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David Hawkins – Devotional Non Duality Video Lectures (Part 1)

David Hawkins-Devotional Nonduality Part 1
[DVDRip – 12 AVIs, 3 PDFs, 1 JPG]


David R. Hawkins – Devotional Non-Duality Part 14 Video Lectures, February-June 2005, Sedona, Arizona (DVD rips)Lecture 1: Vision (3 DVD’s) – February 2005In this lecture, Dr. Hawkins addresses the differences between content and context; how things occur in our lives; the ego; and witnessing. He explains the purpose and characteristics of meditation and the somewhat dualistic nature of it.He talks about the emotions that exist above and below 200, the state of bliss, the awareness of one’s existence, the linear and the nonlinear realities, how truth threatens that which is false, and why we cannot hate the ego. He explains how we pick up the energy of a field when we identify with it and what happens after that.He says that those listening to the lecture are picking up the energy of truth and sending it out to the world because they are destined to be enlightened. We have the choice to curse or thank God as we are shown the karma from previous lives. He explains the state of being a witness.Dr. Hawkins gives a new perspective to alcoholism and how it can be a pathway to an advanced state of consciousness. He addresses the concept of cause and effect vs. concordance. We are pulled toward enlightenment for we are destined to experience it.At the end of the lecture, Dr Hawkins answers questions from the audience.Lecture 2: Alignment (3 DVD’s) – April 2005Dr. Hawkins explains that everything is spontaneously being what it is and that nothing is causing anything. He talks about the pathway of negation and the Void, and goes into detail about karmic inheritance and how it affects our lives.Of great benefit is the information he supplies about relationships and the levels upon which they may exist, including the qualities of horizontal and vertical relationships (i.e., alignment vs. involvement).He goes into detail about the ego, how it loves suffering, loss, hatred, and even grieving, and the “juice” it gets out of that. We learn why it is so difficult to get out of that negativity and addiction to it. He then states that we have only one problem preventing us from reaching enlightenment and talks about the tenacity of the ego and why it is so hard to transcend it.Dr. Hawkins informs us about guilt, hate, and anxiety and that people hold on to those emotions because of the payoff. He states that there is really only one way out of the hold the ego has on us. He addresses humility, using kinesiology to determine what makes us go “weak” and to avoid it.The value and method of surrender is presented in detail. He talks about the joy of our own existence and how it plays out in our lives, along with spirituality and the world of the nonlinear.He goes into further detail about the qualities of aligned relationships and the power of spiritual alignment. He explains why this world offers maximum karmic opportunity. He reveals the source of joy and why the ego itself cannot transcend to a state of enlightenment. He elaborates on an understanding of the ego, its positionalities, and why renouncing the experience of its “juice” is beneficial.Dr. Hawkins tells us about the experiencer and what it does to make us feel alive. He then talks about Love as a quality of Divinity.At the end of the lecture, he answers questions from the audience regarding challenges that come up on the spiritual path, karmic blockages, the availability of spiritual growth opportunities, suffering to achieve spiritual growth, and kinesiology.Lecture 3: Intention (3 DVD’s) – May 2005What you hold in mind tends to manifest. The effect of intention depends on the consciousness level. Choice is your intention, which is a way of saying where you are in the field. The power of intention is an effect of the field. Spiritual intention attracts higher energy fields which are experienced as grace.Becoming is the process whereby potentiality becomes actuality when the conditions are appropriate. One condition that comes up is intention. Potentiality doesn’t become an actuality until you add the ingredient of intention. The minute you add intention, that potentiality blossoms forth as an actuality. All it was waiting for is your Okay.Everything happens spontaneously of its own as a consequence of potentiality emerging as actuality. So you don’t see change. What you see is emergence.  Phenomena come and go as potentiality becomes actuality when local conditions are favorable. With intention we can influence potentiality manifesting as actuality. The mere intention to progress in one’s level of consciousness, to become more and more spiritually evolved is already very powerful. In respect to the power of intention, what about the consciousness level of the observer? Could be that some people‘s consciousness level is not sufficiently strong to very seriously effect the outcome. However other people’s consciousness level is very powerful and they could profoundly effect outcomes.At the end of the lecture, Dr Hawkins answers questions from the audience.Lecture 4: Transcending Barriers (3 DVD’s) – June 2005Dr. Hawkins begins by stating he is presenting spiritual truth within a new context for the modern world in order to validate it. He asks of what relevance to today’s world is what happened 2,000 years ago when people’s lives were quite different from those of today. He shares how consciousness research creates a context that is comprehensible to modern man.Next, Dr. Hawkins explains where Truth lies, how it is not subject to error, and why it is the Absolute. He reveals that it was mind boggling to discover that everything that ever was, anything from the past or present, can be accessed at this moment in time – all exists completely everywhere all the time. He then presents the concepts of content and context. With this and more, he explains how the book Power vs. Force came into existence.He then describes how consciousness is independent of the body; the differences between near-death and out-of-body experiences; and how Truth appears differently at each level of conscious awareness. He further describes the Map of Consciousness and the characteristics of its various levels. He talks about karma, the “meaning” of something, consequences, and how to use the method of kinesiology to find out what is for one’s highest good in any situation.He explains why the world did not self-destruct eons ago, and why it is not doing so now; why this is a world of maximum karmic opportunity and how we can benefit; and about being responsible for our actions and how to evolve beyond them. He tells us that the animal kingdom is a wonderful example of evolution and