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Dennis Heenan – Daily Shred Diet –

Dennis Heenan – Daily Shred Diet
[10 eBooks – PDF]

Description… Discover The One MAJOR Flaw All Nutrition Programs Have – And Why It Is The Reason Less Than 20% Of People Who Diet Actually See ResultsPlus, A Simple “No-Fluff” 9-Page Report That Can Help You Shed Up To 22 Pounds Of Body Fat In Just 30 Short Days… Without EVER Counting A Single Calorie!From the Desk of Dennis HeenanCreator of The Daily Shred DietDear Friend,Have you ever wondered if there was a “secret formula” to burning fat fast?Why you are not losing weight even though you are “eating healthy”?If so, you are in the right place…Because what you are about to find out is how ONE powerful 9-Page “No-Fluff” report can help you lose up to .03 pounds of fat PER HOUR for the next 30 straight days.In this short article that you are reading right now, I’m going to reveal to you the number one problem you are facing that is not allowing your body to burn fat the way you want…And I am going to provide you with the most simple, yet powerful fat burning method available so that you can move your fat burning levels into “total annihilation mode.”This is NOT your typical diet. In fact, you will never count or restrict calories, nor will you ever have to starve yourself to get the rapid fat burning results you want.See, that is the problem with most fat loss programs… they require far too much work… including counting calories, measuring food, and drastic restriction… leaving you hungry, irritable, and low on energy. Not to mention the planning and preparation while reading through hundreds of pages of “fluff” just to make the report “look” more valuable.What’s worse, is when you eat this way, you are actually creating a “fat-storing environment”. When you don’t give your body the fuel it needs, your metabolism slows, causing a major halt in your fat burning… and what ends up happening is you actually start storing the foods you eat as FAT.MadnessYou’re here because in your gut, you know there’s a better way…LISTEN: You can learn how to SPEED UP your fat burning on an hourly basis and totally transform your body… to the point where you are easily melting away unwanted body fat while still maintaining your SEXY, lean muscle.Of the many nutrition plans on the market, there is one MAJOR flaw all of them have…Today’s nutrition programs are way too complicated, time consuming, and overly strict… and they are actually KEEPING YOU from ever getting your dream bodyAre you familiar with the term ‘calorie deficit’ or ‘crash dieting’? Do you truly believe that counting calories and drastically cutting calories is the answer to rapid fat loss (like most programs teach)?nocountThink again.Imagine for a second, someone that you know (maybe even yourself) who went on some kind of crash diet that required endless counting and restricting calories… Now tell me: What kind of results did they see? I’ll guess you said “not the best,” And you would be correct.Sure, these individuals may have lost weight, yet they didn’t lose FAT.Big difference.Crash diets actually ENCOURAGE your body to lose muscle and water weight while only losing a tiny bit of fat…According to Doctor Bryant A. Stamford, “early in a crash diet, approximately 70% of weight loss is muscle and water.”Think about that for a second… More than two thirds of the weight you lose from crash dieting comes from your hard earned muscle or is water weight…Crash and low calorie diets trigger what is called the starvation protection mechanism, which tells the body to PROTECT your fat cells and instead use lean muscle tissue to keep you functioning.See, your body is threatened by low calorie diets. When you go on a very strict low calorie diet, your body actually starts to believe that it is starving.Now because of our body’s brilliance, it starts using its primal survival system that evolved thousands of years ago to defend against starvation during times of famine.With your body feeling threatened by the low amount of calories you are feeding it, your leptin levels (a hormone that controls stored body fat) decreases causing your body to shut down its ability to burn fat so that it can preserve it as energy (not good…).eattostayleanWhat’s worse, is the more calories you cut out… The more fat you start storing… And the longer this continues, the worse things get…Your metabolism slows, you lose more lean muscle, store more fat, and get less and less healthy…See, your body literally HATES crash diets. It’s like not feeding water to a plant… It starts to wither… as will your body when you don’t feed it properly.What may be even more shocking, is statistics show that even though participants may lose weight (muscle and water) from crash diets, 90% of them end up gaining back the weight they lost, or worse… end up putting on MORE weight than before…Why? When you start eating normally again, your body will start storing those nutrients in your fat cells for later use. Since fat is the bodies longest lasting source of energy, the body feels the need to store it just in case another famine (or crash diet) comes. This means that your fat cells may be increasing in size in order to store more food rather than getting smaller so you can burn more fat… It’s a cycle