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Dr Brad Blanton – Radical Parenting: Seven Steps to a Functional Family in a Dysfunctional World

Brad Blanton – Radical Parenting
[1 eBook – 1 AZW3, 1 MOBI, 1 EPUB]


Dr Brad Blanton – Radical Parenting: Seven Steps to a Functional Family in a Dysfunctional World***elib exclusive***Quote:This book does no less than create an entirely new blueprint for parenting. It’s for people who really want to transcend the limitations of the family and culture in which they were raised. It is based on decades of work with thousands of individuals and families, as well as the most recent scientific research on brain physiology, biochemistry, cognitive theory, evolutionary theory, cultural anthropology, and psychological growth and development. The goal of this book is to show parents how to parent consciously, so they can prevent crippling their children in the same ways they were crippled in their own families and schools. It goes into intricate detail about how human minds get built, how they function, and how they malfunction. It gives practical examples of what to attend to with children from the beginning of their life, and how to be with them as they grow. And it rants eloquently against the cultural limitations that make us blind to how we re-create suffering, so we can nurture our children in a way that allows them to remain playful and curious all the way into adulthood.Open for everyoneNumber of pages: 258Year of publication: 2002Url:…Amazon rating: 3.8 stars (6 reviews)Some of the Amazon reviews:5 STARS wrote:I WIsh I Had Read This Book When My Kids Were Little. Unfortunately, no books like Radical Parenting were available when I was raising kids, or I would have been a better parent. Oh sure, I THOUGHT I was a good parent. And, if you think you’re a good parent, then you need to read this book, too. Because all parents abuse their children in one way or another. But, the worst kind of abuse is often the abuse that you aren’t even aware of. This newest book by Dr. Brad Blanton gets REAL about the major sins we commit as parents using our children as the victims. It tells how we fail to maximize the opportunities for our kids to grow and develop into creators and become happy people. It shows the way to raising radically better kids by focusing first on our own growth and inner development. This book points out the traps and barriers set up for parents by our culture, our politics, our religion and, of course, the mind. It tells what makes people happy and what makes them be in love and become loving people. It reveals how children and grown-up’s achieve satisfaction and fulfillment in life. There are wet marks on the pages where I learned some of the dumb things I did. I understand myself better as a result of this book. And, I also know better how to learn from children. Thanks, Dr. B. for this GREAT BOOK!5 STARS wrote:Combining the best of the fields of psychology, psychotherapy and sociology, with a great love of children and their potential, Brad Blanton makes an impassioned plea for creating a world where children can grow and flourish. Radical Parenting isn’t as radical as it is useful for all of us, regardless of how young or old our children and our friends’ children might be. From Dr. Spock to Brad Blanton, a parent would do well to follow their sage advice.5 STARS wrote:Review From a Non-Parent. Blanton has said that this is his most radical book. I haven’t read all of them yet, but having also read Radical Honesty, Practising Radical Honesty, his autobiography, and The Truthtellers, I agree with him. I don’t have children, but I do plan to, and having read the other books I was curious to see what he’d have to say on the issue and to add something to the foundations of my parenting in advance. It is fascinating not only for (I imagine) parents and those considering it, but also for teachers and anyone involved with children, and anyone who is a human being. Brad looks at the early years of development of the mind in the child, and what affects it most in its growth. He sees children from the perspective of teaching us to be, so we don’t enforce our mental constructions of the world onto our kids so much. He sees children as natural born creators, and suggests how we can learn to embrace their creativity in play and thus our own. He brings into question our school system (well, I guess the American one, but the same suggestions apply). It’s a loving book and can teach you how to be taught and teach and be taught and teach and be taught, and not be so uptight about it. I will be applying its teachings when I have children, and I think the world would be full of far funner folk if we all did.May you find peace, joy and prosperity,Aeon


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