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David DeAngelo – Interviews with Dating Gurus: Sean Newman of Pickup 101 (February 2007)

David DeAngelo – Sean Newman Interview (February 2007)
[1 CD – MP3]



Let’s talk about how to make a great FIRSTIMPRESSION with a woman…   I’ve found that there are 3 keys to approachinga woman and sparking her attraction for you withinthe first few minutes of meeting her.   They are:1. Being CONFIDENT   A woman can “sense” confidence much like theway a dog can sense fear.   Ask any woman and she will tell you that thereis something about a man who is confident andcomfortable in his own skin that is IRRESISTABLYattractive… and something FAR MORE intriguingabout these types of men then there is about guywho is simply physically attractive.2. Being DIFFERENT   I don’t need to tell you that attractive womenget approached by DOZENS of men… often in asingle day.   Fortunately 99% of these men do the EXACT samethings… and get rejected almost immediately.   This is great news for YOU… because when youdo something DIFFERENT you will instantly grab herattention and peak her curiosity… simply becauseyou stand out from the pack of unoriginal losersshe is used to meeting.3. Knowing What To Do Next   After you approach a woman and grab herattention, it is CRITICAL that you know what to doNEXT to keep things going in the right direction.   SHE certainly isn’t going to help you… so ifyou don’t know how to keep the conversation goingand take things to the next level, you are boundto end up in an awkward moment that makes her feeluncomfortable with you… and ruins all of thegood things you have done up to that point.   Nod your head if this has ever happened toyou…   It’s easy to see how critical the above 3things are to approaching a woman successfully andsparking her interest and ATTRACTION for you.   But actually DOING THEM can be easier said thandone… especially when you are trying to figureit all out on your own.   Fortunately that doesn’t have to be the casefor YOU…   I just finished up a KILLER interview with aguy who is one of the best I’ve ever met atapproaching a woman and making a fantastic firstimpression with her.   But unlike some of the other guys I’veinterviewed in the past, this man is no “natural”.He’s a regular guy… just like me and you.   Growing up, he could never figure out why womenweren’t interested in him.   And get this:   As a teen he got the crazy idea that if womenthought he was really intelligent they would beimpressed and attracted to him…   He decided to spend an entire summer reading aDICTIONARY… and learning big words he thoughtwomen would find impressive.   Needless to say, it didn’t work.   It wasn’t until just recently that thingsfinally began to click for him… and now he isUNSTOPPABLE.   He’s approached HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS ofwomen… and has figured out how to spark awoman’s interest in him in MINUTES… nearly everytime.   These days he is part of a company that takesguys out “in the field” and shows them how toapproach women LIVE and in-person.   It’s one of the only companies that Ipersonally recommend for in-the-field coaching,and one of the very best.   As expected, the secrets he shared in ourinterview are going to BLOW YOUR MIND.   Here are just a few:-A simple “in the field” trick to boost yourconfidence and completely ELIMINATE anynervousness you feel when you see a woman you wantto meet (Using this trick, even my friend’s mostnervous students are able to walk up to anattractive woman and start a conversation withher… the very FIRST time they try!)-3 secret spots to meet women that are much, MUCHbetter than nightclubs… ESPECIALLY if you wantto meet someone who is “girlfriend material” withnearly ZERO risk of rejection-A simple line to use to meet a woman at a grocerystore that works in almost any situation… andwill often even lead to a date with her THAT NIGHT(Women LOVE this one because it is totallyORIGINAL)-A BRAND NEW way to start a conversation with awoman that works nearly every time in nearly EVERYsituation (Chances are this will become your “fallback” line from now on)-What to say to a woman when you RUN OUT of thingsto say (Here’s an easy way to “save” yourself ifyou ever find yourself at a loss for words thatgets things back on track IMMEDIATELY and makesher feel MORE ATTRACTED to you at the same time)-A simple psychological trick to make a woman wantto begin FLIRTING with you instead of havingboring “casual” conversation (Use this one to takethings to a “sexual” level within MINUTES ofmeeting her)-How to turn any nervous energy you have aroundmeeting a woman into ADRENALINE that pumps you upwith a contagious excitement that women FEEL whenyou approach them-How to tell a story in a way that gets a womancaptivated with your personality… so she becomeseager to hear more of what YOU have to say insteadof running off with her friends-How to create an intense feeling of CONNECTIONwith a woman during your very first conversationwith her (This strategy is used by psychologiststo get their patients to open up to themquickly… she’ll feel like the two of you haveknown each other forever even if you’ve just met)-A type of tee shirt that gets women to approachYOU… and also makes them MUCH less likely toreject you when you are the one making the firstmove-And much, much more…   As you can see… this interview was KILLER.   If you have ANY hesitation or problems aroundapproaching women and starting conversations…chances are the exact thing you need to learn totake your game to the next level is in here.   When you have the ability to approach a womanyou’ve never met before and not only start aconversation with her… but actually get herinterested and ATTRACTED to you… your life willsuddenly get VERY exciting…   Don’t be surprised if you find yourself pumpedup to hit one of the secret spots my friend shareswith you IMMEDIATELY after you go through thisinterview… you’ll be able to use thesetechniques IMMEDIATELY… and you’ll see resultsRIGHT AWAY.


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