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Dr. Elaine Ingham’s Compost Tea Class

Compost Tea Class
[WebRip – 26 MP4, 8 MP3, 16 PDF]


 Cerified Soil Consultant Training with microbiologist pioneer Dr. Inghram Phase 2 Group BuyGB status – ClosedGB thread – []Here[/url]Sharing elsewhere will result in being banned                                                                                           Dr. Elaine Ingham’s Compost Tea ClassDr. Elaine Ingham is recognized around the world as the leader in soil microbiology and research of the soil foodweb. She is an energetic, easy-to-understand speaker who explains what life in the soil is all about. With decades of experience as a professor, researcher, and soil benefactor consulting in the field she has helped thousands of homeowners, growers, and influential companies understand healthy soil via healthy organisms. Elaine transmits sophisticated information in a down-to-earth way. Her mission is to show that the key to making any plant thrive, from the turf on golf courses to vegetables in the garden is to team up with suitable soil microbes. Elaine has astounding results to show for it. Dr. Ingham conntects the loop from chemical, biological, to available plant nutrients. her easy and enthusiastic style brings the soil foodweb to life.Compost Tea ClassFind out how to make Aerobic Compost Tea and Extracts and reduce costs by removing toxic inorganic fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides from your life.  Set up the conditions that allow no foothold for diseases-causing fungi, bacteria or pests to establish.  Make the root zone of your plants a place that yield-reducing root grubs and nematodes will not enter.  Tailor the soil to support the growth of the plants you want, not the weeds.  These sessions will demystify how to easily make high quality compost extracts and teas to replenish beneficial organisms in the soil and on all plant surfaces. See your garden or farm come to life without hours of back-breaking work.    Class Sessions:Session 1 – Overview of Compost Tea and Compost ExtractSession 2 – Organisms in Compost Tea and Compost ExtractSession 3 – Different Kinds of Teas, Brewers, and IngredientsSession 4 – Factors Involved in Making Good Compost TeaSession 5 – Feeding Organisms and Different BrewersSession 6 – Aerobic Brewing Process and ApplicationSession 7 – Examples of Benefits of Compost TeaSession 8 – Demonstration of Making Compost TeaThese sessions cover the processes that will maximize biological diversity to get the most bang for your buck. Actively Aerated Compost Tea (ACT) and Liquid Compost Extract (LCE) are the most efficient methods for bringing microbial diversity back to what your desired plants need. Eliminate inorganic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides that decrease diversity and degrade soil health.Session 1In the case of extract, you just extract the organisms using water.  If we are going to brew and grow those organisms we are going to add additional foods into the extract and get those organisms growing, multiplying so you can increase the numbers of organisms and then apply that compost tea.  Compost tea typically is going to be going on to foliage, onto things that you need to stick the organisms to.  For example, if you need to apply the organisms to the surface of an animal or a plant, a human being, some other object, where you instantly require those organisms to stick and stay on the surface of the organism you are going to make tea.Overview of Compost Tea and Compost ExtractWhen we are talking about compost tea or compost extract we are really talking about getting the organisms back into the soil.  With compost tea or compost extract you want to make certain what you’re lacking in soil to begin with, so you know what you need to put back into the soil.  One way of getting that biology back into the soil is in a liquid form, which is much easier to apply than a solid such as compost.  Take that compost and extract those organisms.Session 2When we are looking at tea, remember bacteria can reproduce every 20 minutes.  When conditions are right for them, when they have the foods that they require; they are reproducing every 20 minutes.  You can get quite massive increases in bacteria through typical compost tea production.  With fungi, they are going to reproduce every 1 to maybe 3 hours.  So it takes longer to build up a really high-level of really good fungi in your compost tea. Organisms in Compost Tea and Compost ExtractWe’re making certain that we’re getting these organisms into the extract, and in an extract you just have to extract more compost, more compost until you have all the organisms up to where you want them to be.  With compost tea, we can actually grow the bacteria and the fungi and the protozoa, so make certain that they can grow in that tea brew.  Session 3Different Kinds of Teas, Brewers, and IngredientsWe have just briefly touched on manure tea, but just to reiterate, manure is anaerobic.  