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Dick Sutphen – Astral Projection

Dick Sutphen – Astral Projection
[2 Cassette Rip Audios]



Below is the description from Dick Sutphen’s website regarding the CD version of Astral Projection. However, I believe that this rip is taken from the cassette version made in 1990 that Dick talks about in this description.Astral ProjectionExcerpts from the Course By Dick Sutphen       Note: this 74-Minute Course on CD includes two altered-state-of-consciousness sessions: 1. Introduction, 2. Astral-Projection Conditioning, and 3. Astral Projection Session.Excerpt 1: You are made up of four bodies, simultaneously coinciding in space. In addition to your PHYSICAL BODY, is a second or VITAL BODY, which is also called your ETHERIC DOUBLE. Your VITAL BODY is an invisible electromagnetic field surrounding your physical body, fueling your internal electrical system and maintaining a perfect pattern of your physical in it’s prime of health and vitality. The third body of man is the ASTRAL BODY, which is often thought of as the spirit. While you’re alive, your ASTRAL BODY is an invisible, ethereal substance inter-penetrating the physical body and extending outward about five to eight inches. This body is capable of separating from the physical in an astral projection during sleep, or at will, once you’re properly conditioned and learn how to project. After death, the ASTRAL BODY envelopes the soul-mind in the etheric world. The ASTRAL BODY also maintains your vibrational awareness, which serves as the foundation for your next physical incarnation.The fourth body of man is called the MENTAL or CASUAL BODY. Its the highest body, encompassing our physical shell. Your MENTAL BODY is considered a vehicle of abstract thought in a vibration we can not comprehend. It functions in the afterlife to analyze the incarnations of the soul-mind and plan future incarnations based upon karmic learning and liabilities. This body is said to be a force field that actually causes our soul to manifest in physical form.The subject of exploration in this course is your third body — your ASTRAL BODY. The information I’ll be sharing is based upon years of research and explorations with thousands of people. I first recorded astral projection tapes as experiments and gave them to prisoners in Arizona’s Florence Penitentiary in the early 70s. Over the years, I refined the techniques, experimented in seminars and released general market audio and Video-Hypnosis® tapes. Then in 1990, I created a greatly improved two-tape audio album. More people responded and shared their ex-periences and the problems they encountered trying to astral project. So now, ten years later, I’m improving the course again. As a result of the research, I’m going share the biggest blocks to successful astral projection:Excerpt 2: No one astral projects consciously, although many think they do. Deep breathing, relaxation techniques, or some unidentified method of altering consciousness is necessary for successful projection. Even long-distance running generates an altered state, which has resulted in some runners reporting they experienced floating above their bodies watching themselves run.  We all leave our bodies at night, during periods of the sleep process. Maybe you’ve experienced the situation of beginning to slip out of your body, but you’ve heard a noise and slammed back into the physical, awakening with a jolt—momentarily startled and confused. Also, people who do self-hypnosis, meditation or use pre-recorded altered-state CDs will often experience a sensation of swinging, swaying or spinning during the induction. If this happens to you, you’re trying to leave your body. Go with the experience.I’m also convinced that more often than not, the experience of deja vu and clairvoyant dreams can be traced back to astral projections during sleep. As an example, let’s say you’re planning a vacation to Hawaii next month. Naturally, you’re excited and the islands are on your mind. So, during sleep, you astral project to Hawaii, because your mental energy is drawing you there. Then, when you actually travel to the islands a month later, you physically experience the environment and sense you’ve been there before. Maybe in a past life? Or maybe, because you’ve recently visited in your astral body.All right, now I’m going to talk about astral projection from the perspective of REMOTE VIEWING. Is remote viewing the same as astral projection? The government remote viewers commissioned to do psychic spying for the CIA worked in a hypnogogic-theta state. Some talk of entering a fourth dimension, beyond time and space. That sure sounds like astral projection to me. I know you can successfully remote view without astral projecting, but I’m also pretty sure that some of my own remote viewing voyages turned out to be full out of body experiences. In both cases, you project to a distant location and accurately perceive things you have no other way of knowing. Excerpt 3 (suggestions used in the conditioning session): * You can easily leave your body. * You can astral project. You can. You accept this. * Out-of-body experiences are natural and easy for you. * You astral project safely, surrounded by the light and you always return to your physical body. * You are in harmony with the positive powers of the Universe. * You ask your own spirit guides and Masters to assist and protect you while astral projecting. * You trust your intuition