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David Friedman – The Thought Exchange – Practical Method of Moving Beyond Positive Thinking

The Thought Exchange.mp4
[1 DVD – Rip]



Sales page: of “The Thought Exchange – Practical Method of Moving Beyond Positive Thinking””Our thoughts create our reality; What we think appears before us in the world; Change your thoughts and you change your life” We all know this, Why don’t we do it? The Thought Exchange is a simple yet profound way of looking at the world, that allows us to understand and experience the truth about who we really are, where we really live, what we really want, and how to have that all the time.Thought Exchange is a simple yet profound way of looking at the world, that allows us to understand and experience the truth about who we really are, where we really live, what we really want, and how to have that all the time.We do not live in the physical world! Where we really live is in the invisible world of experience. It is in this world, and only in this world, that we have infinite possibilities, and are safe and at peace at all times. As long as we don’t realize that this is the world in which we truly live, not only does nothing in metaphysics make any sense, but no matter what we do, what methods we use, what systems we follow, we will not achieve what it is we truly want.ReviewsA thought provoking experience!, 28 April 2012Author: barrykerry from New York, United StatesI loved this film! There are so many pieces of media out in the world that try to convince us what is the ‘right’ way to live our lives it is hard to know where to turn and who to follow at times. The Thought Exchange film showed me that there is a simple (yet profound) way of looking at the world, that allows us to understand and experience the truth about who we really are, where we really live, what we really want, and how to have that all the time. It is not rocket science, but a journey that perhaps you have begun many times, only to get lost, frustrated or sidetracked along the way. I found the way the film was cut and produced made it very easy to follow, and the cast involved were always clear and concise and I was able to understand their messages easily. Without giving away anything about this film, I simply have to say you must see it, for it has opened my eyes to a world full of sensational living, and I hope it does for other film watchers too!Better than the Secret, 18 August 2012Author: Stephanie Edwards from United StatesI really enjoyed this film. David Friedman explains why we never stay with “positive thinking” methods and always come back to our old thoughts. The concepts behind sensations is brilliant. Wonder why more people don’t talk about it. As for the film itself it is beautifully done, the director managed to take a 500 page book and squeeze it into an hour and a half film – which is not an easy thing to do. I watched the film after reading the book in my local book club, and if you are as addicted to self-help books and seminars as I am you will LOVE this film. In addition to sensations, it talks about the fact that we live in an invisible world, and that the results we see in front of us are not “attracted” to us, but rather noticed by us, its a brilliant film! Overall, recommended film for the whole family (except for one expletive in the film, watch out moms).


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