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Dr Mark A Brudnak(dragondoor) – Probiotic solution

Dr Mark A Brudnak – Probiotic solution[1 eBook – PDF]
[1 eBook – PDF]


The Probiotic SolutionNature’s Best-Kept Secret for Radiant HealthBy Dr. Mark A. BrudnakWebsite -> short: EVERYTHING worth knowing about probiotic!The long version:Quote:Win your war against disease.Discover the remarkable power of probiotics to:Combat CancerReduce the risk of Coronary Heart Disease by up to 78%Effectively manage Weight LossAlleviate AutismEradicate Yeast InfectionsOffer new hope for Diabetes, Alzheimer’s and Down SyndromeRelieve the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome”The Probiotic Solution is an excellent guide for readers who want to expand their knowledge of probiotics and the new findings emerging from current research.”—Dallas Clouatre, Ph.D., author of The Prostate Miracle and Anti-Fat Nutrients”As powerful tools in the prevention and treatment of certain conditions, probiotics will play an increasingly important role in human health. The Probiotic Solution highlights one of the most beneficial, science-based nutraceuticals around in a concise, consumer-friendly way. Here’s to the “good guys”!”—Rebecca Madley, Editor, Nutraceuticals World”The Probiotic Solution offers new and exciting perspectives on probiotics and their potential for improving health. Dr. Brudnak shows an insight into the root causes of many maladies that have largely been ignored by the medical community. The Probiotic Solution explores the symbiotic relationship these friendly bacteria provide in disease prevention and health maintenance.”—James Roza C.N., NOW Foods HELP IS HERE!THE “SECRET” TO SOLVING YOUR MOST TROUBLING, CHRONIC HEALTH CHALLENGESWITHOUT DRUGS, DIETING, OR DRASTIC LIFEstyle CHANGES!If doctors can’t help you…If drugs make you sick…If you’ve given up hope of solving your HEALTH PUZZLE…If you’ve gone broke trying to feel better…TAKE HEART, BECAUSEYOUR HEALTH FUTURE WILL LOOK BRIGHTER THAN EVER ONCE YOU LEARNHOW TO SOLVE THE CRIMES WE COMMIT AGAINST OUR STOMACHS THEEASY, DRUG-FREE WAY.Dr. Mark Brudnak pinpoints the most effective,clinically-tested, scientific, ALL-NATURAL way for youto CONQUER CANCER… PREVENT HEART DISEASE…ALLEVIATE AUTISM…RELIEVE ALZHEIMER’S…COUNTERACT LACTOSE & GLUTEN INTOLERANCE…LOSE WEIGHT AND KEEP IT OFF…DEFEAT DIABETES…RID YOURSELF OF YEAST INFECTIONS INCLUDING CANDIDA…STOP IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME and any digestion problem…AMELIORATE DOWN SYNDROME, PLUS, restore vigor and vitality to yourimmune system, regardless of your age or current physicalcondition!ANY HEALTH PROBLEM YOU FACECAN NOW BE DRAMATICALLY IMPROVEDJUST WHEN YOU THOUGHTHELP WOULD NEVER FIND YOU!Dear Health Conscious Friend,My name is Mark Brudnak. I’m a Doctor of Naturopathy in Grafton, Wisconsin and I WANT TO SHARE WITH YOU NOTHING LESS THAN THE SECRET OF LONG, HEALTHY LIFE BASED ON THE LATEST NUTRACEUTICAL SCIENCE, plus…WHY some people almost never get sick…WHY some people can turn the corner on the most “impossible” health challenges doctors can’t fix…WHY some people feel better (and look better) as they age instead of worse…WHY some people unlock the mystery of living longer without the debilitating effects of disease!The “secret” is revealed in my new book called…THE PROBIOTIC SOLUTION: Nature’s Best-Kept Secret for Radiant HealthFirst let’s get some definitions out on the table.Probiotic what? The term “probiotic” literally means “for life,” in contrast to “anti-biotic,” which means “against life.”Probiotic refers to beneficial bacterial microorganisms which are an essential part of your GI tract even at birth. Once established and fed by the nutrients found in mother’s milk, these “friendly” bacteria ….PROTECT your body against pathogensMAINTAIN the vital chemical balance of your GI tractPRODUCE essential vitamins and hormonesHELP stimulate immune response.These “friendly” bacteria are most commonly found in soured milk products such as cultured yogurt, whey, cottage cheese, and buttermilk.Just as did at birth, these “friendly” bacteria are needed to populate your colon and defeat the daily onslaught of dangerous and potentially deadly pathogens and parasites you encounter through air, soil, water, antibiotics, and the average