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Derek Wahler – 10 Minute Fat Loss –

Derek Wahler – 10 Minute Fat Loss
[8 eBooks – PDF]

Description——————————————————— P.S:Just released and already in your hands!!Included 2 upgrade and a bonus report.ENJOY!!!———————————————————Shocking Research PROVES You Can Lose More Fat and Dramatically Improve Your Health in Just 10 Minutes Using a Groundbreaking HIDT™ Approach While Looking and Feeling 20 Years YoungerWith this new discovery, you’ll learn how you can shed 5, 10, even 50 pounds of fat anywhere, including your office or at home, by speeding up your metabolism with strategic 10-minute metabolic “bursts” throughout the week.If you can commit only 30 minutes per week to improve your health and reduce your waistline, read on…this is for you.From the Desk of Derek WahlerCertified Turbulence Trainer – Fat Loss ExpertI have a confession to make…I couldn’t take it anymore.I felt weak, disheartened and honestly I was very upset with myself.  For someone whose #1 priority (okay, my wife would probably want me to say #2 priority) was health and fitness, I could no longer handle the long, intense 60 minute plus workout programs that were leaving me, fatigued, sore and just broken down all day long.I managed to stick with them for over a year. Always coming back, day after day, usually 6 days a week, to get my butt kicked.I was dragging myself to the workout room, three times a week, with cardio or interval training in between and on the weekend.  It was either that or home workout programs that promised extreme results (which also meant extreme time obligations, digging into my time with my family).I was exhausted of it all. No matter what program I followed, it was always 6 days per week, for at least an hour.Oh….and you get 1 rest day per week.  That’s plenty, right?  I mean you aren’t weak are you?  You DO want to get results, right?That’s what I would tell myself to keep me going.  I kept thinking I wasn’t committed if I didn’t follow through, even though I despised every marathon session I did.Like you, I thought it was the only way to get results.  No pain no gain is what we keep hearing, right?… with all the so-called “motivation photos” spreading over Facebook.The odd thing was, I could still handle the workouts physically. The problem was, I could no longer handle them mentally.By the late afternoon, my brain had checked out. I was worthless with no energy… or ambition to other things, like my wife.I would wake up in the morning and immediately think there is NO way I can handle another long, grueling workout, especially after working long hours all day.It was grinding me down, layer by layer… just like how you feel this very moment.I started making little excuses in my mind, to try and justify what I was thinking.“You’ve put in 4 great days, you can skip this one and get started again tomorrow.”  “Or, compared to everyone else, you’re doing great!  You deserve a break!”But I always gave in and pushed through, ultimately feeling miserable throughout the workout.  Once I was done, instead of feeling great, I immediately thought of having to do this all over again tomorrow.The second I was done, I was already dreading my next workout.Your Workout Should NEVER Feel Like a “Second Job”There was no enjoyment, I didn’t look forward to it anymore. It was just something I had to do, part of my daily routine that I had grown to hate.It crept into my personal life as well. I tried to hide it the best I could, but inside I could definitely feel a change.I became more irritable, getting upset by the smallest little things.  My friends and family looked at me differently. I had changed as a person… in a WORSE way.I felt like someone who was going on 3 hours of sleep. It was like I was sleepwalking through each day.How is that possible? I was working out AND getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night. Isn’t sleep and exercise supposed to make you feel energized?It’s two of the most important aspects to a healthy life……yet it was completely wearing me down.It affected my professional life as well.You see, before becoming a fitness professional, I was just like you with a normal job. I worked in the IT industry for 12 years doing business analysis, creating databases, writing code…I did all of that.The problem was, I had trouble keeping my head up at my desk during the day.  I was always fighting to stay awake.  Coffee wasn’t cutting it. Energy drinks made me crash and burn.You’ve done that before, right?  You feel your eyes slowly starting to close, you can feel your head slightly moving forward, but you’re still half-awake.  