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Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby – Cancer Confidential

Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby – Cancer Confidential
[eBook (pdf)]

Description why this internationally-known MD says “Tear up the medical textbooks on cancer”!How to beat breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, and many more… it’s easier than you think!You can laugh at cancer, if you follow the scores of scientifically proven secrets Professor Keith wants to share with you…Prof. Keith portraitfrom the desk of Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby MD, MB ChB, PhDRussian roulette anyone?Would you play Russian roulette; put one bullet in a six-shooter, spin the chamber, point it at your head and then pull the trigger? It seems to me crazy to put yourself through a 1 in 6 chance of dying. I wouldn’t play even if the odds were 100 to 1 (not because I’m a coward but because I’m not stupid!)But would you consider another version of Russian roulette in which you put 3 bullets in the chamber; then shoot? That’s a 50:50 chance of dying. Would you do that?gun with 3 bulletsThe reason I ask is that we are all, in effect, playing 3-bullet version of Russian roulette with cancer. Figures show that one in two men, and almost that many women, will get cancer at some time in their lives. That’s 50:50 odds…That’s why I often say to people “We are all battling cancer”. Either you, or a loved one close to you, will probably get this disease. So we are all concerned in the truth about cancer.The joke is we know so much about cancer today, nobody should die of this disease.I’ll share with you scores of alternative approaches which work. Some you will have heard of and most you probably haven’t.When I say “alternative” therapies, don’t think I just mean whacky folk cures! I’m talking about different — but totally scientific — options to the deadly game of surgical mutilation, chemotherapy and radiation. These holistic methods work AT LEAST as well as accepted conventional treatment.So why don’t doctors offer these alternatives?Doctors today are taught to view anything outside the drug industry’s choke-hold on medical thinking as very suspect, or even fraudulent. They have an exclusive monopoly on what they CLAIM is the “proper” treatment for cancer.Yet the results of orthodox medicine are deplorably bad. I know. I am a fully qualified MD (MB ChB in Britain, which is bachelor of medicine, bachelor of surgery). Yes, I’ve had my hands inside people’s guts and chests. But long ago, I chose the gentler and safer route of natural medicine.That doesn’t mean I abandoned science. I’m BIG on science, logic, reason and empricial testing. In fact I’m the scourge of both the orthodox lies and the “holistic” humbug that professes a superior attitude to that of doctors.I tell it like it is. I shoot straight. After all, I’m not trying to sell you treatment or supplements. I have no motivation to tell you anything but the truth.So, if you don’t want to EVER die from cancer, make sure my fabulous new comprehensive resource “Cancer Confidential” is on your desk. What do four Nobel Prize winner know that doctors don’t?Would it surprise you to know that at least four Nobel Prize winners have made breakthroughs towards the safe, scientific treatment of cancer, without deadly chemo and radiation treatment?Their discoveries go back over 80 years, yet their pioneer work is being ignored by modern doctors. It could be saving lives — YOUR life, or the life of someone you love. Yet it is being suppressed. Ironically, what I rate the biggest discovery of all, about the real way to treat cancer successfully, was re-affirmed with a completely up to date scientific study that took place in Boston College and was published in a reputable scientific journal as recently as 2008 [Journal of Lipid Research.2008; 49: 2545-2556].Another scientist, seven times nominated for the Nobel Prize, discovered a glorious food substance which literally traps the healing power of sunlight and delivers it to your body in the form of active, restorative electron energy (this is not New Age pseudo-science babble but real cutting edge knowledge, as you will see when you read the explanation in full).Yet another doctor, a “recovered oncologist” as it were, has discovered that all cancer cases share one simple precipitating element and if this is addressed, recovery is almost certain. He has over 40,000 cases, over 90% success rate and many people alive today who were sick almost to death before he found and rescued them.I can (and will) show you three different diet regimes that have each proven capable of bringing a patient back right from the very edge of death with terminal cancer, and putting them on the road to recovery. Not just that but the patients attained better health than ever before and many people have said they had cause to BLESS the fact that they got cancer.You see, alternatives work — at least as well as some chemo and often better. The pay off is that you learn true health, not just the suppression of disease.Let me repeat, you don’t necessarily have to abandon orthodox treatment. The super healing alternative strategies I describe for you are (almost all) quite compatible with other methods and will help you undergo chemotherapy or radiation treatment, without the notorious unpleasant side effects. The Cancer MafiaUnfortunately, the