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Derek Vitalio – Blissnosis V.2

[2 PDFs]


Description have also included version 1 in this.I’ll Make This Easy… Try TheNew Blissnosis 2nd EditionBook at MY Risk     I KNOW that this book will change your relationships with women forever.  And I KNOW that this book is going to transform you from a “boy” to a MAN inside the bedroom and out.     I’m so sure that within the first year you’ll make back TWENTY TIMES what you put into it that I want you to try this book at MY risk.   Go through the book from beginning to end.  Use the materials ALL YOU WANT for up to 90 days.  You’ll see instant results.  And when you enjoy the book, it’s yours to keep.     If you decide it’s not for you, if your relationship life doesn’t dramatically improve, then I’m not doing my job.  Just return it within 90 days and you’ll be refunded 100% of your purchase, no questions asked.     There isn’t any way I can make this lower risk for you or more easy.    Blissnosis is yours for just one easy payment of $45.       After you click on the ORDER LINK below, you’ll go to a secure page where you can use a valid credit card, debit card or PayPal to order.     I’m really keen on having you develop the BEST sexual relationships you deserve and this book will dramatically improve your success. You OWE it to yourself not to be left behind.Here’s Just a Few of the ThingsYou’ll Learn In This Book:   * How to turn the shy, sexually inhibited girls as well as the “bitchy” Perfect 10s into your perfect sexual match.   * How 99% of guys who think they are being “the man” are actually making HUGE mistakes that they THINK are a good thing, but in reality are major relationship KILLERS (and if you don’t know what they are, there’s a good chance you’re making these mistakes)     .   * The common “relationship frame” that 99% of all men are completely unaware of- and tells a woman instantly whether or not you’re a “real man”.   * How you must reject and overcome the “bad programming” of society and enjoy the life you were meant to have… a life normally reserved for rock stars and celebrities     .   * Exactly WHAT to do to solve your sexual relationship problems without spending years and thousands of dollars in therapy     .   * How to leave the “boy” behind you and become a real MAN… so that you’re not always trying to “fix” situations with band-aids, but you get them handled right the first time.   * A secret way to “name” a woman that sends her into a highly sexual state up for anything immediately (this is definitely “cutting edge”… but it works!)   * Why 50% of married women – and even a greater percentage of “loyal” girlfriends – eventually cheat (and most likely this has happened to you too- even if you don’t know about)… and how you can prevent yourself from being the next casualty   * A “forbidden” move I use (this is POWERFUL and not to be used on women you intend to have a one-night stand with… this is ONLY for women you want to create a powerful attachment)     .   * How to be a MAN without being a “jerk” or “bad boy”- and without being a “nice guy” who never gets what he wants either     .   * We all have “out there” fantasies and women have them too- here’s how to get rid of your anxiety or embarrassment and actually LIVE out your fantasies in real life     .   * Why your woman will “mentally cheat” on you in bed as you make love with her- unless you apply this ONE technique.   * How to really act like a MAN in the bedroom and make her feel like she’s a real WOMAN with a real MAN… and not like a “nice guy” boy who bores women and leads them to cheat behind your back     .   * How the invisible “anchors” are almost certainly “cold showering” your sexual relationships- and what to do about them     .   * How to take a woman to a “forbidden” level of pleasure that is too EXTREME for normal society (and not appropriate to be discussed here in any detail)   * How to transform any attractive woman who, despite her looks, might not be your “best fit”, into your perfect sexual partner… so that every woman you’re with is a “Perfect 10” in the bedroom.   * The shocking statistics of what women claim they REALLY want… but in private NEVER tell their man.   * Hot to use glam cues to trigger off a woman’s sexual needs and desires- even if she’s “not in the mood right now”     .   * How to prevent “difficult” responses from women in the first place, and how to turn around a bad response from a woman into BROWNIE POINTS for yourself if it does happen (I personally use this all the time to eliminate any and all rejection)     .   * How to project a sexually confident energy and command of voice that women FEEL when you’re around them and make them OBEY your lead. You can use this inside or OUTSIDE the bedroom.   * How to sexually “take” your woman the way she longs to be… and set off that “I must have my man NOW” feeling inside her.   * How to bring your woman emotionally close to you (it’s too taboo – that’s right, taboo racy – to lay out here- this is not your typical “Oprah” advice)… so that she’ll never want to leave you.  And why most relationships FAIL because it’s not done.   * How to make a woman “let go” and fully surrender herself to you, and not just “on-the-surface-buddiness” as in most relationships     .   * How to stop “faking” and “posing” and acting like someone you’re not, and bring out your own unique identity so that women are in love with the REAL you     .   * Women’s single greatest fear about sex… and how you can make a woman feel excited and look forward to having sex with YOU.   * How to pull women into YOUR reality so that no matter how she’s feeling you can turn her around   * How to “talk” in the bedroom the RIGHT way using specific language structures (and why if you don’t do this nearly every woman will think you’re a DUD no matter how good your “techniques” are)   * The part of her mind NOT to engage under ANY circumstances or you WILL be rejected… and how to completely bypass it (I’ve screwed this up myself over a hundred times… and used to bang my head against the wall for this)     .   * Why ALL women lead “secret” lives… and how she’s not really the angel she claims to be (and why it’s in your best interest to know)     .   * A SURE-FIRE method to accelerate your woman’s sexual responsiveness anywhere or anytime you like- even on a date- so that she’s ready for “getting down” when you want (I use this technique all the time on virtually EVERY woman I meet)     .   * The brilliant “stack and escalate” method that causes her responsiveness to you increasingly strengthen every week     .   * How to “trigger” the female’s sexual drive and ramp her to whatever level you want to drive     .   * A fast and simple way to give your woman deeper mental orgasms without any complicated “physical techniques”     .   * How to become any woman’s “sexual trainer”… so that she performs better than ANY porn star… and have her EXPECTING you to teach her new things that she’ll want to try… without resistance!   * My favorite method for creating sexual anticipation right on the spot- even if you’re out in public with a woman so that as soon as you’re alone she will try to get YOU.   * The dominance-surrender dichotomy (and exactly how I exploit it) that most men don’t dare touch- but that women secretly hope you’ll accidentally “stumble on”   * A common trap that locks men into bad relationships… and that is surprisingly easy to turn around (once you get my method)     .   * Has your mind ever told you one thing, which you KNEW was right, but you did another? I show you how to fast and permanently BREAK FREE of stubborn limiting beliefs that have held you in a CAGE and SABOTAGED your sexual relationships     .   * How to install “open loops” to get your woman thinking about you even when you’re not around     .   * How the “nice guy” in the bedroom secretly turns women off… and how to play out the “bad boy” while still being “yourself”   * Why 99% of guys have the three “relationship frames” FAR out of balance- and why this almost ALWAYS causes women to break up with them.   * The fantasy ALL women have but are too embarrassed to admit to- and she’ll jump for joy when she finds out you know this one too…   * What to do if you go “too far” and how to handle virtually any “bad” situation before it gets worse- so that you come across as her hero     .   * How to overcome the old “trapped by the Matrix” frames holding you back and start making the right choices about women and your sexual relationships     .   * Why women’s REAL dreams are not for diamonds or fancy cars – but for her “to be a performer” and how you can make her deepest wish come true (if you don’t know exactly what I’m getting at, this is especially for you)     .   * How to tap into the unique “natural woman” inside of her and break her “inner” code… and be the only man who brings out the wild woman inside of her so that she’ll become yours FOREVER.   * Getting a woman to enthusiastically deep throat or get into threesomes with other girlfriends.   * And a BONUS: How to break into restricted, “secret society” sex parties attended by young, beautiful, sexually free women (complete with party PHOTOS and how to get in and act).What this Program Is…And Is NOT     I’ve wasted so much of my time running in circles in relationships gone awry- and unsatisfied sexually.  And the last thing I want is you to waste your time too.  I completely understand what its like to run the treadmill of life only to end up back at square one again and again.     That’s why the Blissnosis 2nd Edition program isn’t “fluff”.  That’s why I don’t do a lot of unnecessary blow-harding to fill up “space”.  