So YOU go for the coffee or the energy drinks… or worse, perhaps a candy bar at the vending machine. You’re looking for something to “jolt” you awake.If you can’t find anything, your eyes are closed and your head’s all the way down.  All of a sudden, you wake up and jerk your head back up with this confused look on your face.Yeah, you just fell asleep at your desk, and you pray that no one else saw you. That was me on a daily basis.The difference between you and me is that I was too stubborn to change what I was doing. I thought it was the only way to get results.Your Life Should Not Suffer for the Sake of “Fitness”I didn’t think there were any other options.  Some people may call that being committed, but looking back, I’d just call it being too dumb to change.I finally got to my breaking point.  I started desperately researching workout programs online, hours upon hours into the night, trying to find something that produced results without taking up my time with family and draining me every night.It wasn’t until I realized how to burn fat faster using a radical approach… ALMOST unbelievable.I discovered this research just in time, too. My wife had just told me her parents were in town to go out for dinner.I immediately thought, “how exactly am I going to get my workout in?”  It’s Thursday, which means sprint intervals up the hill at the park near our house (not the most fun thing to do as winter is closing in).I had about a half hour to workout, shower and get dressed for the evening, so I came up with a short, intense 10-minute workout that literally changed my life.The Harsh Truth Behind Popular At-Home ProgramsSo, you buy the latest workout program after watching the same infomercial countless times.  You wait for the DVDs to come in the mail.  Or if you’re lucky, they’ll let you download them.You’ve never been more motivated, this is finally the program that you’re going to stick with!  The true solution is here!Then you actually start the program.  The first couple of days feel awesome.You’re pumped up (I know I was), you can finally get a good workout in at home (after spending a lot of $ on equipment) and there is NOTHING that will stop you……..until you hit the wall.  The workouts can be effective, but the time and pressure put on your body becomes overwhelming.  Even unsafe.  You’re finally facing a hill that you just can’t seem to climb.You finally say to yourself, this is too hard. You feel a little weak and disappointed saying it, but there is no way you can keep this up as a long term solution.Don’t worry, I know exactly how you feel.I came to that realization with THREE different workout programs I did over the course of a few years. Build yourself up, feel supremely motivated and confident, even start seeing some results, then it starts to crumble as everyday life sets in.Then I finally realized (and you should too) that we are NOT the problem. The truth is, people were not meant to spend hours a day doing grueling, intense exercise. It’s not safe and definitely not sustainable.I knew there had to be a better way……which I stumbled onto while I was in my workout funk and short on time.You see, there’s a new method of exercise that burns body fat and builds sexy, lean muscle in only 10 minutes.Today you will discover exactly what that is and how to apply it.Eliminate ALL Excuses by Committing 30 Minutes PER WEEK to Get FitThere are three reasons why you never finish a workout program.1)      You have no idea where to start, what to do, and you don’t want to shell out $70 an hour for a personal trainer. The program is way too complex.2)      You don’t think you have the time.3)      Every program you come across is WAY too intimidating to start.If you haven’t exercised in years, it can be extremely intimidating to start any workout program, let alone one that takes an hour or more out of your day.Let’s say you’re determined enough to get started and you stick with the program for a couple of weeks.  Everything is going great.  You’re getting into great shape.  