented this material in a much more “popular” style in ‘Games People Play,’ but this earlier, more “clinical” presentation provides great insight into his ideas during their development.Group Buy for more material:


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