American diet – 90% of which comes from preservative-rich processed foods!GOOD AND BAD BACTERIA? Frankly, it’s hard for us, as Westerners, to accept the idea of deliberately putting good bacteria into our bodies when so much in our culture tells us to kill ALL bacteria and disinfect our lives.But here’s the inescapable FACT…The average adult colon contains roughly 4 pounds of bacteria comprised of 400 species of microorganisms. Your GI tract should ideally contain 85% “friendly” bacteria and 15% unfriendly bacteria, but for most people those numbers are REVERSED!MAKE NO MISTAKE, there’s a war going on in your gut (and mine) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – FOREVER!The enemy is relentless and inventive but don’t WORRY because now…You have the ultimate SECRET WEAPON at your disposal.THE PROBIOTIC SOLUTION, will show you how to…FIGHT back against dangerous bacteria…RESTORE balance to your intestinal flora andWIN lifelong health without aging as we know it.SAID ANOTHER WAY… here’s what my 25-year research and practice has demonstrated countless times with people of all ages…Find a person with MORE pep, MORE drive, MORE energy, MORE stamina, MORE vitality, MORE youthfulness and you’ll find someone with a healthy GI tract where the good guys routinely WIN. On the other hand…Find a person with NO bounce back from illness, who feels like their battery is drained even before their day gets started and you’ll find someone with a clogged GI tract where the “bad guys” have taken hold and won’t let go.Which is why the #1 reason people visit the doctor is for some sort of gastrointestinal complaint and which is why…You may have heard the saying, “DEATH BEGINS IN THE COLON and why colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death for both men and women in America.But today, I want to give you good news, “RADIANT HEALTH AS YOU NEVER EXPERIENCED BEFORE BEGINS IN THE COLON!Bacteria, intestinal wars, your colon – who wants to talk with you about that stuff? Certainly, not your doctor.Most doctors are chained to the prescription pad and they still believe that taking antacids is the best way to solve America’s chronic indigestion IMBALANCES. (Antacids do indeed neutralize stomach acid which only invites your stomach to produce more acid and the cycle only worsens!)LOOK, PROBIOTICS MAY NOT BE A PRETTY SUBJECT BUT…THEY ARE THE SCIENCE-BASED NUTRACEUTICALS OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM (and it’s prediction that they will replace many of the over-the-counter pharmaceuticals used today. Already, in Asian countries, when people are under stress, they don’t reach for beta-blockers and sedatives, they use pleasant-tasting probiotics with SUCCESS!) Without doubt…PROBIOTICS CAN BE YOUR MOST POWERFUL, FRONT-LINE WEAPON against any number of chronic, debilitating and life-threatening health problems including intestinal dysbiosis (disorders and imbalances)…bladder and yeast infections…heart disease…cancers…diabetes… …Alzheimer’s…Down Syndrome…Eczema…Asthma… and a host of other major problems no drug store can remedy.Once you keep the “dangerous” bacteria in check… you can start to see dramatic health improvements like you’ve never experienced before.You’ll first learn the true cause of an illness… followed by the traditional medical response… then you’ll learn what specific strains of “miracle” intestinal flora you can use to prevent or solve your “impossible” health challenges.SAY “NO” TO CANCER FOR YOUR ENTIRE LIFE…Cancer is the ultimate statement of a body out of balance. But once you set out to achieve intestinal balance through probiotics… it’s very hard for cancerous cells to multiply. HELP IS HERE!BASED ON THE LATEST RESEARCH… you’ll find help for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Discover what causes cancer. Learn the key risk factors and protective factors. The role of diet in development and prevention. The dangers of Hormone Replacement Therapy. The perils of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Laser ablation. What species of probiotics are found in a normal GI tract. Plus…AVOID CANCER RISK! How you can easily avoid the most common risk factors for cancer. PAGE 3ZAP CANCER CELLS! Discover how probiotics can actually neutralize, shut down and detoxify pre-cancerous cells. PAGE 12BEST