You’ve never felt better.Then chaos at work hits unexpectedly, as it always does. You go from working a normal 8 hour day to 10 hours or more. You have to meet the deadline, missing it simply isn’t an option.Instead of getting home at 5:00 every night, you’re now getting home at 7:00. Your workout window, after work but before dinner, is now gone.Your kids can’t wait any longer to eat, not when their bed time is in an hour.You haven’t seen or talked to them all day. They are the most important thing in your life. Quality time with them is priority #1.So what happens? You tell yourself that you’ll work out once everyone goes to bed. There will be no distractions, it’ll be the perfect time for your workout.Then dinner comes, you eat a little more than you probably should have, and there’s no way you’re doing squats with a full stomach.Or maybe you think ahead and have a light dinner. But now it’s 9:00 and you have another 10 hour (at least) day ahead of you. Do you go get some much needed rest, or crank out a 45 minute workout before bed?It truly is a double-edged sword, which is why there is an obesity problem today.The long hours go from a couple days, to a couple of weeks, to a month, and then eventually become your normal work day.Once that happens, the workouts stop, the weight comes back FASTER than you lost it, and you can’t keep up.  You almost feel helpless.If that sounds like you, don’t worry, it’s NOT your fault!The problem isn’t you, it’s the workouts that literally do not fit into your busy life. You simply haven’t found a solution that will actually work for you.Everyone thinks you need at least 30 minutes to get an effective workout. I used to believe that too.In fact, I usually spent 45 minutes to an hour and a half easily, when you factor in commuting to the gym, warm up and cool down. There goes my night.But what if I told you there is a solution where you’ll no longer have to spend long hours just to get results.In fact, you will need as little as 10 minutes per day, 3 days per week, to get amazing results and re-claim your body and health.That does seem too good to be true, doesn’t it? There has to be a catch.Is it constant sprinting for 10 minutes straight?Will I have to do dumbbell squats on a stability ball, while wearing a weight vest, ankle and wrist weights?What new super-cardio machine allows you to do this?Actually, that couldn’t be further from the truth.Not only will it take just 10 minutes of your time, the only thing you need to get started is…….YOU! You won’t need ANY equipment, so that means you can do this ANYWHERE.To get fit in only 10 minutes, all you will need is your own body. No expensiveNo expensive workout equipment or gym membership necessary!  Plus, the workouts, driven by “HIDT” research, which I’ll explain shortly can be done almost anywhere!How Is This Possible?In 1999, with funding from the American Heart Association, Dr. Glenn Gaesser (exercise physiology, Univ. of Virginia) conducted the first “Spark” study, designed to determine if many short bursts of exercise would have the same health and fitness benefits as the standard 30-40 minutes, three-times-a-week routine.The study followed 40 ordinary people for three weeks on a regimen of 15 ten-minute exercise units per week.The exercises included walking, weightlifting, stretching, and aerobic dancing.His study showed results in just three weeks:*10 to 15% improvement in aerobic fitness among middle-aged men and women; the equivalent fitness level of a person 10 to 15 years younger.*Increase in strength and muscular endurance from 40 to 100%, to the equivalent strength level of a person 20 years younger.*A 15-point drop in total cholesterol — even higher for high-risk participants.  A 1% reduction in cholesterol reduces heart disease risk by 3%.  This means that the average Spark study participant reduced their risk of heart disease by 20% — and those in the high-risk range reduced their risk by close to 40%!*LDL or “bad” cholesterol dropped 10 points in the group as a whole – and 29 points for those in the high-risk range. And everyone who started the study in the high-risk range got out of it!The Spark – The Revolutionary New Plan to Get Fit and Lose Weight – 10 Minutes at a Time, Dr. Glenn A. Gaesser, Karla Dougherty, January 2002.This short burst training approach is actually very simple. It doesn’t include any revolutionary exercises that no one has thought of before.You see, there is no special exercise, supplement, or dietary trick that will get you the results you’ve always wanted. It all starts with YOU.That’s why the secret to burning stubborn belly fat and building lean muscle all comes down to one simple phrase:Do a lot of work in a short amount of time.The power of this is called High Intensity Density Training (HIDT).That sounds really simple, doesn’t it? Yet time after time, I see people spending hours at the gym, simply wasting time.Whether it’s on the treadmill or elliptical machine, where the “number of calories burned” is so far off it’s funny. Or standing around “resting” between sets of an exercise, it all adds up.Instead they could follow a simple formula:    Perform Exercises that use Multiple Muscle Groups    High Intensity with Extremely Brief Rest Periods    Improving performance with every circuit


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