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Dr. Alex – The Tao of Dating – Belief Supercharger Mindtrack (Remix)

Belief Super Charger Mindtrack (Remix).mp3
[1 CD – MP3]



No, this not a dupe or a way to boost my ratio. I did this first and foremost for myself. I had the original recording for a while now, but it did nothing for me. I found it to be stale and it lacked any kind of relaxed hypnotic state that the affirmations could benefit from. So I started tinkering with it… the crazy audio freak that I am  I didn’t want to make this a ratio hog, so I made it as big as the original. In the beginning it sounds as if Dr. Alex is standing alone in a large stadium, but when the music kicks in, it will all make sense. I could have cut the beginning out, but this way you have enough time to lie down and get into a comfortable position. I have used Jonathan Goldman’s Ultimate OM as the background music to get the right hypnotic state. I hope you all enjoy this. Let me know if it brings you to a higher sense of awareness.You can find the original here:: I mixed it using headphones, so I’d suggest using them for the best effect.


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