CANCER-FIGHTING FORMULAS! Learn which companies produce the most potent and effective, “cancer-fighting” probiotic formulas. PAGE 14BULLETPROOF YOURSELF AGAINST HEART DISEASE…Every 34 seconds in America someone dies prematurely from heart disease. That’s over a million people a year who might have enjoyed a rich, full life had they known what you’ll discover in THE PROBIOTIC SOLUTION. HELP IS HERE!BASED ON THE LATEST BREAKTHROUGH DISCOVERIES… you’ll learn the controllable and uncontrollable risk factors for Coronary Heart Disease. What causes coronary heart disease. The purpose and function of cholesterol. The advantage of Red Yeast Rice. The key role of bile. And how probiotics can prevent and treat heart disease SUCCESSFULLY. Plus…AVOID 3 RISK FACTORS! Learn what the 3 most common risk factors are for heart disease and how to easily avoid them. PAGE 21DANGEROUS DRUG WARNING! Why the commonly prescribed satins can be dangerous for your heart. PAGE 22HEALTHY-HEART BREAKTHROUGH! Discover the probiotic strain that’s been shown to reduce cholesterol by a whopping 38%! PAGE 27THIS IS STUNNING NEWS, given the so-called one-to-two rule, which states that a 1% reduction of blood cholesterol causes a 2% lower risk of coronary heart disease.Remember, we’re talking about a 38% reduction in cholesterol here, so that means that taking the probiotic formula revealed on PAGE 27 gives you at least a 76% lower risk of coronary heart disease. (Even if you don’t care about the other ailments discussed in my book, you’ll want to consider this heart-strong-forever formula!)DISCOVER HOPE FOR AUTISM WHERE NO HOPE EXISTS…There’s been an astronomical rise in the rate of autism over the last 10 years. This used to be relatively rare disease, thought to affect 1 in 10,000 children. Now, it’s believed as many as 1 in 200 children may be autistic. Even though there’s no known cure, HELP IS HERE…BASED ON THE LATEST CLINICAL CASES… you’ll learn the 3 types of autism symptoms. What causes autism. The facts about genetic disposition, environmental factors, childhood vaccinations, the role of diet. Plus…FIX LEAKY GUT! See exactly how you can fix the “leaky gut” often found in the GI tracts of autistic individuals! PAGE 32.BEST COMBO! How enzymes and probiotics can effectively be used in combination to treat autism like no drug can. PAGE 33.MOST POWERFUL & SAFE DOSAGE! Discover the most effective, clinically-tested probiotic dosage for treating autistic individuals, SUCCESSFULLY! PAGE 35SLOW OR STOP THE PROGRESSION OF ALZHEIMER’S…Alzheimer’s disease is perhaps the greatest single fear of the 75 million baby boomers, but now there’s a way to defuse that fear FAST by using probiotics. Trust me, HELP IS HERE.BASED ON CUTTING-EDGE RESEARCH…you’ll learn what causes Alzheimer’s disease. How Alzheimer’s is diagnosed and treated. The benefits of phosphatidyl serine. The benefits of isoflavones. Plus…STOP PLAQUE! Plaque build-up is now believed to be the #1 culprit. See how exactly plaque build-up occurs in the brain and what you can do to stop the cause of Alzheimer’s. PAGE 47CREATE ENZYME FIGHTERS! How probiotics produce enzymes that absorb the plaque-building agents called peptides. PAGE 51!DISCOVER CALCIUM RISK. Why having too much calcium in the body increases your risk for Alzheimer’s and how probiotics help stabilize the level of calcium. PAGE 51ARE YOU LACTOSE INTOLERANT? NOW YOU CAN FIGHT BACK!Millions of children and adults are intolerant of milk and milk products, yet countless foods are made with dairy. Do you have to keep an eagle-eye peeled for any food made with milk for the rest of your life?Do you have to suffer from nausea, cramps, bloating, gas and diarrhea if you so much as ingest a smidgen of dairy. NOW, HELP IS HERE…BASED ON CLINICAL PRACTICE… you’ll learn what causes lactose intolerance. The role of lactase. The facts about the lactose intolerance test. The hydrogen breath test. Cautions for infants. The stool acidity test. Plus…TURN TO PAGE 62 and discover the two probiotic strains you should take right now!When should you take probiotics: before a meal, during a meal or after a meal? What you learn on PAGE 63 will help you combat a wide variety of health problems NOW!WELCOME YOUR BEST WEIGHT CONTROL PLAN YETAND WALK AWAY FROM DIABETES…Nearly two-thirds of Americans