This isn’t a “motivational program” to put you on a temporary high.  This isn’t a silly book of “10 funky hints”.  Nor is this about “tricking” a woman into anything.     In fact the course is intense, graphic, and revolutionary.  I cut through the issues DIRECTLY and turn the “conventional wisdom” and everything men have been duped into believing about sexual relationships right-side up.  I teach you all the beliefs and methods you need to get out of negative relationship patterns and start enjoying great sexual relationships right away.Why You Can Spend Your Whole LifeLooking and Not Find Any Other ProgramLike Blissnosis Out There     Of course, you can certainly find bits and pieces of “good advice” if you scour the internet and hundreds of bookstore shelves.  In fact, you’ll find a number of “experts” like Dr. Phil or Oprah who have some generally “safe” advice.     But the truth is that these “mainstream experts” come from a climate of sexual conservatism appealing mostly to middle-aged soccer moms … meaning things like be a super “nice guy” in bed is the answer to all problems.     But Blissnosis is NOT another cliché “how to please a woman in bed” or “how to improve your relationship” program.  I understand that sexual bliss doesn’t come from being a “nice guy”.  Everything in this program is NEW and will blow your mind.The Big Question is, is This theRight Program for You?     Let me say straight up that this course is NOT for everybody however.     If you’re satisfied with having “normal” relationships that most likely become sexually boring and eventually turn sour, then I can’t help you.     But let me ask you if any of the following apply to you.   * Do you ever feel you’re not living out the full potential of your sexual life- either because the woman you’re with doesn’t share the same sexual values as you, or because you can’t even sexually attract women in the first place?   * Are you tired of “chancing it” and want to transform your sexual relationships into ones of massive, reliable success?   * Does it ever feel like you’re losing sexual chemistry with your woman… that increasingly she’s not interested in you… or worse, you seem to have NO sexual chemistry with her or other women in general?   * Have you ever felt your woman feeling attraction to another guy (or maybe cheated)… and you lacked control of the situation?   * Have you ever felt guilty about your sexual fantasies or wandering eye… and that on some level you feel “trapped” in a relationship?   * Did you ever meet the girl you were looking for… only then to mess it all up?   * In the bedroom, do you ever feel shy or awkward about leading your woman… even if your natural instincts tell you it’s the right thing to do?   * Do you ever worry that she might be shocked or turned off by what you really want to do in the bedroom?   * Do you ever get nervous about advancing or initiating sex?   * Did you ever find yourself at a point of having great sex… only to be a disappointment?     Of course, you’re not alone.  I myself experienced a string of failures and I’ve had to overcome all of these problems too– the hard way.     But you don’t have to take it anymore.  It’s time to TAKE YOUR SEXUAL DESTINY BACK.     If even ONE of these limitations is holding you back or making your life less than its best, you need to listen to what I have to say and listen FAST- yes, it’s actually EASY to fix and I’ll show you how to overcome your insecurities by changing your entire frame.     Because when you have the confidence and correct the frame, you’ll come to understand that women want sex just as wild and passionately as we do- more so in fact.     In fact, by the time you’re finished this program, you’ll not only know the right moves to make, but you’ll know just how to make them.  And you’ll be handling your sexual relationships with FAR more success.     Better, once you tap into her mind on this level, no man will even have a chance with your woman.  No other man will be able to break the secret to her deepest depths since you’ll be touching her at a core, deep level.     And the best part is that women will LOVE you for it.Now in Electronic Formatfor INSTANT Access!    That’s right. You get the Blissnosis book right now by instant access from your computer for immediate results and backed by my 90-day guarantee.    Benefit #1 — There are no shipping costs involved in buying the electronic version!  Forget about those shipping and handling charges.    Benefit #2– Delivery is immediate.  Forget about taking the time to wait for your order in the mail.  You can simply download the book from the Internet and receive it immediately without any extra costs to you.    Benefit #3 — Privacy and Security.  You will receive your book discreetly via the internet just moments after you order.


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