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Dr Maxwell Maltz – Zero Resistance Living

[12 CDs – Rip]


Check out at Listed below are some examples of the many benefits you can accomplish with the Zero Resistance Living® System. I suggest you put a check mark by the items that are important to you:   * Dramatically increase income – attract money instead of chasing it!   * Lose unwanted weight and get into the best shape of your life without willpower!   * Sales people: Go into every sales presentation with 100% confidence- and close more transactions than ever before!   * Public speakers, musicians, performers of any kind: take absolute control of your audience and have them begging for more!   * Teachers: Get the very best out of your students by instilling within them, the keys to success!   * Students: Get straight A’s, remember important facts and figures effortlessly!   * Athletes and martial artists: Compete with more courage and confidence than ever before. Continually better your best!   * Learn how to get into the zone and stay there. Be incredibly focused!   * How to become much more DECISIVE in everything you do!   * How to CONTROL your destiny day-to-day as well as long-term!   * Instantly “crank up” the volume of CONFIDENCE you have in challenging situations!   * Easily DISARM “OPPONENTS” in arguments, debates, disputes!   * Access all your mind’s natural “weapons” for COMPETING like a world-class champion in any activity, from golf to martial arts to football, wrestling – even chess and poker!   * Achieve absolute TOTAL CONCENTRATION regardless of what distractions surround you .. and use this to greatly enhance your skills in the as a writer, speaker, sales professional or student!   * ERADICATE PROCRASTINATION from your life, once and for all   * How to instantly CALM yourself – “on the spot” – no matter where you are – no matter how extreme the stress!   * How to BREAK FREE OF MOODINESS, frustration, burn-out….stop letting other people or petty annoyances control your moods!   * ERASE LIFELONG FEARS!   * Instantly relax and grow confident when you recognize a fear trying to take hold of you!   * SILENCE “NEGATIVE” SELF-TALK – whether it be your critical voice or a voice from the past!   * How to create EMOTIONAL POISE…..stop losing your temper, lashing out at others, saying things you wish you could take back!   * How to CUSHION EMOTIONAL BLOWS, so you can BOUNCE BACK QUICKLY from disappointment, discouragement or temporary failure!   * How to build “Nerves of Steel” – letting them work FOR you, instead of against you!   * How to “SPARKLE” with charm, confidence, poise…enjoy incredible, magnetic influence over the opposite sex…be relaxed in social or business settings… the secrets of CHARISMA!   * How to EASILY INFLUENCE quarrelsome neighbors, difficult co-workers- and how to relate to your children in a way that they feel compelled to listen!   * How to DEFEAT ANY TROUBLESOME HABIT – even if it has plagued you for years!   * How to SPEED UP LEARNING a foreign language, a new computer program or anything else!


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