are OVERWEIGHT… and DIABETES is the most common (and most critical) metabolic disorder in the world. They are both risk factors for heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, blindness and early death. BUT ONCE YOU TURN TO MY CHAPTER ON DIABETES AND WEIGHT CONTROL, you can help eliminate those risk factors once and for all. HELP IS HERE…BEST WEIGHT-CONTROL PROBIOTIC FOR DIABETICS OR ANYONE WHO WANTS TO LOSE THAT EXTRA 10 POUNDS OR MORE!Discover the AMAZING, LIFE-CHANGING probiotic product that’s ESSENTIAL for people with diabetes and who need to maintain a normal weight. (It is ephedra-free, body-friendly and a genuine health breakthrough!) HELP IS FOUND ON PAGE 69!How does this formula work for your waistline? The probiotics in this formula act as a first line of defense against high-level glucose absorption. Said another way… food that would ordinarily be turned into fat will now be consumed by this remarkable formula.Why do you want to limit glucose absorption? Glucose is a very good energy source, but if your body has much more glucose than it can use, what will it do? It will store the glucose as extra pounds, which you may end up carrying around for the rest of your life. JUST SAY “NO” TO DANGEROUS EXTRA POUNDS BECAUSE…NOW, THERE’S A PROVEN, SCIENTIFIC WAY to control your appetite while you get all the satisfaction you want from the food you love! (There’s nothing as effective anywhere!)ARE YOU READY TO ELIMINATE YEAST INFECTIONS FOR GOOD?BASED ON SCIENCE AND THE LATEST STUDIES… you’ll learn what causes yeast infections. The effectiveness of over-the-counter products. The role of carbohydrates. The limitations of yogurt. HELP IS HERE, starting with…EFFECTIVE CANDIDA FIGHTER! Discover the probiotic that’s particularly effective in fighting Candida. PAGE 83HOW TO GET RID OF URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS. Cranberry powder is seldom 100% efficient against urinary tract infections, but now you can DOUBLE its effectiveness with probiotics. See how on PAGE 84.GET PERMANENT RELIEF FROM IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROMEMaybe you’ve heard it called colitis or spastic colon, but inflammation disorders of the colon are skyrocketing with no relief in sight from traditional medicines, but NOW HELP IS HERE…If you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome or any bowel IMBALANCE that traditional medicine can’t solve, you’re in luck for 3 reasons…First, the good probiotics you’ll learn about starting on PAGE 90 will push out much of the IBS bad bacteria.Second, some of the bad bacteria will be killed by the natural antibiotics that the probiotics will produce.Third, the probiotics will stimulate the body to produce antibodies of its own, which will not only attack the bacteria but also help regulate your body’s overactive immune response to the bad bacteria.Finally, the probiotics will stabilize your GI tract to a normal level and help boost your immune response like never before.POWERFUL IBS FORMULA! Discover the ONE PROBIOTIC FORMULA that has been used successfully to decrease the pain and flatulence associated with IBS. PAGE 92No matter how chronic and painful your IBS…no matter what the doctors have told you about the “incurable” nature of your problems…You can now permanently change the functionality of the gut and improve your digestion… your immune response…your quality of life!IS IT POSSIBLE TO ALLEVIATE DOWN SYNDROME?In a word, YES! People with Down Syndrome often have a variety of GI disorders, including pancreatic weakness, enlarged colon and celiac disease. But now, all of these problems can be alleviated with targeted probiotic formulas you’ll learn about here. HELP IS REALLY HERE.PROVEN DS FORMULA! Discover the most potent formula that can be used effectively to treat DS. PAGE 105HOPE FOR CELIAC DISEASE. See which formulas works best to help treat celiac disease which causes severe gluten intolerance. PAGE 106HELP FOR ENLARGED COLON. What probiotic should you take in large doses if you suffer from an enlarged colon? Get the answer on PAGE 107Can’t you just eat a lot of yogurt and keep the bad bacteria in check? In a word, NO, but…Find out how to make the most effective homemade yogurt from starter kits revealed on PAGE 110.Find out exactly which store-bought yogurts are