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Doug O’Brien – FitHeads System Fit Kit

FitHeads – Fit Kit – DVDs, CD & PDF
[(2 DVDs – Rip, 1 CD – MP3, 1 ebook – PDF]



This new exclusive material is part of  the IASH 2008 NLP Health Conference group buy.This group buy forum is listed at: System Fit KitAuthor: Doug O’Brien and NLP ComprehensivePublished: 2009Description: 2 DVDs Ripped to .AVI, 1 CD Ripped to MP3 at 192k & 1 24 page booklet scanned, OCRed & bookmarked to PDF.FitHeads System, Get Fit, Stay Fit, and Have Fun Doing ItThe FitHead DVD program uses proven NLP techniques to make it easy to get active and stay active. By using the power of your mind and the simple act of taking a few more steps you will relearn the habit of being more active. It will be as easy as remembering to brush your teeth. The FitHeads System is a self-managed DVD/CD-based program that builds your physical and mental conditioning in a series of small, easy steps; preparing you for, and launching you into a lifetime of healthy activity. In 20-30 minutes per day over 10 days you’ll learn the attitudes, behaviors and methods that were identified through research as critical success determinants in adopting a more active lifestyle. This is a comprehensive, researched based, Physician endorsed system that helps you change your thinking so that you can gain control over your health and fitness related decisions and actions.  10 Days to Change Your Life.Because it leverages your own personal strengths to inspire you and make it enjoyable.The FitHeads System creates better health with less effort by drawing on the same natural mind-body connection you used as a child to learn to walk. And like learning to walk it quickly becomes instinctive. You don’t even have to think about it. It’s just part of who you are.The FitHeads System has boiled down the process of improving your health and energy to 4 simple steps. Easy to learn. Easy to do.Day 1IntroductionOn Day 1 you’ll get an in-depth understanding of the FitHeads System – what it is, and why it works so well that we can offer you a 100% satisfaction money back guarantee. You’ll also take your first small step towards better health.Day 2My Magnificent SelfDay 2 is perhaps the most important day in the FitHeads System. Following a very successful process used by personal therapists, you’ll examine two possible futures. The one that you’re on track for if you don’t improve your current health habits, and an alternative healthier future inhabited by your ideal self. It’s time to choose.  Day 3Just AdjustOn Day 3 you’ll learn several techniques for making simple adjustments when life throws you a curveball. To make any change you want you’ll be able to Just Adjust, and turn any potentially negative situation into one that is brimming with opportunity.  Day 4A Few More StepsOn Day 4 you’ll see how easy it is to progress towards your weight loss and fitness goals simply by taking a few more steps every day. You’ll also learn a very important process for keeping you on the path to better health that you committed yourself to.  Day 5NoticingTo stay on the healthy path you have to enjoy it. On Day 5 you’ll learn an excellent technique for finding the enjoyment in walking (or anything else you’re doing).  Day 6Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and HabitsYour beliefs have the power to significantly impact the quality of your life. On Day 6 you’re going to learn how to identify beliefs you hold that are preventing you from achieving your weight loss and fitness goals, and replace them with more empowering beliefs. This is a critical transition for life-long better health.Day 7Healthy Attitude Towards FoodThe main focus of the FitHeads System is gradually increasing your activity level for better energy and life-long health. But physical activity alone will not get you all the way to your goals. On Day 7 we focus on the Better Health, Less Effort™ eating secrets. Simple, painless techniques that will make a powerful impact on your eating and weight loss.  Day 8BumpsOn Day 8 we’ll be talking about the bumps that inevitably appear on your path from time to time, and how to deal with them so they don’t derail you like they may have in the past. There are two main approaches for managing bumps. The first is to avoid them altogether. The second is to have strategies ready to deal with them when they pop up.  Day 910,000 StepsTo reach your weight loss and health goals you should aim to eventually be walking 10,000 steps most days, but we’re going to build it at a comfortable pace. No matter what your current step count is, you’re on the road to 10,000 steps and better life-long health. On Day 9 we’ll develop your plan for getting there.Day 10I am a FitHeadOn Day 10 you’ll graduate as an official FitHead. By this point you will be well on the path to better health, and you’ll have all the tools you need to stay there. The FitHeads culture is a celebration culture. We’ll have a little fun celebrating your success, and we’ll take the final steps to launch you into your new, healthier life. Your FitHeads Fit Kit includes:- A 10-day DVD program that inspires you to be more active- Teaches you a simple, enjoyable way to get there, the FitHeads Walking Program.- Gives you the self-motivation tools you need to stick with it- A companion CD that adds to what you learn each day on the DVD.- A planning booklet.The web site for this material is at: keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks to everyone who is supporting this group buy.Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute to the group buy at: are the standard group buy lead times.Thanks, Mazen


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