why.Dr. Hawkins then discusses spiritual commitment, intention, and their relationship to enlightenment; love versus logic; and the development and existence of an etheric brain. He introduces the concept of the payoff (the “juice”) that keeps us stuck at a certain level of consciousness. The only reason we stick with something negative is due to the “juice,” and our addiction to it. He reveals the way out in detail.We learn how to do an honest self-inventory, and that we do not have to change others, just ourselves, in order to experience the world and people differently. We see how the ego keeps itself alive and why. Dr. Hawkins shares how to bring in the Kundalini energy and what effect it has in our lives.He presents the dualities of Guilt and Hate, how we get stuck in them, and how to work our way out. He discusses the role of fear in our lives, names the basic fears, and teaches us how to surrender them. He emphasizes the process of constant surrendering to God and the benefits that arise from that. Dr. Hawkins also states that God does not intervene unless asked. He then discusses the justice of God; why we procrastinate; the role intention plays in transformation; and the source of devotion.The presentation concludes with questions from the audience that bring further clarification on the subjects presented during the lecture and in the book, Power vs. Force.VIDEO INFOInput Type : DIVX(GVC)Input Size : 704 x 480Output Type : YUY2Output Size : 704 x 480frameRate(frame/sec) : 0.00 (29.97)AUDIO INFOSampleRate(Sample/sec) : 48000BitRate(Bit/sample) : 16Channels : 2KBitRate(KBit/sec) : 128Dr. David R. HawkinsBIOGRAPHYSir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. is a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, and lecturer. He co-authored the ground-breaking work, Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, that helped revolutionize psychiatry. His national television appearances include The MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour, The Barbara Walters Show, and The Today Show. Winner of the Huxley Award, knighted by the Sovereign Order of the Hospitaliers of St. John of Jerusalem, nominated for the Templeton Prize and honored in the East with the title “Tae Ryoung Sun Kak Tosa” (Foremost Teacher of the Way to Enlightenment), Dr. Hawkins’ honors are vast. His background is detailed in Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in the World, and his work has been acclaimed by many world leaders and Nobelists, including Mother Teresa.Dr. Hawkins has lectured at the University of Argentina; Notre Dame, Stanford, and Harvard Universities; Westminster Abbey; and the Oxford Forum. In addition, he has been an advisor to Catholic, Protestant, and Buddhist monasteries. He has conferred with foreign governments on international diplomacy and has been instrumental in resolving long-standing conflicts that were major threats to world peace. He is the author of the best-selling trilogy, Power vs. Force (published in 17 languages), The Eye of the I, and I: Reality and Subjectivity, and four additional books, including Truth vs. Falsehood, Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, Discovery of the Presence of God and Spirituality and Modern Man.SPIRITUAL BIOGRAPHYDr. Hawkins is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher, author, and speaker on the subject of advanced spiritual states, consciousness research, and the Realization of the Presence of God as Self.His published works, as well as recorded lectures, have been widely recognized as unique in that a very advanced state of spiritual awareness occurred in an individual with a scientific and clinical background who was later able to verbalize and explain the unusual phenomenon in a manner that is clear and comprehensible. This has provided spiritual seekers around the world with a level of spiritual comprehension never before experienced.The transition from the normal ego state of mind to its elimination by the Presence is described in the trilogy Power versus Force (1995), which won praise even from Mother Teresa; The Eye of the I (2001); and I: Reality and Subjectivity (2003), which have been translated and are available worldwide in foreign editions. Reviews (such as those on the Internet at have awarded the works with five stars.The trilogy was preceded by research on the Nature of Consciousness and published as the doctoral dissertation, Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis and Calibration of the Levels of Consciousness (1995), which correlated the seemingly disparate domains of science and spirituality. This was accomplished by the major discovery of a technique that, for the first time in human history, demonstrated a means to discern truth from falsehood.The importance of the initial work was given recognition by its very favorable and extensive review in Brain/Mind Bulletin and at later presentations such as the International Conference on Science and Consciousness. Many presentations were given to a variety of organizations, spiritual conferences, church groups, nuns, and monks, both nationally and in foreign countries, including the Oxford Forum. In the Far East, Dr. Hawkins is a recognized “Teacher of the Way to Enlightenment.” (Tae Ryoung Sun Kak Dosa”)In response to his observation that much spiritual truth has been misunderstood over the ages due to lack of explanation, Dr. Hawkins presented monthly seminars and provided detailed explanations that are too lengthy to describe in book format. Recordings are available, along with questions and answers that provide additional clarification.The overall design of this lifetime work is to recontextualize the human experience in terms of the evolution of consciousness and to integrate a comprehension of both mind and spirit as expressions of the innate Divinity that is the substrate and ongoing source of life and Existence. This dedication is signified by the statement “Gloria in Excelsis Deo!” with which his published works begin and end. The authenticity of his state of advanced spiritual awareness is further corroborated by the unique experiences and shifts of consciousness noted by attendees when being in Dr. Hawkins’ presence. His Love of mankind shines forth, allowing those in his presence to experience their own inner joy and well-being. this uploadSince the complete set of the 10 Video Lectures by Dr Hawkins about Devotional Non-Duality is huge (29 GB), I decided to upload it in three parts to facilitate seeding. If there is interest for this first upload I will complete this monumental task with the 2 remaining parts.Thanks and credits to the initial ripper for the patience s/he had to offer us this invaluable set of knowledge.ENJOY  


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