medical profession is often the last place you’d get the truth. The pharmaceutical industry and hungry, unethical doctors seeking their own gain, have conspired to become what has appropriately been called the “Cancer Mafia”. They have long since departed the agenda of putting patient care first and now run their own program, which is to protect profits and destroy anyone who wants to offer alternatives to their ghastly, unsuccessful and expensive methodology.On the weakest of science, which is easy to pick holes in, they go on cutting, poisoning and burning patients in the name of a “cure”. Yet they attack with a frenzy amounting to blind fury anything holistic, gentle and cheaper, on the grounds that it is “unproven”, “bogus” and even “dangerous”.In fact the “War ON Cancer”, vaunted by the cancer establishment, should be renamed the “War ABOUT cancer”. There is a life and death struggle (literally) going on, for the right to tell patients the truth, openly, and let each person decide for themselves what to do. According to the AMA, FDA and other institutional bureaucracies, no-one should have the right to speak freely, except doctors entrenched in the dogma of the day. The so-called cancer charities, like the American Cancer Society are phoney and clearly on the side of the Cancer Mafia, not the truth.So I know, it’s difficult for the patient or family to know what to think, facing a blizzard of conflicting data and excesses of abusive language and criticism, most of it wrapped up in scientific jargon.That’s why I wrote “Cancer Confidential”, to help you make the right decisions:image of bookBeware the alternatives too!Unfortunately, the alternative cancer field is also seething with bogus cures and claims, especially if viewed from the Internet. It is clear to anyone knowledgeable that a great many people, totally unqualified, are indeed “cashing in on people’s fears”, exactly as the orthodox critics claim. If there is one thing worse than a dangerous doctor, after 7 years of training, then it’s a dangerous amateur, with NO training.That’s where Cancer Confidential comes in. It’s been a massive project in assembling data on numerous aspects of cancer alternatives, the clinics and the people involved that are, according to my review, both credible and effective. I’ve sifted the wheat from the chaff and offer it to you as good intellectual nourishment!I’m a regular MD (trained at a medical school in the UK); I’ve been professor at two universities; I’ve treated patients just shy of 40 years, using exclusively alternative and holistic methods, including cancer patients, of course. Many of them are still alive and well. Some just died of natural causes—we all have to go sometime.And so I consider myself to be a person well qualified to walk you through the cancer cure minefield, without getting your legs blown off.I’m now retired from practice and so not trying to solicit you as a patient. Nor am I intending to sell you any supplements or products on which I earn money.That’s important to you. Because it means I am free to tell it like it is! The truth.Cancer Confidential is a major contribution to knowledge in this field and I hope you will find it helpful. It’s jam packed with information never before assembled all in one document. Not only that but there is a resources supplement to follow, linking you with numerous centers for treatment, the therapies and remedies you are looking for.I’ve done all the heavy lifting, you just need to read it and take action!image of bookGet Cancer Confidential now! order now special priceIt’s one of my sayings that cancer is not a death knell. It’s a wake-up call, telling you your health is in bad shape. You need to do something or you may well perish.But your choices are many and varied. There are SCORES of approaches that have all had successful outcomes for those who have gone before you. I’ll tell you all about them.Here are some of the many topics “Cancer Confidential” reviews in depth, citing scientific studies to help you decide:    * Why diet is the #1 change you MUST make to survive and which diets really work (hint: it isn’t as simple as giving up red meat!)    * Emotional detox: toxic emotions are the #1 reason we get cancer    * Chemical detox: we live in a sea of carcinogens, you must do SOMETHING!    * Electromagnetic pollution and how to protect yourself    * IV solutions (vitamin C especially)    * Oxygen therapies (O2, ozone, peroxide, hyperbaric etc)    * Enzyme therapies: eat away your own cancer!    * Herbs, from Essiac and Hoxey, to cannabis and graviola    * Geopathic stress (Earth radiation and other effects)    * Homeopathy (such as mistletoe)    * Homotoxicology    * Amygdalin (proprietary nameLaetrile).. does it really work?    * Ukrain    * Naltrexone    * 714-X      Antineoplastons (study just agreed with the FDA, remarkably)    * Immune therapies    * Electrical changes and frequency generators    * The so-called Rife machine    * DMSO    * Hydrazine sulfate    * chlorine dioxide    * and many others you NEED to know…    * PLUS, some things you need to avoidI will also help you get clear on the relative importance of all these and many more possibilities. There are things you MUST do, things you MUST NOT do and things that matter little but might serve to confuse you.It could be deadly to pick one intriguing cure and omit the absolutely vital life-saving steps that everyone must do, in order to survive cancer.But the most deadly thing that is wrong with orthodox medicine is not what it DOES, but what it does not do. My conventional colleagues never seem interested into getting to the bottom of WHY a person gets cancer and fixing that (they don’t really know why, for one thing).Yet there is always a cause. Cancer is not a loser’s lottery. Cancer has reasons, the same as anything else on God’s Earth. You just have to find the reason.Cancer Confidential is your user-friendly map to find your way around and get to the cure you or a loves one so desperately needs.image of book”Cancer Confidential” is a living work!It’s a work in progress. It needs to be. The whole field is changing so rapidly. You will be receiving regular upgrade issues (always free). Just like software! There will be a version 2.0, 3.0 and so on! All you have to do is download. Get Cancer Confidential now!order now special price A note about fearDon’t let fear get to you. As I hinted just now, it’s probably easier to cure cancer (in its earlier stages) than it is to cure the common cold. Even when it’s more advanced, there is plenty you can do. Just don’t panic and let doctors railroad you into fast regrettable decisions.They try and come on to with the “You only have so many weeks-months- etc” lie, just to frighten you. It’s criminal. As super oncologist Dr Mitchell Gaynor points out:  ‘Those doctors don’t even know when they’re going to die, so how do they know when you’re going to die?’Sometimes it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy; the patient dies right on cue, because the doctor said that would happen. It’s irresponsible and does not fit with my understanding of what a doctor should be doing. It must stop. The truth is doctors so often get it wrong. Patients abound who are alive five, ten, twenty years after their supposed demise.What these doctors are saying is THEY don’t know what to do. But that doesn’t mean nobody else does! Duh!Let me give you an example here:A cancer alternative doctor was allowed a short list of 11 terminal hospital patients with pancreatic cancer (at diagnosis, this tumor has an average survival time of just 6 weeks). Yet using enzyme therapy, which I explain in detail in this guide, nine (81%) lived one year, 5 lived two years (45%), 4 lived three years (36%) and two have lived longer than four years.Now compare that with a study published at about the same time, of the newly approved drug Gemcitabine. Of 126 patients with pancreatic cancer not a single patient lived longer than 19 months and yet that was considered a “successful” drug. It’s being sold today as the “proper” treatment for pancreatic cancer.Well, if faced with disaster, I wouldn’t take Gemcitabine. I’d want the 45- 81% option, not the 0% option, wouldn’t you?I hope you are getting the picture here! Do not listen to the propaganda about conventional treatment. It comes nowhere near the success rate of certain properly run alternative therapies. Yet they call that science. They claim alternatives are “not scientific” or “not proven”, or even sillier “dangerous”!Ha! I mean what can be more dangerous than chemo and radiation. The whole reason it works (if ever it does) is they stop JUST SHORT of killing you, while killing the tumor. We call that the toxicity index or therapeutic margin and it really is as crude as I just explained it.Of course, it’s in the interests of the cancer industry to keep everybody completely misinformed about cancer cures. They can’t afford to let you learn the truth about how easy it is to cure cancer. Cancer cures are so commonplace now that you’d have to actually make a conscious effort not to see them.-Mike Adams, The Health Rangerimage of bookIf you are involved with cancer, or concerned in any way through family or friends, you need to act. As I said, we are ALL facing this issue at some time or other, so you had better be concerned.You need this life-saving information. Everyone around you needs it. Cancer Confidential is your easy-to-read, informative guide. It’s written in a personal style by a great communicator, who just happens to be one of the most knowledgeable individuals on Earth about alternative medicine.It’s loaded with good things, ideas, information you won’t get elsewhere and guidance in deciding what your options are.I’m known as a good writer who explains things really well, in a way that’s easy for anyone to understand. I run everything past my wife Vivien and she’s a fashion designer, with no scientific training whatever.So don’t worry: Vivien is watching out for your side of things!Get Cancer Confidential noworder now special price Chemo or “natural”?Let me address that vexed question of whether to opt for chemo or radiation “Just in case”. I understand this dilemma. At times it can be frightening, with the feeling that if you make a wrong choice, that could be the end…Well, you’ll be pleased to know that I don’t tell you not to go the orthodox route. That’s just irresponsible. You get that from amateur fools on the Internet who just go “Oh My Gawd. You’re doing chemo?” as if it were a dirty vice.If you choose chemo, good luck.People do survive who have chemo. Some live the rest of their natural lives. But it is RISKY; there is no getting round that. If it doesn’t work, it screws up your other options, by poisoning out the immune system and other defences you so vitally need to beat off cancer naturally.So to help