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Derren Brown – The System

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Illusionist Derren Brown has developed a “guaranteed” method for winning on the horses. He reveals how it works in his new Channel 4 special The SystemIs Derren Brown the most persuasive man on the planet? In his 2006 TV special The Heist, the magician and illusionist hoodwinked three members of the public into voluntarily committing armed robbery. Their guns were toy replicas and the bank’s security man was part of the set-up, but for the ‘robbers’, consciously and subconsciously influenced by Brown to act in this extraordinary way, the experience was terrifyingly real. On Friday night, Brown will unveil his latest gob-smacking mind game: ‘The System’.‘Essentially, I have devised a system for winning at the horses,’ says Brown. ‘In the show I take a randomly selected member of the public and start telling her which horses are going to win in various races. The predictions are given 24 hours in advance. And these are all big, televised races. They haven’t just been set up. The subject sees how The System works and starts betting her own money on the horses. The show finishes with her getting hold of every penny she can to bet it all on the final race.’ Derren Brown has devised a new way of winning money on the horsesUnderstandably, Brown is refusing to divulge how The System works. For now. He will, however, explain precisely how it works during the programme.‘The System is a way of taking a random person and telling them again and again which horse will win,’ he explains. ‘It is 100 per cent guaranteed. I don’t know what the bookies will make of it, what the aftermath will be. Given the way The System works it’s not something I can make money out of myself. It has to be via someone else, which, once again, will only make sense when you see the show…’Some readers are probably scratching their heads in intrigued frustration. ‘How does The System work? How can it work?’ Others will be more sceptical still. ‘It’s a fix,’ they’ll cry. ‘Why should anyone believe anything they see on the telly these days?’ Brown is remarkably phlegmatic about those who think that his whole act is a con. For him, Doubting Thomases are an occupational hazard.‘I think scepticism is a perfectly natural reaction to a lot of what I do, especially if it’s seen on the television,’ he says. ‘But when you think about it, I can’t be using actors or editing tricks. Because if I did, I’d have any number of people who could sell their stories to the newspapers and tell everyone that my tricks are all rubbish.’advertisementIt is partly for reasons of authenticity that Brown prefers performing live. ‘I love doing the theatre shows,’ he says. ‘When magic is being done live, right in front of you, with members of the audience chosen at random, you know that there’s nothing going on apart from what you can physically see.’Brown will be back on the road with his An Evening of Wonders show at the end of February. Surprisingly, considering the complexity of the illusions, he doesn’t do much preparation. ‘The show becomes well-oiled and builds pace night after night, week after week,’ he says. ‘And the things I need – my focus, my concentration – come with the adrenalin of the performance.’You might think that Brown, who famously played Russian roulette live on Channel 4 in 2003, would work in perpetual fear of a trick backfiring. Have any of his live shows been struck by disaster? ‘Well, there was a night in Belfast a few years ago,’ he says. ‘During one of the illusions I play the audience a short film. The idea is that after watching it, four people from the audience will feel a very powerful urge to get up on stage. But this one guy came up and just started throwing up on stage – proper projectile vomiting. He must have vomited at least 15 times, and had to be helped back to his seat by the ushers, who he then threw up over as well. In fact I had people fainting and throwing up during that show. But I can promise you that my new stage show isn’t like that. It’s vomit-free.’With TV series on both sides of the Atlantic, an ongoing theatre tour and a second book to write, Brown is an almost impossibly busy man. He does, however, still find time to pursue a rather singular hobby. ‘I paint caricatures,’ he says. ‘My last two were Eminem and Sir Ian McKellen. In fact I went to see McKellen in King Lear and after the show I gave him a copy of my caricature, which he liked.’ Brown pauses, struck by the unlikely thought that the master trickster may himself have been tricked. ‘Well, McKellen seemed to like it. But maybe he was being a very good actor…’


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