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Ella Adelia Fletcher – The Law of Rhythmic Breath

Ella Adelia Fletcher – The Law of Rhythmic Breath
[Audiobook – 32 MP3 + eBook – 1 PDF]



The Law of Rhythmic BreathTeaching the Generation, Conservation, and Control of Vital Forceby Ella Adelia FletcherFirst published in 1908ExcerptsLife is from moment to moment; andits perfection depends upon our abilityto maintain such a perfect balance of thevital forces that harmonious vibrationswithout shall find their affinity within…………………Hindu physiology begins its surprises by teachingus that with every inhalation through the rightnostril a positive electrical current flows down theright side of the spine, and with every inhalationthrough the left nostril a negative current flowsdown the left side. The lungs are correspondinglycharged with positive, or solar, and negative,or lunar, currents. It is by means of the two currentsthat all the processes of life are performed,and it is an imperative condition of health thatthey be equally balanced. Upon their rhythmicand harmonic flow, fed by the breath of life, dependsthe measure of health and vitality in thehuman system.


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