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Dr. David Craig – Lie Catcher – Become a human lie detector in under 60 minutes

Detect Deceit_ How to Become a Human Lie D – David Craig.epub
[1 eBook – 1 Epub]


Everybody lies. Lying is part of our every-day lives and it’snot all bad. In some situations, little white lies can evenbe considered helpful. For example, when a partner asks,‘Do these jeans make me look fat?’ But other lies are toldwith the intent to harm or deceive, and recognising theselies is a crucial skill we can all use.Lie Catcher, is international expert Dr David Craig’seasy-to-read guide that demonstrates through practicalexamples how to apply ‘lie detecting’ skills in yourday-to-day life. From the simple skills of bargaining,making a purchase, or dealing with children throughto the more serious business of negotiating a contractor identifying infidelity, he delivers simple but effectivetips and techniques we can all use to see behind thefacade and get to the truth.Written with the average person in mind, the book isdelivered in an easy to understand format, allowing busypeople to read it quickly and intermittently without losingtrack of concepts. Aimed at a broad target audience, thebook steers well clear of academic writing and delivers itsinformation using humour and simple and easy to absorblanguage, while maintaining its academic credibility.Readers will pick up the techniques easily and enjoypractising their new-found skills immediately.Lie Catcher is the culmination of over twenty years ofpractical criminology and hundreds of hours of academicresearch. Dr David Craig is an international expert inundercover operations who has used these techniquesextensively. He gained his doctorate in law by completinginternational research of undercover programs in theUnited States (FBI, DEA, US Customs), Canada (RCMP),the United Kingdom (Scotland Yard, National and ScottishCrime Squad) and the Netherlands (Politie).Lie Catcher is an easy-to-read, light hearted andacademically credentialled guide on how to detect lies. Itpromises to hold broad appeal as a practical and usefultool to support law enforcement, education, parents,relationships, workplace interviews and businessnegotiation.Editorial ReviewsAbout the AuthorDr. David Craig is an international expert in undercover operations and lie-detection techniques. He has conducted extensive international research in undercover programs in the United States (FBI, DEA, U.S. Customs), Canada (RCMP), the United Kingdom (Scotland Yard, National and Scottish Crime Squad), and the Netherlands (politie). He lives in Brisbane, Australia, with his wife and four children.…


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