you do not and your body does NOT want to get into…LISTEN: People just like you have been misled and lied to by personal trainers, nutritionists, doctors, and magazines for years. You have probably been led to believe that you have to keep your diet low fat, low carb, and under 1200-1500 calories in order to lose weight and get ripped fast… when what you really need to do is MANIPULATE your calories using a very targeted and planned method of eating.Calorie Counting and Restriction Is BANNED Forever!In 26 years, I have never counted a calorie… (and I am still easily able to sport six-pack abs year round)… nor have I ever had a client of mine count calories in the last 7 years of coaching… and they see more results using my system than any other they have tried.It’s “secret” is its simplicity. There is no FLUFF.Before we move on… Let me just say this:Your lack of fat burning is NOT your fault!Statistics tell us that only 20% of people who diet actually see any kind results (and often times they are very little). What’s worse, is some experts believe that only 2% of the population can see their abs… which means that 80-98% of people who diet are doing it ALL WRONG.I believe that if you are on a diet, you should not only be getting more healthy…shredpicYou should ALSO be seeing consistent visible results.Think about it… What is the point of dieting if you are just miserable the whole time, aren’t seeing any changes in the mirror, and are constantly lacking energy?…Trust me… There is a better way. The picture to the right is one I just took while writing this… ————>No tan, so “dieting down”, or some “dehydration” method… I easily stay this way year round while enjoying TONS of great food.And here’s the best part… YOU can get and KEEP those same results.Here’s my problem with the majority of the diet and nutrition industry… They WANT you to fail. Why do you think over 45 million Americans start a diet plan each year, yet only a fraction of them actually see any kind of results? It’s simple really… If you get healthy and see results, these huge weight loss corporations lose a customer… That’s why the majority of the nutrition plans on the market fall under one of two categories:“Don’t Work” or “Too Much Work.”Almost every diet plan on the market either requires some kind of drastic calories cutting (which by now we know does NOT work) or is so overly complicated and strict, requiring hours of preparation and work that it causes 99.9% of people who start it to quit… To be completely honest… It’s no wonder 98% of diets on the market fail… This is the exact reason I prefer something else…Your Answer Is Found Within The Daily Shred DietstayshreddedThere is a reason that simplicity works… And works very well.Here’s the thing… I have spent YEARS studying, testing, altering, cutting down and compiling the perfect nutrition plan with the USER in mind.Because let’s be completely honest here… No matter how great a nutrition plan is, if it’s complicated or too restricting, all you are going to do is quit or be incredibly frustrated with your results…Before going any further, let me point this out: Just because something is simple, it does NOT mean that it is easy. Burning fat takes hard work and dedication… Although the Daily Shred Diet is simple, it does take hard work.Now there’s good news to this, too: “Hard” does not mean complicated. “Hard” does not mean time consuming. And “Hard” does not mean minimal results.I am a firm believer in the saying “hard work pays off”, so in creating this system, I put that definition to good use… with YOU in mind!Finally A Solution That WorksThe Daily Shred Diet is compiled of two different, yet very powerful techniques that are the reason your body will start eliminating fat at ultra-fast speeds, immediately. Let me tell you about these two techniques… tmp-NEW-191013-gW2iJZpHw5krzaXNMacro-Nutrient Manipulation- As I am sure you know, your body responds differently to different foods.For example, your body’s response to protein is completely different than your body’s response to carbohydrates.This is VERY important to understand when it comes to burning fat fast. Within the Daily Shred Diet, I will teach you exactly what you need to know so you can maximize every single nutrient that goes into your body so that you can burn the most fat.Within Macro-Nutrient Manipulation comes our next simple and powerful technique…Cycle Sequencing- This is the stage where you learn how to take Macro-Nutrient Manipulation and cycle it properly for fastest results.Just like your body responds differently to different macronutrients, it also responds differently at different times during the day. For example, your body responds better to carbohydrates immediately after a workout rather than first thing in the morning.During Cycle Sequencing, I teach you exactly how to cycle your foods so your body NEVER stops burning fat from the moment you start the program.And it get’s even better… Because of the way you use the manipulation and sequencing techniques, after the first 4-days of cycling your metabolism will be completely reset and primed to burn massive amounts of fat.In fact, within the first week you can lose 5, 6, or even 8 pounds of fat… And that’s just after 7 days! And your results only continue to get better after each