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Entheos Academy – How to Train Your Brain to Lose Weight in 21 Days with Dr. Sean Sullivan

Dr. Sean Sullivan – How to Train Your Brain to Lose Weight in 21 Days
[1 video (MP4)]


Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!Class OverviewIn this class Dr. Sean will teach what new research findings, and his own brain training clinic, have taught us about how to train your brain to master weight loss in 21 days. (Check out the Top 10 Big Ideas from the class below!)Your ProfessorDr. Sean Sullivan is a Harvard educated author, practicing clinical psychologist and Director at Dr. Sean teaches how to use the latest psychology and brain science to achieve your personal goals.The Top 10 Big Ideas1. Train Your Brain to Master Losing Weight BEFORE You Begin Your Next DietNew research out of Stanford University has demonstrated that people who did not train their brain to lose weight by learning skills like “paying relaxed attention” before beginning a new diet gained back more than twice as much weight as people who trained their brain for weight loss first! The long term results were clear and astounding—18 months after the beginning of the study, those who learned and practiced training their brain for weight loss BEFORE beginning their diet were not only able to lose weight, but they also kept the weight off far better than people who dove straight into their diet before training their brain! The BIG headline… Train your brain to lose weight before you begin your next diet! 2. Listen in on Your INNER DIALOGUE Each DayYour emotional life is a main driver of your eating behavior. And, your emotional life is closely related to the content of your INNER DIALOGUE—the ongoing conversation you engage in with yourself (i.e. the conversation you are having inside your head, right now). That means that your stress, anxiety and boredom are each connected to your eating habits. To take control of your INNER DIALOGUE, you can incorporate “Mind Exercise” into your day. Mind exercise is a way to practice shifting your attention intentionally. By practicing for 21 days, you will strategically take control of your own INNER DIALOGUE as you train your brain to lose weight. 3. Regain Control Over Your Attention Anytime by Focusing on Your Big Left ToeWe all get distracted away from moving toward our goals many times throughout each day. Whenever you discover that you have been distracted away from your motivation to lose weight, you can always regain your focus by placing all your attention into noticing how your body feels for just 60 seconds. Choose a part of your body, your big left toe is a good choice, and shift all your attention to noticing how your toe feels in this moment. Can you feel your toe throb? Do you notice how it feels against your sock? Once you’ve regained control over your attention, your focus, you are much more able to use your attention strategically to refocus yourself on thoughts and activities that will move you toward building the life and body you want. 4. Observe Your Automatic Emotional Reactions as they Unfold in Real TimeWe each have automatic emotional reactions that have built up over time. These reactions become our personal emotional habits. When you don’t notice your old emotional patterns arising inside you in real-time, they often distract your attention away from what you intend to be focused on. So, they can distract you away from moving toward your weight loss goal!You can learn to notice your automatic emotional habits as each occurs, so you can catch them before they distract you from focusing your attention where you choose. The first step is to recognize that these distractions are automatically occurring throughout your day because of old habits you’ve built up in your mind. Commit yourself to observing your emotional habits unfold for the next 21-days. You will dramatically reduce their power to distract you from sticking to your weight loss plan. 5. Explore How Your Important People Impact Your Goal with Emotional VisualizationCertain people in your life stimulate an emotional reaction inside you when you think about them—even when they are not around you. By observing how you react emotionally when you intentionally bring to mind the “important people” in your life, you can evaluate whether your important people are hurting, or helping, you achieve your weight loss goal. Inviting people into your mind’s eye and observing how your INNER WORLD reacts to their presence in your mind’s eye is part of a skill is called “Emotional Visualization.” You might be surprised by what you discover if you give it a try each day for 21 days. Make sure your important people are supporting your movement toward creating the life you want, and the body you want to be living in. 6. Learn the “Triggers” that Lead to YOUR Habitual ReactionsYour brain automatically reacts emotionally to certain events the moment they happen. So, you have developed personal “triggers” that you’ve become accustomed to automatically reacting to. Meanwhile, we each react differently to our habitually ingrained triggers. For example, some of us eat on demand after feeling belittled or put down by someone we care about.Before you can strategically change how you automatically react, you need to become familiar with your triggers. Begin by making a list of the moments that have triggered you to overeat in the last month. What events throw you off your game? The ones that occur over and over are the ones you NEED to know about. Once you become conscious of your triggers and how you habitually react, you can train your brain to use your triggers to instead help you achieve your weight loss goal. 7. Use Emotional Discomfort to Your Advantage to Lose WeightEveryone gets upset. Everyone experiences emotional discomfort at times. Only some people know how to turn emotional upset into an opportunity to IMPROVE their chances of achieving their goals. New brain science has shown that an effective way to change how you react to future frustrations is to notice how your INNER DIALOGUE changes when you get frustrated today. It can be supremely challenging to listen closely to how the conversation you maintain with yourself—your INNER DIALOGUE—changes when you get upset. But, doing exactly that is the most important skill you can practice for making changes in your life. Make a habit of observing your INNER DIALOGUE each time you get upset for 21 days. You’ll be surprised at how much your reactions to frustrating situations—such as overeating & unhealthy eating—remit.8. Watch the “Movie” Playing in Your Head Each MomentYour eating habits are driven by the story you tell in your INNER MOVIE—i.e. the “movie” playing in your head all day long. The challenge you face is to NOT be distracted from observing your own narration of your INNER MOVIE during times of stress. When you get distracted, instead of clearly hearing and seeing what is being said inside your head you become the movie. When you become the movie you get dragged through your movie’s scenes, rather than directing your movie as you choose. By developing the skill of observing your INNER MOVIE even when your emotions get strong, you can begin to direct the movie to an ending of your choice—your healthy eating and exercise routines. So, not only can you practice listening to you INNER DIALOGUE, you can also practice watching your INNER MOVIE by becoming aware of the scenes created by the conversation inside your head. 9. Uncover Your SELF DEFEATING CYCLES to Train Your Brain for Weight LossSELF DEFEATING CYCLES are the cycles of thoughts, emotions and reactions that repetitively occur in your INNER WORLD—the world that exists inside your brain and body. Your SELF DEFEATING CYCLES sabotage your weight loss goal because they ensure that stress, anxiety and other negative emotions periodically return and distract you from moving toward what you want to bring into your life: HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS.You can uncover your SELF DEFEATING CYCLES by unraveling the patterns of your habitual negative experiences, thoughts and emotions. The next moment you notice that you are struggling emotionally, ask yourself what else your current experience reminds you of. Have you been in this emotional ‘CYCLE’ before? As you get better at watching your emotional life play out, you’ll begin to be able to notice your SELF DEFEATING CYCLES before they occur. By doing so you’ll begin to bring real and lasting changes into your life—now you’re training your brain to lose weight. 10. embed a SELF PROMOTING CYCLE into your INNER WORLDA SELF PROMOTING CYCLE is a repetitive cycle of experience that you intentionally cultivate in your INNER WORLD so you can connect with your BEST SELF at will. Your BEST SELF is a version of yourself that is implicitly aware that in this very moment you are completely equipped with everything you need to lose weight and keep it off. Your BEST SELF already knows how to lose weight and keep it off and it is completely confident in it’s ability to follow through with your weight loss plan.  As you train your brain for 21 days, you will be designing your SELF PROMOTING CYCLE in perfect alignment with your goal of losing weight and keeping it off. When you become able to connect to the BEST version of your self at will, on demand, whenever you choose to, you will have not only be training your brain to lose weight and keep it off, you will also be mastering your life.


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