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David Tian – Limitless 2.0 Week 3

Limitless Week 3
[Webrip – 9 MP4s, 7 PDFs, 1 txt]



***** Exclusive *****Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping elib awesome!This exclusive material was brought to you by the participants of the David Tian – Limitless 2.0This GB is OPENGB Thread: 3: Masculine Magnetism In Attraction — Using the 80/20 Rule to Get Permanent Results with Women• I know you’ve heard that women go for “confident” men… but did you know that it’s possible to attract a woman with your confidence ALONE? Here’s a step-by-step formula for becoming one of those rare men who attracts stunningly beautiful women with CHARISMA and POWER instead of “techniques” and “lines.”• The qualities women are genetically pre-programmed to look for in a man… and how to convey to a woman that YOU possess these qualities when you first meet her (Show her just a few of these powerful traits and she’ll realize instantly that you’re a “catch” that she shouldn’t pass up…)• Every single thing you do or say can either increase or decrease attraction… learn how to always increase attraction and make the most of every communication, action, gesture, and situation• How to use your BODY and VOICE to “signal” a woman’s sexual selection mechanism so she always feels that you are her “type”… even if she has never been attracted to a man like you before• A body language secret that you can use to communicate MASCULINE POWER and SEXUAL ENERGY simply by WALKING• A “secret signal” rock stars send with their body language that makes women crazy for them… and not just during or after a show… this works even if the woman has NO CLUE who they are! (And YES… YOU can use it too)Overview: In this Module, we cover…• The Mindset Hack that’s necessary for getting people to respect you and girls to work for you: The Screening frame• The Mindset Hack that’s required for attracting women effortlessly and naturally and for bending subjective reality to your will: The Abundance Mindset• The Real (Unsexy) Secret to Getting Good (at anything) Fast and Permanently: Habits and Identity• The Insider’s Secret to Dominating in Life and with Women: Focus and Flow• How to be Happy, Get the Girls, and Kick Ass in Life: Flow and Identity• Social Confidence and Overcoming Approach Anxiety• Opening and Approaching


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