cycle… Just know THIS…These No-Fluff, Simple Techniques For Lightening Fast Fat Burning Are Really Hard To Finddsdgirl2Unless you have scoured, tested, and tweaked every nutrition approach for the last several years like I have, you simply cannot find this anywhere on the Internet aside from on this page.Yes, you can find similar approaches. However, there will be nothing as simple as this…The system is already created FOR you. It’s already been tried, tested, and tweaked by myself and many of my clients. And finally, it has been put into the most simple and powerful no-fluff report on the Internet today… that will have you getting started in under 10-minutes.It’s really up to you… You can either get the powerful 9-Page PDF I have put together for you or continue to be frustrated by the long, overcomplicated, and confusing plans that are on the market…Just take a look at what real users had to say about the simple Daily Shred Diet… Jason Takes SHREDDED To The Next Levelweb10“In a nutshell, the Daily Shred Diet principles helped me feed my body the correct macronutrients daily in order to maximize fat loss and muscle retention through the process of “leaning out.”With some intense circuit training, HIIT sessions and soccer games, I was able to go from 10.0% body fat in March to 4.0% body fat on July 3rd. I saw an average of 1.5% body fat burned each month like clockwork. It will take dedication to get there, but once you do, you’ll be happy you did!The Daily Shred Diet is very simple. You don’t have to count your macros to do it, and you will see great results.I would recommend the Daily Shred Diet to anyone! If your goal is to maintain your muscle and burn fat, try it! If your goal is just simply to burn fat, try it! If for no other reason, try out the Daily Shred Diet to become acquainted with macros (macro-nutrition). It’s an eye opening experience when you realize how much can change when you feed your body right!”-Jason, Costa Mesa, CABryan Lost 22 Pounds in 30 Days!Bryan before and AfterAfter 7 days: “Although I miss pizza and beer, I definitely do not miss the 8 pounds that I lost. Wahoo!”Half way: “I weighed in at 162 lbs today, giving my weight loss a total of 13 lbs so far!”Final: “Day one I weighed in at 175 lbs. Day 30 I weighed in at 153 lbs. I stepped on the scale five times because I thought it was broken! 22 lbs! You may not be able to use my testimonial because NO ONE WILL BELIEVE THIS IS REAL. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of this with you!”-Bryan, Roseville, MNGarrett Is Well On His Way To Seeing His Abs!Garrett Before and After“The Daily Shred Diet has been great! The diet is very easy to follow, and I never once found myself hungry looking for a snack.It was nice not having to count calories, only making sure I was eating the right foods on the right days. The results I’ve seen from this program have been incredible.I keep getting compliments from family and friends about how good I look. A few of them have even asked if they can start working out with me! I can confidently say that I am in the best shape of my life, and I can’t wait to see how much further I can go.”-Garrett, Minneapolis, MNLee Torched Bodyfat And Was Finally Able To See Her Abs!photo 2“The Daily Shred Diet is by far the most INCREDIBLE program I have ever done!Dennis Heenan is passionate about fitness and it shows through his energy and enthusiasm. Each workout is extremely challenging, creative and most importantly FUN!Constant contact makes it possible to keep me motivated all the way in Sydney Australia to push my perceived limits to get amazing results.Dennis places a high value on the importance the right nutrition and I have learnt so many important things that was blocking me from achieving what I have achieved now with the Daily Shred Diet in such a short period of time! No more long boring sessions on the treadmill.With the Daily Shred Diet training, I have incredible energy, my balance & flexibility have improved immensely and I’ve got new muscles!  If you are serious about changing your life for the better you NEED Dennis Heenan and his incredible Daily Shred Diet!”-Lee Cazzolli, Sydney, AustraliaTarin Lost 10 Pounds And Feels Healthier Than Evertarin transformI LOVE the Daily Shred Diet! By eating the right foods and completing specialized workouts my body was burning fat faster than ever before! The best part is that I was actually eating way more food than I usually do!I lost 10lbs in 30 days and felt healthier than ever. I received so many compliments on my body, and how healthy my skin looked. DSD is so easy to follow and you don’t have to starve to get results. I recommend this to anyone who wants to feel and look better!”