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English Way

Abril Colecoes – English Way
[24 DVDs (MKV) 24 CDs (MP3) 24 Books (PDF)]


Volume 01Learn how to start a casual conversation, to greet people and ask about someone’s profession. Lesson 1 – I’m Elena //  personal pronouns (subject) • Verb “to be” Lesson 2 – Hello! // This Time • Regular Verbs Names cities   Lesson 3 – She comes from Spain // personal pronouns (subject) • Countries, nationalities and languages Volume 02Learn to apologize, to count to 12 and ask for personal information such as name, occupation, nationality, age and birthday of someone. Lesson 1 – Dinner is ready! //  Possessive pronouns Lesson 2 – Elena is looking for a job //  “Possessive case” Weekdays   Lesson 3 – How was your day? //  interrogative pronouns • interrogative and negative modes of the verb “to be” verbs • negative mode in the present tense (“do not” / “does not”)Volume 03Learn how to describe the physiognomy of a person to count to 100 and say goodbye.  Lesson 1 – I need a black coat  //  plural nouns • definite article “the” • indefinite article “a” / “an”  Lesson 2 – Is he your boyfriend? // interrogative mode of verbs in this short answers • months of the year  Lesson 3 – Holiday plans  //  present progressive • ordinal numbers • DatesVolume 04Learn to demonstrate desires and preferences, to fulfill a request, asking the meaning of words and phrases useful for the airport and the hotel.   Lesson 1 – Passport control //  verb “to have” letters of the alphabet   Lesson 2 – Is this your bag? //  verb modal “can” • verb “to want” imperative mood • demonstrative pronouns   Lesson 3 – What does this mean? // “could” • “to have to” Volume 05Learn to tell the time, to ask the price, anniversaries and useful expressions for the restaurant, shopping and talking about the weather.   Lesson 1 – I’d like some wine tonight //  countable nouns and uncountable “some” and “any ”   Lesson 2 – Shopping //  “to like” comparatives and superlatives   Lesson 3 – What about me? // “to need” • “why” and “because” • “there is” and “there are” Volume 06Learn how to ask time and duration, to say the body parts and how you feel physically, to describe the character and personality of one year and talk in English.     Lesson 1 – Going to the movies //   comparatives and superlatives   Lesson 2 – The headache // adjectives – compound nouns   Lesson 3 – Who are these girls? //  present progressive (“to be” + verb + “ing”)Volume 07 Learn how to offer help, to propose or suggest something and ask about the means of transport, and useful expressions to shop for the holidays and on transit.       Lesson 1 – Department store // verb “to want” • future with “will ”   Lesson 2 – Booking a hotel // function with noun verb • “as long as”   Lesson 3 – Public transport // “phrasal verbs” (verb + preposition or adverb) Volume 08Learn to give and ask for information about ways to demonstrate skills and apply for a description of something or someone, and useful expressions about the city, quantities and antonyms.      Lesson 1 – Which street do I take? // adverb “most” • verb “must ”      Lesson 2 – Food and drink // nouns (education and gender)      Lesson 3 – Welcome back! // past simple of the verb “to be” • past simple of regular and irregular verbs Volume 09Learn to agree enthusiastically to advise and offer suggestions and show surprise, besides the names of household chores, useful expressions for the gym and on diet and nutrition.             Lesson 1 – Alone at home // future with “going to” functions • “will” • Expressions with “have”    Lesson 2 – You should try it! // verbs with two objects • “should”    Lesson 3 – I’m starving! // modals that express ability, permission, obligation and responsibilityVolume 10Learn to confirm information, define the location of something in space and talk about old habits, and useful expressions of feelings and emotions and to talk on the phone.      Lesson 1 – I’m Moving Out // ​​review of future with “going to “,” will “,” Present Continuous ” and “Simple Present” • “have to” in the future      Lesson 2 – Could you put me through? // “Past Continuous” prepositions •      Lesson 3 – That’s fantastic news! // “Present Perfect” Volume 11In the professional area, learn how to present themselves formally and basic information about work routines. In health, see an introductory talk at the doctor and details of a soccer match. In the leisure area, a chat about travel and special dates. BUSINESS Lesson 1 – Pleased to meet you Lesson 2 – Routine tasksHEALTH AND BODY CARE Lesson 1 – Which animals are you? Lesson 2 – Kick off is at sevenTRAVEL AND ENTERTAINMENT Lesson 1 – At the bar Lesson 2 – Happy Birthday Volume 12In the professional area, learn about the break at work, motivation and job satisfaction. In health, learn how to talk about food and relationships. In the area of leisure, learn how to make a flight booking online. BUSINESS Lesson 3 – We need to spice up the day Lesson 4 – The pay rise HEALTH AND BODY CARE Lesson 3 – Whe are what we eat Lesson 4 – I ‘ m under a lot of stress TRAVEL AND ENTERTAINMENT Lesson 3 – Something sweet Lesson 4 – Cheap fl ights to Australia Volume 13In the professional area, seek employment and find how to set up a meeting. In health, learn manicure and expressions used in the bath. In the area of leisure, here’s how to organize an exit for a dinner and a tour in the museum. BUSINESS Lesson 5 – I can fi nd another job Lesson 6 – I’m calling to arrange a meeting HEALTH AND