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Danielle Rama-Hoffman – Divine2Divine Conversations

Divine2divine conversations
[ WEBRIP (24 MP3s)]



Divine2Divine Conversationsby Danielle Rama-Hoffman Rama Hoffman is a divine transmitter and scribe of ancient and innovative wisdom for the purpose of elevating consciousness and inspiring personal growth. She is a leader in the shift into unity consciousness, living from joy, purpose and prosperity as divine creator beings.Danielle supports spirit centered light -workers, visionaries, coaches and personal growth enthusiasts to access their inner divinity so they can confidently share their purpose and unique contribution prosperously (unencumbered by fear, shame or doubt) and manifest the life they desire. She is the award winning author of The Tablets of Light, The Council of Light and The Temples of Light, creator of best-selling, life changing divinely guided programs such as Divine Light Activation and Thoth’s Magic Academy.Thoth, the Egyptian God of infinite wisdom, architecture, scribe and keeper of the Akashic Records is Danielle’s business partner, friend and co-facilitator of Divine Transmissions offerings, programs and products. Connecting directly with Thoth is an opportunity to access your inner wisdom, infinite possibilities and to become who it is that you are designed to be, fully realized and Divine.Divine2Divine Conversations are 24  multidimensional  conversations between Danielle/Thoth and  other channellers:1- Danielle Rama- Hoffman channelling Thoth Conversations between Danielle/Thoth and 23 other channellers:2 – Veronica/Elohim3 – Gene Ang – Arcturians4 – Serge Grandbois – Kris5 – Eugenia Oganova – Solar Council6 – Omaji – The Council of Light7 – Ana-La-Rai – Alchemy Collective8 – Karen Neumann – Theos9 – Susie Beiler – Prime Creator10 – Shaun Swanson – Ishuwa11 – Suzanne Lie – Arcturians12 – Laura Bushnell – Divine Mother13 – Aleya Dao – Light Language14 – Jules Apollo – Isis15 – SanRa – The Lemurian Council16 – Camilla Kumara – Star Beings17 – James Dempsey, Liz Tobin – Council of Elohim18 – Aureya Magdalen – Anna, Grandmotherof Jesus19 – David Rosenthal – Archie &the Dolphin Council20 -Gabrielle Spencer – metatron21 –  Grace Cavanaugh – Osairah Council22 –  – Saryon Michael White – Master Kuthumi & Saint Germain23 – Rob Gauthier –  Aridif24 –  Danielle Gibbons – Mother Mary


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