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David X – The Rules Explained

David X – The Rules Explained [Audio]
[2 DVD – Chaptered MP3]



Ok,guys, I could have not bothered with this at all, but I did this to bring the highest quality to uploads on the site. And it would be nice if others could do this too The audio has been ripped from the Chapters of the discs, i.e. no manual random cutting was involved. For this each chapter was split up, i.e. separate vobs created for each. I had already done this when attempting the different ripping methods. Then from each set of vobs, project files were made, the audio demuxed, decompressed to 44.1khz .wav, and finally compressed using EAC and Lame. To add to that the files have been renamed as  per actual chapter titles. The ID3 tags have been updated too.In this way you have proper chaptered audio, and the filenaming will make sense, regardless of whether you play on pc or portable audio players.Enjoy the work that has gone into this.David X – The Rules Explainedyet another exclusiveDavid X – The Rules Explained:This is the result of the GB here:’s the sales letter from David X’s new website:Dear Friend,I’m glad that you’re reading this page right now because I am ready to release one of the most important products that anybody looking to improve their love life needs. In December of 2008, I flew to Germany and gave a very successful seminar.  In it, I thoroughly explained my 2 rules in such a way that ANY MAN can experience a profound paradigm shift and starting getting women, because that’s the name of the game.I, David X, am giving YOU the opportunity to learn exactly what those students learned that day.  At the end, students came up to me and expressed their gratitude for having been taught so many profound lessons about women and how to handle them.You see, my system comes down to 2 simple rules, not 200.  I am going to go against my marketing adviser’s advice and tell you what my 2 rules are RIGHT NOW:  1. Who cares what she thinks  2. You are the most important person in the relationshipThat’s it!  It’s that simple.  However, my experience as a dating coach has shown me that just because I tell guys what the 2 rules are, they “brush it off” because they don’t believe that it can be that simple.  Most men think like this: “Only 2 rules?  That’s impossible!  It must be more complicated.”Unless they talk to me personally or study one or more of my products, they believe it is impossible.  Once I have the opportunity to explain it in more detail, countless students have adopted my system and achieved “off the charts” results with women.This is why I have decided to release the footage from the 2008 Germany seminar on a double DVD.  It is my chance to make guys understand WHY my 2 rule system is everything that they need to become successful with women. My system is so simple that I have a hard time even calling it a “system.” 2 rules, not 200.  Are you familiar with the following thoughts?   * “Just 2 rules?  Come on… there has to be more to this system!”   * “What about what she’s thinking of me?”   * “I have purchased seduction courses before and achieved little or no success.  Why would this be ANY different from the rest?”   * “I have purchased very costly seminars before where the instructors told me to act like a jackass and dress like a fruit to get attention from a woman.  This feels very unnatural to me, but I just don’t know what else to do.”   * “I am completely frustrated with women.”   * “I feel anger towards women for the way they treat me.”   *  “The harder I try, the less progress I make.”   * “I can talk to a man without problems.  But when I speak to a beautiful woman, I go gaga.”   * “I have difficulty approaching women.”   * “I feel like I run out of gas shortly after meeting a woman.”   * “I know I am being manipulated, but I just don’t know what to do about it.”I am going to tell you something you have never heard. You don’t need me!  In fact, I’m not going to tell you anything that you don’t already know.   If you could walk out the door of your home right now and only follow Rule #1 and Rule #2, I would bet my life that you would be getting laid within hours.  A lot of guys have a major transition issue.  They have been taught to lie to women or try to trick them into “putting out.”   In my experience as a dating coach, the guys who have the most difficulty with my 2 rules are the ones who have spent a lot of money buying products from other “gurus” who don’t actually know what they are talking about. Here I am telling guys to be honest with women and not to give a shit what they think.  I can’t blame them for getting nervous because it runs counter to what they believe is necessary to attract a woman and get laid.“If you keep doing what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten.”The only question is:  Are you ready to try something NEW?I have heard some crazy stories of the over-complicated systems out there.  I could see them for myself but I would rather sit on my “lazy-boy” eating a muffin than waste my time listening to that crap.Whenever I give seminars to men, EVERY SINGLE FEAR THEY HAVE COMES DOWN TO A VIOLATION OF MY 2 RULES, NO EXCEPTIONS.  If you try to think for a woman, YOU’RE SCREWED.  If you know that you’re going to be wrong, why would you do it?  That’s why it is important to think for you, not for her.  You’re not being manipulative or degrading by being this way.  Think of it this way:When you go to Starbucks to get a cup of coffee, do you care what the person behind the counter thinks of your order?  OF COURSE NOT!  The only thing you’re thinking about is what kind of coffee you want.  You couldn’t give 2 shits about what they think of your order! Now, please explain to me HOW that can possibly be manipulative or degrading?  All you’re doing is focusing on what YOU want. At this point, I want to congratulate you!  Why?You know how to think for yourself!  You do it more than you realize!  However, when you’re talking to a woman, you stop doing what’s working!  Why?In this seminar, I SHOW YOU how the 2 rules apply to every possible interaction you could ever have with a woman and WHY they will give you the success you have always wanted.If you have heard me speak on interviews or seen me at previous seminars, everything that I teach comes from my own personal experience, not just a re-hash of what another seduction community “guru” teaches in their e-book or on a DVD product. I had the good fortune of “getting my cherry popped” at a very young age.  Also, I didn’t get married until the age of 45.  That means that I was a VERY horny man who was getting loads of pussy for DECADES before settling down!  I have always loved women, I have always loved romancing women, and I have always loved fucking women! Can a 25 year old boot camp instructor possibly have my experience?  FUCK NO!My experience counts for a lot!  My goal is to take YEARS off of your learning curve and kick-start you in the right direction.  However, preparation can only take you so far… eventually you need to take a leap of faith.  Take what I am teaching you and apply it in the real world and you will be astounded with the results that you get.Promise me something before you purchase this product.  When you realize how easy getting women really is, I want you to find a way to kick your own ass.  How many times have you screwed things up simply by over-complicating things?Anybody can over-complicate something.  In fact, I could hire an engineer to write a 90 page e-book on how to ride a bicycle. He could write about all of the different balancing aspects and techniques.  It wouldn’t be very difficult.  I could even throw in some confusing diagram of a guy on a bike to REALLY mix things up.Do you see where I am going with this?  Making it complicated is easy… making it simple takes balls.I want you to ask yourself the following questions:“How bad do I want to master this area of my life?”“Am I willing to stop settling for less than I know I’m worth?”I hope you responded favorably to the aforementioned questions.  Imagine how good you would feel knowing that you could get any woman you want.  This is your chance to finally get the results you have always been after without needing to follow a super complicated system.However, if you decide that you would like to suck with women for the rest of your life, navigate away from this page, find an internet porno site and rub one out.  Or, cut your dick off and join a monastery because you won’t need it anymore!Disclaimer: I do not condone self-castration.  It is simply an expression.I feel that it is my responsibility to let you know up front that during the seminar, we had a few audio problems that we absolutely could not fix.  We tried everything under the sun to fix them, but we were unsuccessful.  This only happened in a couple of places, so the rest of the seminar sounds fantastic.GB contributers will be whitelisted shortly.


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