-Tarin, Kingsburg, CADave SHREDDING Fat!Dave transform“The Daily Shred Diet is the easiest, fastest working nutrition plan I have ever tried.It’s really what allowed me to take my body to the next level and start burning fat at super fast speeds.It’s simple to follow and allows you to eat a lot of food (which I love!).Combined it with workouts, and you have one deadly one-two punch!Thanks again Dennis. You’re the man, bro!”Dave, Costa Mesa, CAListen, I know this all sounds so incredibly simple… and it is.See, you may be confused when it comes to what to eat, when to eat, and how to eat in order for the most rapid fat loss to occur.There are far too many overcomplicated diets out there. And nutrition plans that add in all this extra fluff and non-sense just to “fill space.”I am telling you right now, you won’t find that on the Daily Shred Diet. As I like to say: Providing the simple, provides the results.Everything you need to know about burning fat fast has been condensed down into this simple 9-page handbook:DSD CompleteComponent 1: The Nutrition Manual ($97 Value) nutritionDSDThis is the complete, most powerful 9-page manual on the Internet. It covers everything you need to know including what to eat, when to eat, how to eat, FAQ’s, and more… You may be thinking, “that’s it?” and that is exactly what I want you to say. After one-week you will be coming back with your amazing results understanding exactly why it is so simple…Not only that – I know the importance of workouts when it comes to burning fat incredibly fast (I mean I have been called the ‘Clark Kent of the Fitness Industry’ before). So you will also be getting…Component 2: The Training Manual ($97 Value)trainingDSD The Daily Shred Training Manual comes with 30 full days of workouts – the exact workouts that allowed one client to lose 22 pounds of fat in 30 days.These workouts are 100% bodyweight and can be done in under 25 minutes. As I like to say, your diet burns the fat and your workouts SPEED UP the process. The workouts in this manual will do that for you.PLUS, the importance of coaching and instruction cannot be overlooked. That’s why I decided to put together a 4-part video coaching series for you so that you can see accelerated results as you go through the program.Included inside will be…Component 3: Video Coaching ($127 Value)coachingDSD In a series of 4 videos I walk you through what a typical day looks like on the Daily Shred Diet plan, exactly how you should start, preparation, and more.This will save you loads of time and give you a perfect understanding of what you should be doing.To make things even EASIER… I have decided to include THREE bonuses to help make things even simpler for you:Grocery Lists: ($27 Value)groceryDSDShopping can be confusing when looking for healthy foods for the first time. This no-fluff shopping list will keep on the straight and arrow when purchasing the best fat burning foods.This report can be easily printed off and kept with you as you shop each week.What you will notice is how simple shopping can be while still being able to eat all the delicious foods you love.Component 5: 90-Minute Per Week Meal Prep ($47 Value)90minDSD In this unique report, I will show you exactly how to cook ALL your meals for the week in under 90-minutes.Plus, you will discover my “no-cook” method for making meals throughout the week and how to spend just 2-3 minutes in the morning preparing a delicious fat burning breakfast.This is a HUGE time saver and something that will set you up for great success each week.Component 6: Progress Charts ($47 Value)progressDSD As you go through the program, you will be able to cross off each day you are on and see yourself moving closer to your goals each step of the way.  These progress charts were requested by many and have been a huge tool for helping people stay on track. Get out your big red marker and get ready to SEE your progress!This is the same step-by-step nutrition approach I personally used to drop to 5% body fat for my wedding day… and it’s the same system that allowed one of my clients to drop 22 pounds of fat in just 30 days… And another client to drop to as low as 4% body fat… There Is Power In SimplicityDon’t be fooled by how simple this method looks. As was said earlier, there is immense power in simplicity.I have taken everything I have learned, studied, and tested over the last several years and condensed it down into one insanely powerful system so that you can reshape your physique and get shredded once and for all.So please: DO NOT be fooled by thinking the Daily Shred Diet is “too” simple to work… Just DO IT! It will work for you, guaranteed.But let me warn you… This is definitely not for everyone.If you think “simple” means “NO hard work” or “quick fix” or “magic pill”, this is not for you.The truth is, although the Daily Shred Diet is simple, it takes some hard work on your part to get the kind of results you are looking for.And here’s the thing… Over and over clients email me telling me about their amazing transformations and fat loss results, and they continue getting better and better results just by following this system. If it can work for them, it can most definitely work for you.Why Just $27I wanted to make this offer a no-brainer for anyone looking to transform their physique and change the way they look forever… I don’t want to beat around the bush here… I’ve been straight with you this entire time so why stop now?I’ve decided on the price of ONE payment of $27, plain and simple, and it includes everything you need to get started today. No need for another nutrition book or diet plan or nutritionist, because the program has you covered step-by-step in the most straight to the point, no-fluff 9-page program.All you need is hard work and dedication to make it happen… Make up your mind and go after it!


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