you with this awful dilemma, I spend a lot of time telling you what can do to protect yourself against chemo and radiation.My patients who opted for chemo didn’t even lose their hair! But they did beat the disease.And no, vitamins and other alternatives won’t affect the treatment. That’s just a scare story put about by oncologists who don’t like competition. I will tell you the truth on that story too—direct from the most up-to-date scientific studies. And that brings me to another point.You’re not buying into a bunch of opinions, fluffy pink thoughts or the “wish” that it would all come out right. I’m not into fairy stories. Everything I write is based on direct experience and years of studying scientific papers.As I said, I’ve done the grunt work. Now all you have to do is get this manual and read it. You can get a fast education in cancer and lifetime survival from right there in your armchair (better switch the TV off, though).image of bookGet Cancer Confidential noworder now special priceAmazing recoveriesDoctor’s don’t like stories; not even success stories. They call them “anecdotal reports” and imply it’s some kind of fraud. In fact all medical discoveries begin as anecdotal stories.Once upon a time (October 16th, 1846, to be precise), dental surgeon William T.G. Morton administered ether to Gilbert Abbott, a printer who had come to the Massachusetts General Hospital for treatment of a vascular tumor in his jaw. The tumor was removed successfully and Abbott felt nothing.That was the start of anesthetics. One of the defining moments of modern medicine. But it was just an anecdotal case. No scientific double-blind trails there! Doctors just got on with it ever after (in fact Dr. Crawford Williamson Long was first but he didn’t publish till 1848).So don’t worry about “just stories”. They are great to hear and encouraging. They tell you what can be done. You get something to aim for. Like this story:”Ethyl had large tumors taking over the breast, sticking out from her skull, and protruding from her body in general. The largest was the one in the left breast which was the size of a big man’s fist.She did have one crucial thing going for her, Ethyl was a feisty Irish redhead who still had a will to live, and a reason to do so.[After following a naturopathic detox regime] her eyesight returned, at first seeing only outlines, and then details. … All the tumors had been reabsorbed by her body and were no longer visible, her heart was able to support normal activity such as walking, and non-strenuous household chores, and her diabetes had corrected itself to the point that she no longer required insulin and was able to control her blood sugar with diet.”How did she turn it around and retreat from the very jaws of death? Starting with a modified fast, using wheatgrass, juice etc.excerpted from the book “How And When To Be Your Own Doctor” written by Dr. Isabelle A. Moser.Now it is my duty to point out that people recover using conventional therapies too. Survival stories abound of those who have been through the horrors or chemotherapy and radiation, feeling sick, vomiting, losing their hair.. It’s not nice but it does sometimes work.So my eReport is NOT about persuading you that you shouldn’t do chemo. It is about telling you waht your chocies are. Because nobody is going to tell you, if you don’t find out for yourself. I have assembled masses of information about the many options you have. But it’s not overwhleming. I haven’t gone into the nitpciky detail, like doses of vitamins.It’s the overall picture, the business plan instead of the detailed invoice, if you like to think of it that way.cancer recovery quoteAt the end of the day, everyone with any disease is just a “story”, an anecdote. He or she is NOT an average, which is all that so-called scientific studies can measure. They can’t turn an individual into a statistic, so the individual gets lost in the masses.But each story is different and you don’t see that when you only look at statistics. So stories are actually very valuable indeed. They are the heart and soul of enquiry and the very essence of discovery and innovation. How Much Money Can This Report Save You?Ask yourself, what would this priceless knowledge cost you if you got it as a “customer” of an MD or clinic: $1,000s? More like $10,000s. Some clinics in Mexico and other overseas territories cost over $20,000 a week for the remedies I’m giving you here.At the very least, if you want to go to an expensive alternative cancer facility (and why not? I’m telling you they work!), you can be fully informed and make good decisions, not let yourself get ripped off by smart Alecs who prey on your vulnerability.What I will share with you in “Cancer Confidential” are the exact treatments used by all holistic cancer centers. It’s all in this report. Trust me–I’ve been around a long time! There are no secrets I don’t know about! OK, Time to make a decision!You can be in no doubt what my guide is about, what it covers and what value it has to you. It’s simply the finest there is out there. It’s one of the VERY FEW written by a recognized, authoritative MD with direct experience of treating cancers with alternative therapies.I no longer run an office but you can benefit from my vast experience, now, TODAY..So it’s time to buy “Cancer Confidential” your ultimate eReport on state of the art cures for cancer…


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