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Derek Charlbois – Bulking for ectomorphs

Derek Charlbois – Bulking for ectomorphs.pdf [1 eBook – PDF]


It is easy to create a bulking program for someone who does not struggle to gainweight, but what about a program for a hard gainer? What bulking strategies should theyfollow? Do they need to eat or train differently than a mesomorph or an endomorph whogains weight more easily? The answer is “yes” due to physiological and metabolicdifferences between these three phenotypes.The simplistic distinction between the three different phenotypes when it comes tobody composition changes is:• Ectomorph—naturally skinny and has a hard time gaining weight (both muscleand fat).• Mesomorph—naturally built and has the tendency to gain both weight easy butcan also lose weight fairly easy.• Endomorph—naturally heavy and has an easy time gaining weight (more so fatthan muscle) and a hard time losing it.In most cases, mesomorphs and endomorphs need to eat less food than an ectomorph inorder to gain weight.I would like to point out that I do not like the term “bulking diet.” Somebodybuilders feel that they need to eat everything in sight to gain weight while “bulking.”I do not agree with that approach. Instead I prefer to call a diet geared towards gainingmuscle a “lean mass” diet. One’s body weight can be divided into two basic groups, fatmass and lean mass. Fat mass includes one’s body fat stores (adipose tissue) while leanmass includes skeletal muscle, bone, and other organs. The goal is to gain lean mass andnot fat mass.When a bodybuilder eats a hypercaloric diet, their goal is not just to gain weight,which could be both fat and lean mass, but rather to gain LEAN MASS. The strategiesoutlined in this book will help ectomorphs gain lean mas, not fat. The strategies in thisbook are specifically developed for ectomorphs who are having trouble gaining weight. Itcan be very frustrating to train hard and eat right and not progress. Perhaps the biggestroadblock to growing for ectomorhs is getting enough calories. This book will outlinestrategies to get enough calories for ectomorphs to GROW. This book will also give youthe recipe to a great, affordable, homemade meal replacement shake as well as outline apost-workout shake that is guaranteed to help you add quality mass.If you have been struggling to gain weight and you feel like all is lost, this bookcould be just the solution. Hard gainers have no fear! It’s time to gain some muscle!


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