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David Shade – Inner Circle, Dec 2008

David Shade – Inner Circle, Dec 2008
[1 CD – 9 MP3s]



David Shade’s Inner Circle Interview, Dec 2008 with Heather ClausDavid Shade wrote:December 28, 2008Inside The (highly erotic) Mind of a WomanFor most men, women seem like a mystery.  A very difficult puzzle to solve.  Especially when it comes to sexuality and relationships.And women can’t tell you what they secretly wish you knew about female sexuality, because it would violate the unspoken rules.  Even worse… she could get labeled a slut.So how can you find out what really goes on inside the mind of a woman?  Glad you asked.  You see, It’s my job to make that happen.  Just like it’s my job to notice things about what really works to give women pleasure.But let me tell you, it isn’t easy to find women who will talk openly.  And I can’t blame them, because our society spends years teaching them NOT to talk openly about sexuality.  Just like it teaches men not to reveal their feelings.So when I make that rare find…I get pretty damn excited!And I’m excited now because I’m going to introduce you to a fascinating woman I’ve become friends with, and along the way, you are going to learn something of almost priceless value which, to my knowledge, has never been revealed before.Do I have your attention?Awesome!Now check this out…My new friend has a very unique talent.  (It’s not what you are thinking.)  You see, as she likes to say “she can not remember a time when she wasn’t curious about sex.”This curiosity was enhanced when her mother gave her erotic books at a young age.  But unlike young boys… who prefer to look at pictures… she was attracted to the stories.It wasn’t long before she realized she wanted to write erotic stories one day.  And now she is famous for her published Erotica online, having written over 1000 stories in the last five years!In case you don’t get why this is important… think about it this way…. a woman who writes erotica is already sharing her thoughts about what it’s like to be sexual.   In fact, she goes to places in her writing even men would be embarrassed to admit.She has no problems speaking bluntly about sexuality!In addition to her erotic stories, as you might guess… she enjoys sex.  And much like myself, researches it regularly. (We have had much to talk about!)Just who is this women I’ve been raving about? I’m glad you asked.Her name is Heather Claus, or as she’s known to the world as erotic fiction writer Nookie Notes. She is “The Queen Of Erotica” with her own blog at EroticaChallenge.She also researches love, romance, and the communication between the sexes.  And she has a wealth of insights to offer such as these gems offered up during a recent interview”Women are VERY sexual creatures… just not in ways most men understand””Women often take the first step (towards sex), but rarely escalate. The man must be observant and communicate””Women will tell you every step of the way what to do… IF… you are paying attention!”Now if you just stopped reading right here and absorbed this wisdom, you’d be light years ahead of most guys when it comes to sexuality and relationships.  Let me translate it a bit for you1.  Change your belief about women not being sexual.  You’re only making it harder for yourself (and for the women too). 2.  She’ll give you a signal she wants you, but it will be so subtle 999 guys in 1000 will miss it.  Yet, any woman could spot it across a dimly lit crowded nightclub, and realize another guy blew it. 3.  Once you start getting intimate she’ll give you everything you need to seduce her, but you’ll miss it if you don’t put your focus on her.  (In california-speak they would say “get out of your own head”) Make no mistake, she just obliterated a big chunk of the troubles men have with women in 3 simple statements.Are you with me here?Good!Because here’s one more for you…  I’m telling you now this one will save your ass.  In all my conversations with women I’ve never heard this admitted before, so…stop…Get something to write with, and make sure you note this one.ready?Here goes… Heather said, and I quote:”A woman can FORGIVE a lot in a relationship if the sex is REALLY good!”This is pure gold!  Freaking genius!  And it explains sooooo much I’ve been teaching you.But even more important it means, when you know how to give a woman incredible pleasure, using all the techniques you have learned from me…  she’ll forgive all the dumb guy-mistakes we ALL make.It’s like being a Masterful Lover is your get-out-of-jail-free card.  (or maybe more accurately, your get out of the doghouse card).You did wrote that down, right?And this is just the tip of the iceberg we covered in two different hour long interviews Heather did with me.And now you can hear her answer the kind of revealing questions guys have always wanted to ask a woman, answered in explicit detail!And any one of these ‘women’s secrets’ she divulged could easily double your success both in and out of the bedroom:•  3 little known reasons why a woman won’t get “perverse & kinky” with her man! •  The importance of “Sexual Surprise”… and … how to use it to keep your woman humming with anticipation! •  Why if she respects you, a woman would rather die than have sex on the first date! •  A sneaky but ethical technique for getting your woman to let her “inner perv” out! •  7 major arousal-killing mistakes men make… way before getting near the bedroom! •  Why “sexual danger” is so exhilarating! (this one will blow your mind) •  Relationship magic that will put you light years ahead of other guys! •  A secret technique for getting a woman “exceedingly turned on”! •  The single biggest mistake guys make when receiving pleasure… and… how to avoid it! (it’s a HUGE turn off for her) •  3 things that make bedroom play “Delicious & Necessary”! •  How to virtually guarantee an exciting relationship… and non-stop arousal! •  What key ingredients separate ‘winners’ from ‘losers’! (hint: size & duration do NOT matter) •  How to prevent yourself from missing a woman’s subtle sexual messages (this little technique can save you hours of frustration) •  Why you can never let her know she turns you on too often! •  The best way to take the ‘fear’ out of new & kinky play you want her to engage in! Well that’s just a small portion of the rarely heard women’s secrets you will learn when you hear this recorded interview.  But let me forewarn you… this interview is blunt and to the point. But don’t let that scare you off.  You need this kind of hard-nosed info, it’s not a luxury.  If you truly want to be a Masterful Lover, this kind of information is imperative!This interview is so good, I wanted to release it to my e-zine subscribers for free, but my business manager Craig told me — No Way David!He said, while a good percentage of the guys appreciate all the valuable information I share with them every month, and would actually DO SOMETHING with what they learned… There is another percentage who won’t even bother to listen to the entire recording.He said these are the types of people who complain that all I ever do is sell them more stuff.  They look at my information as a cost, not an investment.Unfortunately, I Had To Agree With Him!In fact, the stuff I share for free is light-years beyond what you can find anywhere else.  I just had a guy send me a raving thank you letter for changing his life with women, and ALL he used was what he learned from my blog!My business manager said, “if someone is too cheap to pony up at least a few bucks for this gem of an interview, they shouldn’t have it.” Who am I to argue?  This is the man who has built my business from a hobby to reaching hundreds of thousands of men and women in 28 countries around the globe.Happy New Year and give women incredible pleasure!


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