during the astral-projection process. * In your astral body, nothing is solid except in your mind. * In your astral body, your conscious and unconscious thoughts control your reality. * In your astral body, you experience no restrictions to your freedom. * In your astral body, you can go anywhere you desire without interruption. * You walk in the light, you’re at one with the light, and you seek the blessing of the source of the light. Excerpt 4 (suggestions used in the conditioning session): The following are words and responses which you will accept for instant conditioned responses in case you need them. When you think one of these key words, you’ll instantly react according to your conditioning. The first conditioned response word is “return.” When you say or think the word “return,” you will instantly return to your physical body. When you will think or say the word “return,” you’ll physically move your right hand and instantly return to your physical body.The next code word is “shield.” When you think or say the word “shield” you will automatically visualize a shield of magnetic white light surrounding your astral body — a shield of light that cannot be penetrated. Nothing can get through it—no negative thought form from another entity on the astral plane will be able to penetrate this shield. The word “shield” is your condition response word for a shield of magnetic white light to surround and protect you.The next code word is “repel.” When you say or think the word “repel,” you will automatically visualize a strong current of electrical energy being directed at any negative entity or force you desire to repel. This electrical energy will emit from the center of your forehead — from your third eye brow chakra — directly at an adversary to stop any undesirable advances. From this moment on, the word “repel” is your conditioned response code to use when you feel threatened and are forced to act defensively while in your astral body. If you think or say the word “repel,” you’ll experience a strong current of electrical energy being directed from your third eye at whatever is threatening you.The next code are the numbers “321.” Whenever you think or say the numbers “321” after returning to your physical body, you’ll instantly recall all that transpired while you were out on the astral planes. The numbers “321” are your conditioned response code for instant recall.And these suggestions have been communicated to every level of your body and mind, and they’ve been accepted on every level of your body and mind, and so it is.(NOTE: During the “Conditioning Session,” you’ll practice different “life-out” techniques: 1) swing and sway, 2) increasing your vibrations beginning in your root chakra, and, 3) growing longer right out of your body.) Excerpt 5: The exercise you just completed is powerful mind programming and you should do it at least once a day to develop your natural deep-level ability and at the same time, condition yourself for astral projection. Don’t be too concerned about the code words, but you do need this conditioning in case your fears get in the way while you’re out of body. Some people do have an occasional undesirable encounter on the other side, because both positive and negative exist there as well as here. But you’ll always return safely to the physical, and the code words will assure that you easily handle any situation you might encounter. All right, now let me share some facts to help you understand the how and why of astral projection. Albert Einstein’s equation E=MC2, means “matter is energy.” The physicists now have proven that everything appearing solid is in reality swirling molecules, temporarily molded in their current patterns. Everything on earth breaks down to subatomic particles … to energy. And most important, our physical bodies are energy. Our world isn’t what it appears to be. Nothing is solid. It’s all energy and ENERGY IS NON-PHYSICAL IN NATURE.Energy is non physical in nature … and that includes you. You too are a swirling mass of subatomic particles vibrating at a rate relating to this manifest plane you’ve chosen to explore for awhile.Today, the cutting edge physicists say that since nothing is solid, our world appears to be closer to a “thought form,” than anything tangible. Of course, the mystics have always contended that the world is illusion. It seems to me, the scientists and mystics are in agreement.Einstein and many physicists believe that other worlds or parallel universes exist right here, right now, but they’re vibrating at a rate that we’re incapable of perceiving. Relate this to the station dial on a radio. Maybe we’re existing at 98.2 on the dial, but if you turn the dial a little, there’s another world at 99.5, and another at 101.6. You get the idea. Many radio stations exist around your right now, but you can’t perceive them until you properly tune them in. We are energy, co-existing and interacting with a world of energy and each of us is influencing and contributing to the overall energy. Now … relate this concept of vibrational energy to the four bodies of man I initially discussed. Your physical body is vibrating at one rate, your vital body — the electromagnetic field around you is vibrating at another, your astral body as yet another, and your mental body as another — each existing in the same space, but beyond your ability to perceive them separately until you learn to tune in.


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