BODY CARE Lesson 5 – Beautiful hands Lesson 6 – Are you having a shower? TRAVEL AND ENTERTAINMENT Lesson 5 – What’s up tonight? Lesson 6 – Free admissionVolume 14In the professional area, know how to describe his work. regard to health, learn about makeup, hairstyles, and how to overcome health problems. In the area of leisure, understand the information on tour packages and travel. BUSINESS Lesson 7 – The shipment is in transit Lesson 8 – Do you like your job? HEALTH AND BODY CARE Lesson 7 – It’s my favorite pastime! Lesson 8 – Some homework TRAVEL AND ENTERTAINMENT Lesson 7 – Breakfast included Lesson 8 – A new bar in town Volume 15In the professional area, learn to deal with complaints and conduct a meeting. In health, understand the information in package inserts of drugs. In the leisure area, learn how to talk about the weather, and how to make a reservation at a hotel. BUSINESS Lesson 9 – Warm and happy Lesson 10 – I’d like to welcome you all HEALTH AND BODY CARE Lesson 9 – You’re a fi rst class athlete! Lesson 10 – I’m running a temperature TRAVEL AND ENTERTAINMENT Lesson 9 – Unpredictable weather Lesson 10 – How much do you charge per night? Volume 16In the professional area, learn to make and receive phone calls. In the health area, see how to resolve conflicts, and know the care that should be taken when riding a bike. In the leisure area, understand travel information. BUSINESS Lesson 11 – Who’s speaking, please? Lesson 12 – Doctor Fraser is not available HEALTH AND BODY CARE Lesson 11 – This is a serious concern Lesson 12 – A day ride TRAVEL AND ENTERTAINMENT Lesson 11 – On the air with DJ Frankie Lesson 12 – What a lucky girl!Volume 17In the professional area, learn to shop online and how to behave socially. In health, understand the treatments done at a spa. In the leisure area, know the expressions used when making purchases. BUSINESS Lesson 13 – Hot deals Lesson 14 – Socializing HEALTH AND BODY CARE Lesson 13 – The bathrobe fi ts perfectly Lesson 14 – I’m a shopping addict TRAVEL AND ENTERTAINMENT Lesson 13 – I’m just looking Lesson 14 – May I see the receipt? Volume 18In the professional area, learn to leave and pick up messages on the phone, and how to negotiate. In health, expressions about keeping fit. In the leisure area, understand terms relating to healthy eating. BUSINESS Lesson 15 – I will give him the message Lesson 16 – I agree HEALTH AND BODY CARE Lesson 15 – I’m out of shape Lesson 16 – Where does it hurt? TRAVEL AND ENTERTAINMENT Lesson 15 – Where do you Usually have lunch? Lesson 16 – I’d like to rent a carVolume 19In the professional area, learn useful expressions for telephone conversations. In health, discover the relationship between clothing and personality. In the leisure area, knows all about the leisure activities and how to describe the places. BUSINESS Lesson 17 – Hang on a second Lesson 18 – Thanks for callingHEALT H AND BODY CARE Lesson 17 – Dear Emma Lesson 18 – Elders and betters AND TRAVEL ENTERTAINMENT Lesson 17 – Let’s go to the swimming pool Lesson 18 – Something out of the ordinary Volume 20In the professional area, learn the terms related to human resources, and how to prepare for a meeting. In the health area, see how refuse suggestions and understand family relationships. In the leisure area, learn how to plan a trip. BUSINESS Lesson 19 – A very demanding job Lesson 20 – What time are they arriving? HEALTH AND BODY CARE Lesson 19 – No way! Lesson 20 – We get on like a house on fire TRAVEL AND ENTERTAINMENT Lesson 19 – The Kangaroo Island Lesson 20 – A 5-star hotel Volume 21In the professional area, discover how to discuss a project. regard to health, fitness and learn how to speak about childhood. In the area of leisure, here’s how to deal with problems in a hotel and how to check-in. BUSINESS Lesson 21 – This is my treat Lesson 22 – The briefi ng ​​HEALTH AND BODY CARE Lesson 21 – Have a look at my biceps! Lesson 22 – Expecting a baby TRAVEL AND ENTERTAINMENT Lesson 21 – I booked the deluxe suite Lesson 22 – I apologize for the inconvenience Volume 22In the professional area, see how to make a presentation at work. In the health area, learn more about diet and nutrition , and environmental problems. In the area of leisure, here’s how to describe a place: climate, vegetation, population. BUSINESS Lesson 23 – We need the goods urgently Lesson 24 – Thank you for your attention HEALTH AND BODY CARE Lesson 23 – The perfect diet Lesson 24 – Environmental problems TRAVEL AND ENTERTAINMENT Lesson 23 – I hope you enjoyed your stay Lesson 24 – Do you like reggae? Volume 23In the professional area, learn expressions such as telemarketing and send a professional email. In health, body language and understand the benefits of yoga. In the area of leisure, here’s how to organize to travel. BUSINESS Lesson 25 – Thank you for your time Lesson 26 – Bad news HEALTH AND BODY CARE Lesson 25 – Flutter your eyelashes Lesson 26 – Yoga TRAVEL AND ENTERTAINMENT Lesson 25 – Phone menus Lesson 26 – Do not forget your ID Volume 24In the professional area, see how to behave in a job interview and understand job advertisements. In health, learn about phobias and nightmares. In the leisure area, expressions used at the airport and at parties.BUSINESS Lesson 27 – I’m a very energetic person Lesson 28 – Good career prospects HEALTH AND BODY CARE Lesson 27 – Phobias Lesson 28 – Thermal baths TRAVEL AND ENTERTAINMENT Lesson 27 – Departure and take off Lesson 28 – A big celebration


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