What comes out of the digestive systems of most organisms is going to be anaerobic, and quite often has quite a few pathogens present.  And so we have to compost manure in order to turn it into compost and get rid of the pathogens and the pests.Another area we want to just touch on is put-to-sleep-teas.  There is a number of companies that will make compost and then they will extract the organisms from that compost basically making an extract or even a tea, but then in order to package that and put it into stores, so you can go to the store and take that container, it’s going to have to be put to sleep typically. Session 4Factors Involved in Making Good Compost TeaToday, we are going to continue on looking at the different kinds of starting materials.  What are these recipes?  All of our compost needs to have three components: high nitrogen—which has a C:N ratio of around 10:1 and the kinds of materials that have those are narrow C:N ratios.  So, carbon to nitrogen ratios, 10 carbons for every 1 nitrogen is a very narrow C:N ratio.  Fresh manure—manures that are straight out of the animals, you have got to pay attention to what the animals are being fed.  If the animals are being given a lot of salt amendments, if they are being given palletized cow chow of any kind, or you’re looking at horses and they are being given a lot of salt amendment, that manure is going to be difficult to use because it’s going to be very high in salt. Session 5Feeding Organisms and Different BrewersIf we are putting in fungal foods, that’s not as great on oxygen demand because remember, bacteria are reproducing every 20 minutes, while fungi are only reproducing maybe once an hour, once every three hours.  So fungal foods, typically, we can put a little bit more in because they are not going to grow as rapidly, they are not going to use up the oxygen as fast.   So as we go through that spring time period, think about backing off, reducing the amount of food that you are putting in.  During that early springtime period, the organisms need to have more food to get growing, to overcome the cool temperatures.  So we are going to use double the amount of food as compared to later in the springtime as compared to summer. So even testing, as you are going through the growing season is something that might be necessary. Session 6Aerobic Brewing Process and ApplicationsStarting off we put in the compost into the water after we’ve added the foods, so a fair amount of foods in here.  Is this too much food or not enough?  So starting to do our testing, and so looking at our organisms growing how active are the organisms we’re using a fluorescein diacetate stain doing microscopy, assessing the activity of the bacteria on the fungi and the protozoa in this tea brew.  Now just like any other composting system, if we put a lot of woody materials in here, whether it’s a batch So you can see that it takes them a little time to kind of wake up to the fact that they’re in the tea brewer, being extracted into the water, and then noticing that the food’s there and starting to go, “Wee ha,” starting to grow.  You can see they take off and start growing faster, and faster, and faster. Session 7Examples of Benefits of Compost TeaSo, let’s take a look at the organisms.  So here we are looking at all the different ways to assess biology so bacteria, active the things are actually functioning and then total which includes the actually functioning plus all those things that are hanging out waiting for the right conditions.  Active fungi, things that are functioning right now total, hanging around and waiting as well as the active.  So, we calculated the fungal to bacterial biomass ratio.  Are we setting the stage for weed?  Are we setting the stage for really productive grasses?  Looking at diameter of the fungal hyphae so, narrow diameter means diseases, wider diameter means more likely to be good guys.So, looking at the beneficial protozoa versus the things that are indicating compaction, anaerobic conditions and then mycorrhizal colonization in their root system.  So, here’s the conventional side.  So, we’re looking at active bacteria total, active fungi total, oops!  You can see right there, way out of balance, way too much bacteria; we don’t have near the fungal component in here that we want.  Fungal to bacterial ratio says we’re growing weeds; and we had a lot of higher weed component in these pastures than we did on the biological side.Session 8Notice the level of aeration.  This is critically important when you are making compost tea.  That’s why we call it specifically actively aerated compost tea.  We need to keep enough oxygen in there for the microbes to grow especially when we are giving them food and to maintain sufficient oxygen levels.   Demonstration of Making Compost TeaWe’re going to demonstrate compost tea brewing — actually actively aerated compost tea brewing.  We have three mo                                                                                         NowVIP + 2016-8-01Power User + 8-24User 10 Years


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