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Dejan aka Zebra-T21C2010

[1 MP4]



Dejan’s aka Zebra involvement with The 21 Convention started out as that of an attendee in July of 2007. Through a week long workshop Anthony Johnson was hosting at the time, Dejan and Anthony became friends. Despite living half way across the world in Sweden, Dejan and Anthony spoke frequently over the following year.Mid way through that year it became apparent to Anthony that Dejan’s proper role at The 21 Convention 2008 was not that of an attendee, but that of a speaker.Dejan aka Zebra accepted the speaking invitation, and went on to give a phenomenal speech that year.Come late 2009, Anthony decided it was time to expand The 21 Convention to Europe. Being Anthony’s most trusted contact in Europe, and living in Stockholm at the time, it was a natural choice for the first ever T21C Europe.In his own words, Anthony Johnson has stated that“Dejan was the key to Europe. Without him, it is unlikely The 21 Convention would have ever landed in Europe. For this I thank him. And for this — as the expression of a deeper understanding Dejan possesses, at such a young age — his thoughts should be heard, applied, and respected to the highest degree. He is wise beyond his years


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