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David Deangelo – Interviews with Dating Gurus – Adam Armstrong (DEC 2006)

David DeAngelo – Adam Armstrong Interview
[CD Rip]



Edit: This is DD’s friend Richard that is going by the pen name Adam Armstrong for his weight loss book.  You may remember him from the Cocky Comedy series.  This is the email from DeAngelo to get subscribers for the interview series.While there is no “magic bullet” out there thatwill turn you from dud to stud with women overnight, if there is something that comes close,it would have to be the skill of COCKY COMEDY.   It’s no coincidence that almost every guy whois a “natural” at meeting women is a MASTER ofCocky Comedy (whether he knows it by name or not).   There’s just something magical aboutcommunicating in this way… it says all of the right things about you… and lets a woman know INSTANTLY that you are funny, confident… and a “catch”.   The best part?   It’s the one skill that any guy can start usingIMMEDIATELY to increase his success with women…even if he’s never been great with women in thepast… and… even if he isn’t all that great at Cocky Comedy itself.   Huh?   Let me explain…   One of the great things about Cocky Comedy is that you can start using it by simply learning a few proven “lines”… then getting out there andtrying them out.   It’s a great way to practice… and as you knowif you’ve tested out some of the lines I’ve shared with you in my materials… you will see INSTANT RESULTS.   And of course… the results you get will be even better if the lines you are using are DAMNGOOD.   So… where can you get some of these awesomelines to get you started?   I’m glad you asked…     I just finished up an AMAZING, “tell all” interview with a friend of mine who is THE BEST I’ve ever heard at using the skill of Cocky Comedyto attract women.   Now… in the last 10 years of mastering thisarea of my life for myself and helping other menbecome more successful with women, I’ve met a lotof guys who are experts at using this skill to meet and date the sexiest women around…   But… NONE—not even ONE—as good as thisguy.   No B.S.   I’m fortunate to have him as one of my best friends… and I find myself stealing lines fromhim on an almost daily basis.   He recently took the stage at my “Cocky Comedy”Program and quite literally “stole the show”…   After a standing ovation in which I had to get on the mic and say, “ok, ok that’s enough” to get it to end, my friend walked off the stage… onlyto be bombarded by more sausage than Jimmy Dean as nearly every guy in the audience swarmed around him to pick his brain for more…   Hey, I couldn’t blame them. The guy is good.   So good in fact… that over the years, most ofMY best Cocky Comedy lines have come from him.   Yes, I confess… even many that you may have heard in my programs.   But what’s really amazing about my friend is that he wasn’t always good at attracting women…   Truth be told, he was far from it…   My friend was overweight for most of his life,never got girls in grade school, and had to overcome some very serious “inner game” issues onhis way to success.   There was a time when he believed in his corethat he just wasn’t attractive to women, and itwasn’t easy for him to overcome it.   In our interview, you’ll learn the tactics he used to defeat the limiting beliefs that had been ingrained in his self-image from a young age… and how YOU can do the same if you have any internal obstacles that are holding YOU back fromsuccess.   You’ll also learn how my friend was able to lose over 100 lbs in just one year… and most importantly, the mental strategies he used to keepit off that YOU can use to keep yourself on the FAST TRACK to success with women.   And as if that weren’t enough… my friend wasalso generous enough to share 7 of his BRAND NEW, word-for-word Cocky Comedy lines that you can start using IMMEDIATELY…   Each one of these lines is truly a work of art,and I can’t believe he shared them (but… I’mglad he did…)   To give you a little “sneak peak”, I’ll shareone with you now…   If my friend is hanging out with a woman and she asks him if something she is wearing looks bad… or if she asks him: “Do I look fat in these pants?”he’ll reply, “Only if you have sight…”   Priceless.   And get this… that was probably the WORST of the lines he shared…   Each one is a GEM that… if you’re smart … you’ll use with every woman you meet from now on for the rest of your life, seriously.   Here are just a few more of the powerfulsecrets he shared:-How to overcome and PERMANENTLY CONQUER any “perceived limitation” or “secret excuse” that isholding you back from being TRULY SUCCESSFUL withwomen (If you feel that you are unattractive to women because of your looks, financial status, background, or any other “excuse” you have made upfor yourself, my friend will show you how to KICKYOUR EXCUSE TO THE CURB and replace your insecurity with a powerful confidence that women notice. Use this “real world” tactic to do it FAST… you’ll find no psychological “mumbo jumbo”here)-The ESSENTIAL Inner Game – My friend will spell out the internal factors you MUST have in order tomake women WANT YOU… and show you how to create a specific game plan for yourself to strengthen these areas FAST-The 5 things ALL true “naturals”, as well as guyswho have taught themselves to be great with women,do AUTOMATICALLY (Internalize just these 5 beliefsand you won’t ever have to worry about using”techniques” to attract women again)-What to do when you get shot down to actually BOOST your confidence and learn from theexperience (This simple tactic will cut the amountof time it takes you to learn to become successfulwith women IN HALF)-A simple shift in mindset that will make women who would normally REJECT you not only be open toconversation to you… but actually FEEL ATTRACTION for you within MINUTES of meeting them -A 15-minute “Mastery Course” in Cocky Comedy (AsI mentioned my friend is the KING of this skill and in this section you’ll learn the exact stepsit takes to master it in NO TIME flat… even if you’ve never been much of a “joker” in the past)-A simple thing to do when you get in the car witha woman that makes her see you as MANLY and IN CHARGE-How to create your own magic “plan” for everysituation you are in with a woman BEFORE you getin it (Do this “homework” first and you’ll know exactly what to do in every situation you encounter to MAKE HER WANT YOU)-2 surefire ways to spark up a conversation with acashier-The big mistake guys make when using cocky Comedythat forces them to FAIL no matter how good the”line” they say is (If you’ve tried out Cocky Comedy but have had less than stellar results, I can practically Guarantee that you are making thisdeadly mistake)-How to “ease into” Cocky Comedy – Use this simplefix if you are experiencing the problem of coming off as too much of a “jerk” to women-How you MUST use Cocky Comedy DIFFERENTLY when dealing with different types of women (From the girl next door to the girl that can’t walk out of her door without getting swarmed by men… my friend explains it ALL…)-An AWESOME line to use on a waitress that will spark a fun, flirty conversation with even the most stand-offish of women (This one is so good you’ll use it every time you are in a restaurant. Hint: It works especially well with those HOT bartenders that get hit on all the time)-A great Cocky & Funny line to use at an “awkward”point in a conversation to get things back on track-A way to strike up a conversation with a woman who is in line that works every time (You’re going to want to hit the mall immediately after you hearthis one)-ANOTHER great way to make fun of a woman’s clothing (Even funnier than the one I shared withyou earlier!)-A hilarious way to tease her about her MUSIC-How to use Cocky Comedy to meet tons of women ONLINE (My friend will show you how to “break through” to the women who are getting hundreds ofemails a day and stand out as the ONLY one she wants to talk to)-An email to send a woman who DOESN’T write you back that all but FORCES her to respond-The Myers-Briggs Personality Test… For Dummies (My friend breaks down the mystery of this powerful psychological tool and shows you how to identify EXACTLY what kind of woman you are dealing with in the first 5 minutes of meeting her in person… or simply by reading her profile online… and use this information to figure outthe BEST way to make her want you. This part ofthe interview alone is PRICELESS…)-And much, much more…


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