worth the money and which are not. PAGE 111.WOULD YOU LIKE TO BENEFIT FROM THE CURRENT STATE-OF-THE-ART PROBIOTIC TECHNOLOGY TO SOLVE YOUR HEALTH PROBLEMS?It’s easy once you put into practice the Brudnak Method of Pulsing and Rotating revealed on PAGE 113. (Discover how to use a high dose of a single strain for the initial PULSE, followed by a ROTATION of mixed strains and finally a MAINTENANCE dose!)ON PAGE 114. Discover the name of the only manufacturer that currently uses my Brudnak method in developing its products.WHAT MANUFACTURERS AND PRODUCTS CAN YOU TRUST?Starting on PAGE 115, you’ll get the last word on the companies and products with the best, most effective and proven probiotic science behind them.Discover which products taste great and are loved even by the most finicky kids.The best probiotic face cream.The best products that combine enzymes with probiotics.And lots more answers, insight, and knowledge about how you can solve troubling health problems with state-of-the-art probiotics.If you suffer from chronic fatigue, IBS, frequent colds and flu, poor immune response, allergies, high cholesterol levels, dairy or gluten sensitivities…If you suffer from diabetes, obesity…if you have a family history of cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s…then what you’ll discover in THE PROBIOTIC SOLUTION: Nature’s Best Kept Secret for Radiant Health will dramatically change your life and health FOREVER.How can I be sure? Because the probiotic formulas discussed in my new book REALLY WORK for people, regardless of age or current physical condition.When you harness the power of probiotics, you’ll immediately help your body alleviate or eliminate a wide variety of chronic health conditions doctors can’t fix with drugs or surgery.ARE PROBIOTICS THE MAGIC ELIXIR OF THE 21ST CENTURY?The mainstream medical establishment, HMOs insurance and insurance companies will never embrace the use of probiotics. Why?Because the medical establishment can only make money selling antibiotics which only ZAP the beneficial bacteria in the gut and help “dangerous” bacteria take root.But the ignorance and greed of the medical establishment WILL NOT STOP the phenomenal new health breakthroughs in probiotic research.This ignorance and greed will not stop 1000s of health professionals from recommending AND using specific type of micro-flora to help combat a wide variety of chronic health conditions SUCCESSFULLY!If you want to be a part of the Probiotic Solution and personally benefit from…IMMUNE SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT…DISEASE PREVENTION…MAXIMUM LIFE EXTENSION……then you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to take a risk-free look at my new breakthrough book.Yes! Risk-free because THE PROBIOTIC SOLUTION is guaranteed 100% for one full year! If you are in any way dissatisfied with the book, simply return it within a year for a prompt and courteous refund.For consider this…If my lifetime of research into probiotics can help you turn the corner on one chronic health problem…Prevent you or a loved one from suffering one day longer from a problem doctors can’t fix…Offer you one super-effective, super-safe, drug-free alternative for you or a loved one…Help you regain your energy, your vitality, your zest for the rest of your life…Isn’t it worth accepting a risk-free look?You bet it is!But to fully appreciate ALL the new ways you can improve your health regardless of your age or current physical condition by using the most effective, state-of-the-art probiotics…You must try THE PROBIOTIC SOLUTION for yourself.Mark Brudnak author, THE PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONONE LAST WORD! THE PROBIOTIC SOLUTION is designed to be your secret weapon and your shield – for life. It’s not just my opinion, but rather it’s based on science dating back to the early 1900s and as current as today. As such, THE PROBIOTIC SOLUTION gives you all the “facts” you need to decide which probiotics are right for each member of your family and where you can purchase them. As you prepare to take control of the health and well-being of your family, you’ll be armed with the knowledge of how to maintain radiant health for your entire life. That’s my promise and guarantee!- Enjoy


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