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Eben Pagan (aka David de Angelo) – Wake up Productive – complete

wake up productive
[18 mp4; 7 mp3]



Eben Pagan Wake Up Productive – Really?It is 1:00 in the afternoon, you’re still in your PJ’s, nothing is getting done and you’ve been surfing all morning and are stuck in email hell?  I’ve been there. Lack of Productivity. One of my biggest challenges is staying focused.   * Distraction   * Indecision   * Multitasking   * Information overload….all these problems run rampant in my life.  Ring a bell?If you are at all like me, you feel like there are just SO many ways to make money online.  But that’s the problem too.   * Which do you pick?   * How do you stay focused on it long enough to get results?   * How do you stop yourself from ending up at 1:00 in the afternoon, scratching your ass (which is still in pajamas) and wondering what happened to the morning.   * Or better yet, how come I’m not showered yet?   * What did I actually do today? Yikes!   Sound familiar? The internet is a cool and wonderful thing that gives us opportunities we couldn’t have dreamed of even 20 years ago.But at the same time, it’s a devil in disguise.  See, 20 years ago when it was time to get down to work, the books didn’t jump off the shelves and hop up and down in front of us.  Newspapers didn’t climb the desk and open up to the sports page.  The TV didn’t automatically turn on.But email.  Oh…the dreaded email.  “You’ve got mail.” Why is it that once we know we have email, it’s time to stop everything important and check that email.  We think to ourselves “I’m important – someone is contacting me”.  Never mind that deadline you have for yourself, let’s see what’s in my email box. Now, you find yourself reading a message and lo and behold, there’s a link for more information. So you click it.  It’s human nature, you can’t stop yourself.  You’re off and running now.  Into the vastness of the internet. 25 minutes later after you talk yourself down from the ledge of buying yet another “how to make money online” course, seminar, software or something – you realize that it’s lunchtime.  “I’ll get back to the project after I eat something.” you tell yourself innocently.Only problem is that once you get back to your desk after lunch, there’s more what?  EMAIL.  Gotta flip through that. Another compelling subject line. “I’ll just browse through it” you tell yourself.  30 minutes later you’re still reading sales letters, watching free videos, feeling like you are learning.Problem is – you’re not doing!If any of this rings a bell, it’s really important to get this area of your life handled.  If you don’t, all the software, education, knowledge, tactics, SEO tips won’t be worth a damn.  Why?  Because you can’t implement it.  You’re stuck in your bad habits.Here’s the good news…Eben Pagan – creator of the Altitude Workshop and the Guru MasterMind Coaching program is in the process of releasing a personal productivity program called Wake Up Productive.  It’s a 90 day program with Video lessons, exercises and more all designed to make you twice as productive as you are now. One of my most powerful lessons I learned from Eben was the personal success routine.  A way of starting each day doing the same things to get your body and mind ready to get to work on the most important things in your life.  And the routine works.


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