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Entheos Academy – How to Parent Through Toddlerhood (Years 1-4) with Carrie Contey

How to Parent Through Toddlerhood (Years 1-4).mp4
[WebRip – 1 MP4]



Class OverviewParenting a child or children between 1-4 years old? Jump in and get yourself and your family on track and sail through these monumental years with ease, joy, connection and maximum cooperation. (Check out the Top 10 Big Ideas from the class below!) Your ProfessorCarrie Contey, PhD co-founded the Slow Family Living movement. Her scholarly and hands-on research gave birth to CALMS: A Guide to Soothing Your Baby & What Babies Want: Calming and Communicating With Your Baby.How to Parent Through Toddlerhood (Years 1-4)Are you parenting a child or children between one and four years old?  Do you struggle with meltdowns and unsavory behavior?Does life with your growing toddler feel physically and emotionally overwhelming at times?Would you like some tools for weathering the emotional storms that are inherent to this phase of life?Are you interested in knowing how you can stay connected to your little One through the days, months and years?Would you like a clear and simple road map for navigating family life during this phase of development with ease and joy? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the class for you! Jump in and get yourself and your family on track and sail through these monumental years with ease, joy, connection and maximum cooperation.    The Top 10 Big Ideas1 On ToddlerhoodAlthough every human is unique, there are certain qualities and patterns of behaviors that are common in various phases of life. Let’s explore what’s typical, normal and important in the phase of life right after babyhood but before childhood.2 Understanding the Old vs. New ParadigmI’ll introduce you to a whole new way of thinking about young children, human development and parenting. This perspective sets the foundation for everything we explore going forward.3 Exploring the Growing BrainExponential growth is taking place in this phase of life and your child’s brain is expanding in miraculous ways. I’ll give you a clear explanation of what’s taking place, how it influences your child’s behavior and how you can effectively parent in the midst of these profound changes.4 Setting Clear BoundariesIn this phase of development your little person is up and going and ready to explore the world. And in the midst of that he/she needs your help in knowing the limits. I’ll guide you in how to effectively set those limits clearly, firmly, kindly and in ways that support their unfolding (and your sanity).5 Addressing Unsavory BehaviorsKicking, spitting, screaming, melting down…a normal part of toddlerhood. I’ll offer you a practical understanding of why your child acts in ways that are challenging and what you can do when it happen.6 Practicing Impeccable Self-CareYour emotional state sets the tone for the entire family. Let me guide you toward learning ways to keep your cool knowing how to stay steady no matter what your little growing person is experiencing.7 Fostering EmpathyIn family life, empathy is a crazy effective stabilizing force. It creates ample opportunities for connection and gives your child a deep sense of emotional safety. What I share here will help you strengthen this important muscle which will serve you as a parent now and down the road.8 Navigating Meltdowns”It seems like she’s throwing tantrums all the time.” “It feels like he’s crying over the silliest things. Is this normal? And what can I do about it?” Yes, it’s completely normal and when you understand the science of emotional regulation, brain development and early learning you very quickly realize that this is a necessary and often inevitable part of toddlerhood and early childhood. I’ll guide you on how to weather the storms.9 The Road AheadNow that you have a clear understanding of what’s going on in those little brains and bodies, let’s integrates all of the learning and leave you with ideas, tools and inspiration for going forward as a thoughtful and equipped parent.10 Understanding How Toddlerhood Fits Into Humanhood As amazing and challenging as this phase of life can be, it’s very short in the scheme of things. Knowing this, and keeping an eye on where you are all heading as a family can bring comfort in the midst of the intense time of growing. Here’s to enjoying the ride!


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